Friday in Farmington…

Up close and personal... get a good look at your little princess, I am still so sweet and so adorable, Nana can' stop with the close up pictures...

Dear Mom and Dad,

Incase you forgot what my eyelashes look like, Nana got a photo so you can practically count them…

I am a bit tired, but still... have the brightest blue eyes ever...

I spent the day in Farmington today, visiting my GG-ma and Papa Alan.   Aunt Audrey and Uncle Mel, stopped their entire day, just to come and see me… it was so nice.   I was very good on my field trip and we had a dinner with Poppy and all my Aunts at a fun place that fits us all soooo good.   My Aunts had FLAMING CHEESE, and I had my usual, Nutramagen which was delish!   I may be looking a little wide eyed here,

INCASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW, CAMP NANA = ZOO... WAY TOO MANY PET THINGS HERE...thankfully only one princess...

But, incase you were not fully aware, I am not the only thing being baby sat here at Camp Nana…. thankfully I am the only princess, but there are several PETS running the circus….. Nana  has had Mr. Bauer at camp since Uncle Nick departed for the South Pacific…. and Mr. Bauer, while being very cool, is on a strict schedule so that Nana doesn’t make him FAT  while Uncle Nick is away.    She also posts for Uncle Nick on Flickr.   Keeping him up to speed with things back at Camp Nana, and not only does she post my love letters, but his flickr photos.    She has posted the change from summer to fall for Uncle Nick and from Fall to Winter, and today…WE WENT TOGETHER on our field trip to take photos of what is happening in Michigan this first day of May.  


While spring has been here … in the Mitten State as elsewhere since March 21rst… the snow and ice, and hail have jaded me on what SPRING meant… today however, there are signs of spring everywhere and Nana has the photos to post for Uncle Nick.   I helped her out getting them since we do most everything together.   Really though mom did you know about this pet zoo thing… three dogs  (uh does it still count as a dog if it is the size of a small pony?YEAH I AM TALKING  ABOUT YOU MR GRIFF- WHAT EVER YOU ARE), four cats, four Aunts, soon one Uncle, and certainly –  last but not least ONE PRINCESS… how do we spell  CRAZY again…can anyone out there   GIVE ME A “N”  , GIVE ME  AN “A” , GIVE   ME  A ‘N’ .GIVE ME AN ‘A’ ….  what does it spell CRAZY…   So today I had a break from what we should no longer call CAMP NANA, and now call either Zoo Nana, or ‘Habitat for all things any time any place… any kind of critter’…   which while not as simple and easy to remember as CAMP NANA, is by far the most accurate title.   Hey Nana…. how about a group shot with all of us in the photo… let’s see if you really have what it takes… all of us here at camp, all smiling, all with our eyes open, and in one shot… okay maybe three tries… what do you say.. you up to the challenge?

Clearly this challenge may take a while since Uncle Nick is not due back for a bit yet… but  it should be a riot/zoo trying to make it happen… LOL! 

Tomorrow is clean the subdivision day, and two Aunts were assigned to that duty… I still fall under the choreless princess clause in my camp contract… so I am golden… I will try though to have photos for your enjoyment of the Aunties laboring during spring cleanup!  Until then, as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Such a face!


Kisses, Kisses and more Kisses … will Nana ever stop?

Loving putting everything in my mouth....

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sitting here... just waiting for someone to pick me  up and LOVE ON ME!You know it is Thursday here, and you know what that means, Great Aunt Pam, is supposed to come visit after putting in a full week already, and having spend endless hours babysitting children, caring and helping them grow, well she then comes all the way to us, which means for her to travel quite a ways to come and care for me, and help me grow… and she does this because why?   I know, it must be my princess charm… but since she has a wedding she is going to, she is coming on Saturday or Sunday this week, and last week Nana had to get an MRI, so  I MISS YOU AUNT PAM, AND WE WILL SPEND TIME THIS WEEKEND PRINCESS BONDING.

