Friday in Farmington…
Dear Mom and Dad,
Incase you forgot what my eyelashes look like, Nana got a photo so you can practically count them…
I spent the day in Farmington today, visiting my GG-ma and Papa Alan. Aunt Audrey and Uncle Mel, stopped their entire day, just to come and see me… it was so nice. I was very good on my field trip and we had a dinner with Poppy and all my Aunts at a fun place that fits us all soooo good. My Aunts had FLAMING CHEESE, and I had my usual, Nutramagen which was delish! I may be looking a little wide eyed here,
But, incase you were not fully aware, I am not the only thing being baby sat here at Camp Nana…. thankfully I am the only princess, but there are several PETS running the circus….. Nana has had Mr. Bauer at camp since Uncle Nick departed for the South Pacific…. and Mr. Bauer, while being very cool, is on a strict schedule so that Nana doesn’t make him FAT while Uncle Nick is away. She also posts for Uncle Nick on Flickr. Keeping him up to speed with things back at Camp Nana, and not only does she post my love letters, but his flickr photos. She has posted the change from summer to fall for Uncle Nick and from Fall to Winter, and today…WE WENT TOGETHER on our field trip to take photos of what is happening in Michigan this first day of May.
While spring has been here … in the Mitten State as elsewhere since March 21rst… the snow and ice, and hail have jaded me on what SPRING meant… today however, there are signs of spring everywhere and Nana has the photos to post for Uncle Nick. I helped her out getting them since we do most everything together. Really though mom did you know about this pet zoo thing… three dogs (uh does it still count as a dog if it is the size of a small pony?YEAH I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU MR GRIFF- WHAT EVER YOU ARE), four cats, four Aunts, soon one Uncle, and certainly – last but not least ONE PRINCESS… how do we spell CRAZY again…can anyone out there GIVE ME A “N” , GIVE ME AN “A” , GIVE ME A ‘N’ .GIVE ME AN ‘A’ …. what does it spell CRAZY… So today I had a break from what we should no longer call CAMP NANA, and now call either Zoo Nana, or ‘Habitat for all things any time any place… any kind of critter’… which while not as simple and easy to remember as CAMP NANA, is by far the most accurate title. Hey Nana…. how about a group shot with all of us in the photo… let’s see if you really have what it takes… all of us here at camp, all smiling, all with our eyes open, and in one shot… okay maybe three tries… what do you say.. you up to the challenge?
Clearly this challenge may take a while since Uncle Nick is not due back for a bit yet… but it should be a riot/zoo trying to make it happen… LOL!
Tomorrow is clean the subdivision day, and two Aunts were assigned to that duty… I still fall under the choreless princess clause in my camp contract… so I am golden… I will try though to have photos for your enjoyment of the Aunties laboring during spring cleanup! Until then, as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,