Nana says, not to get to full of myself, but  my Great Grandma Sally always says, if you got it flaunt it… and well, I definately have it goin’ on… at least with Nana, she seems to not be able to stop kissing and hugging on me.  Nana claims it’s always for someone else… you know, she first kisses me about a hundred times and says, those kisses are from Mommy, and then pulls the same trick and says, oh and those are from Daddy.   I swear she it’s all the California fam, the Mimi, Poppa and Aunt Nori and cuz’s there, then hits Texas, with Aunt Sam and Cody.   She flips over to Washington and hits on Great Grandma Sally, and Grumpy… flies over the USA to PA and hits Grandmonster out there… GEEZ LOUISE… does Nana know someone in all the states?   Sure seems like it… I hardly get any hand sucking time in, she is so busy kissing or hugging and CLAIMING its for somebody not here where they can have at me… and EVEN THEN, she slips in several for people that I do get to see, JUST NOT EVERY DAY!   

Who would travel so far just to see this face....HMMMM EVERYONE WHO KNOWS ME!

Me and my friend QUACKERS So here I am, focused in for my brief time out from kissing and hugging to sit with my friend Quackers…

I am pretty intense when I am learning.  And every second I am learning something.

Nana is reading to me already… silly huh, but she says, she doesn’t know for a fact that it helps me learn, but she figures, it just can’t hurt.  And let’s face it she’s a total cheeseball.

I have more photos for you and daddy today, and I hope that they make you smile to see me… I am being so very good, and Nana is loving being able to make camp fun… she says the best things in life are hidden in some of the tough things we go through… sounds VERY OLD doesn’t it.    She says, that is allowed since she is now a GRANDMOTHER! But she is sure that everyone has rough patches in the road they travel, but it is not about the rough patches but instead about what we find along the way –  some gift, or memory, something that we get to keep and hold on to.    She says, I won’t remember a speck of this time we are having together, so she is writing down a special story for me… not just by sending you my love letters, but she says, she has MY WHOLE STORY for me in a grown up version… that I will be able to keep.  How I came to be here, and where I am from?  

I am a muncher...

 She says, really those are things for me to figure out…and seems to think I will all in my own time,  but she still has all kinds of stories that have led to where we are right now… putting it all down for me to read when I am grown.  You will get to see it on a different page of my website.   Not Love Letters to Mom and Dad, but the in story that is ours and ours alone.   See if you can find it… she says, her and poppy have had a real love story going on…and it will be going on long after she is not here anymore… because of  Uncle Nick, you, Aunt Mikayla, Aunt Alyx, Aunt Allyssa and Aunt Arrianna and now ME!

My eyes are so blue, and my tongue, well it never stops....

So… Mom and Dad… I am happy to report another week is almost over and we are working towards a goal…. just like everyone in this house it seems… All my aunts working towards getting the degrees they want, and you and dad working towards goals… Nana says, this is what life is… one set of goals set, and reached, just in time to begin a new set…

My new objective for next week…see how many kisses Nana plants on me… if I guess correctly…. I win a million bucks and we all retire from our jobs, except me of course, I will stay a princess…and I will always be your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

This is my serious face...




Little Miss Serious…





My happy face!

Dear Mom and Dad,

When you hold my hands, I can pull myself  into a sitting position with my head perfectly strong and stable.   I am right where I am supposed to be for my age developmentally, and you should be proud, because I am not only where I should be… I AM SO CUTE DOING JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING.   Nana, while having slight bias, says, I am even cute when she has to change my special princess presents… now let’s just say,  THAT IS REALLY CUTE… cuz I must also say, most everyone else here at camp…well  they seem to think… that I don’t really smell like roses at ‘certain’ times… but Nana and I … we know better… I’m a rose!

I am eating every single one of my fingers face!

Okay, so yesterday I talked all about gross doggy slobber, mud and slime, and today I am writing about princess presents that are rose-odoriffic….  probably not appropriate for the internet or a LOVE letter, but just tryin’ to share with ya’ll everything about me and my day.   Pretty much that is my day… for now… but just wait when you get home, I will be ready for so much more.   Now, my days, well it  is like you guys…. you hurry up to get where you are, and then you sit a bit, eat a bit, SLEEP VERY LITTLE ,  have but a few moments of soldier privacy time, and then work work work… just like me, get up bright and early, hang out a bit, eat a bit, SLEEP VERY LITTLE, take care of all kinds of princess privacy stuff, and then I am…. workin it, workin it, workin it!   Being cute and sweet. Nana and Poppy try really hard to make sure camp is fun though… and today was my first trip out of the house to an outdoor event.   I went to see Dr. Randy and his daughter who was playing softball against Aunt Arrianna’s school.   I was in my stroller, bundled up like Nanook of the North…but here is a photo of her being catcher…  and also batting and getting on base!

She is hard at work catching for her team... I also have cousin Brit who pitches softball... maybe I will play one day!


If Cuz Brittany were there would have been a NO HITTER for her!So… yeah… we had a field trip… and it was pretty fun to get out of the house.   We didn’t stay too long, since Nana didn’t want me to wake up and be hungry…. but thank you to Dr. Randy for having Poppy me and the girls for a bit… MY VERY FIRST SOFTBALL GAME!  (even if sleeping and bundled for a snow storm)  

I am so adorable I can hardly stand it face!


I love you Mom and Dad!

So, even with so many similarities in our lives… and yeah, I am sure that while soldiering in Iraq is probably hard and stuff  I just want you to know it doesn’t hold a candle to the real task of being your Little Miss Adorable, (always camera ready and looking so hmmm, shall we say  A D O R A B L E – ) your daughter,


April Showers…

People my size don't do chores... do we..?

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is the end of April here in the mitten state, and like I said if April showers bring May flowers, well I am certain to be buried among about a bazillion flowers soon… because it is definately SHOWERING HERE.  Nana lives in the snow belt in the winter and CLEARLY THE RAIN BELT IN THE SPRING…

Princess' don't do chores? Wipe off Mr. Griffs feet, and Justice & Libby too, that is a lot of feet!

Not that I am the type to complain, but geez… as if the shedding slobbering dogs, and massive amount of kitty hair was not enough we can now offiicially add the beautiful smell of wet dog and MUD  everywhere forgive the grossness,  to the  zoo here at CAMP NANA.

I hope they are not expecting me to help clean up this stuff… I am sure I am far too young for that kind of child labor… right mom? right dad?   I mean isn’t there an age minumum of   FIVE years , NO 16 years… yeah, that’s it, after the age of sixteen grandchildren help with chores… I am sure there are loyal supporters out there who would agree… AREN’T THERE?  I have bearly had a chance to grow my princess nails, and have yet to have a princess manicure… so …the whole chore thing… well I will take a pass on that for now…okay Nana?

Have you ever been around a 200lb wet dog... it's shall we say, memorable!

Here I am with my work clothes on…there are  floors to scrub… hair balls the size of Mount Rushmore to pick up… I see them blowing across the floor like tumbleweeds I kid you not…  BUT I should not complain huh mom and dad,  I am sure it beats, sand boogies, and desert storms… so I will quit my complaining…  by the way Nana had to promise mommy  – to be very careful about some of the facts in my love letters, like when they are there, or how they get there, where they stop and stuff like that, so sorry everyone if you are waiting to hear, it is PRINCESS PRIVACY FOR NOW.   Gotta keep the soldiers safe  and Nana has to listen to Mommy or she will get fired.   But I will have Nana type what she can when she can… and I will still write mom and dad to tell them about my days and nights.   As you can see today, NOT FUN…mud soup in the back yard, tracked in and everywhere by the 200 lb baby beast who thinks he is a 2 pound dog.  IT IS TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY   G R O S S !

Who me... do what, wipe whose feet?   Are you looking at me?

But it appears, the CHORE LIST is still void of my name… AUNT ARRI HAS QUITE A FEW, AND NOW WITH ALL MY AUNTS DONE WITH COLLEGE UNTIL FALL, WELL, THEIR LISTS WILL GROW BEFORE NANA EVEN THINKS ABOUT ADDING ANOTHER NAME.   Uncle Nick will be back soon too, so relatively speaking, I’m golden for quite a while, and the hands on GUILLIANNA  list of pampering is the only list I will be thinking and dreaming about.   Here I am holding hands… my big thing.. I know, it’s a bit needy, but hey… I am not even 5 months old yet.   So I like to be swaddled, fed, and have both hands held while Nana has me in just the right position on her squishy body… but look I am still cute!

Holding on to fingers and hanging with Nana...

And I am dreaming of other ways for all to participate in my pamper the princess chore list… which clearly is NOT A CHORE, but I figure if Nana has wet dog foot wiping chores there must be ‘pretty princess needs pampering’ chores.

So here I am celebrating my lack of responsibility.  Darn I am totally adorable even in my work gear… Which by the way mom and dad, my soldiers, are in fact total SUPERHERO’S,  and I wore the shirt you gave me special for today’s love letter.  I just wanted to remind you how I feel.   I am  and always will be, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Hello everyone.... look how big I am getting!
