Daddy’s Day in Killeen…


My daddy, my mommy and me!

Dear Mom and Dad,  

Do you remember this?  Put this into your happy thoughts box…

Today is Daddy’s last full day in Killeen TX for a bit, as he deploys EARLY on Friday morning from what Nana says….  so I am doing my love letter early today because I don’t know when or if he will have time to see this… and I want to say I hope you know… I LOVE YOU DADDY!  I hope your have a safe flight, and return home as soon as possible!  

Your princess… is sleeping this Thursday morning… and dreaming of all things good and happy…. I hope when you sleep, where ever you sleep you too will dream of all things good and happy, things like Mommy, and Me.  That memories like the one above will stay in your happy box….

 Also, I bet your mom, my Mimi, has packed into your heart through out your lifetime, all the  really  important things you will need on your trip.  Please use them,  and look for them, when ever they are needed…. because Nana says they will help you during the difficult moments. Yeah… Nana… well she is obviously always being all sentimental and squishy and stuff.. and she could not sleep this morning… but she  just wanted to say  – be safe, and come back soon Daddy…and  you know what –  I couldn’t agree more….

Love always, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,




Smiling away, on a stroll in my loungewear....

Dear Mom and Dad,

I was brave, and I was adorable, but can I just say… the needle in the leg thing… YUCKKO!   I did my part, I got dressed up, looked FABULOUS, and smiled, but that nurse, well she didn’t seem to notice all that fabulousness and was not distracted by it in the slightest, because I was treated to DPaP-IPV/Hib, Pneumococcal Conjegate, Rotavirus … and an Oral Polio treat…. YEAH, sounds just about as disgusting as it was… but YOU WOULD BE AMAZED AT HOW AWESOME I AM…. yes, there was a princess tear or two… but I am human.   As fast as that woman got me, well the tears stopped faster… and THEN A BIG TREAT…


I was good in just a second after it was over, and so Nana treated me to a special field trip… we needed to go and get some infant Tylenol since those things can give a princess  some little woes afterward, so where did we go, the pharmacy… and not just any pharmacy, oh no… we went to the pharmacy that just happens to be next door to my GG-ma Sharyn’s hair salon… and I suprised her and got to visit all her friends there.  They warmed me a bottle, and I got to be held by her at the salon.  It was awesome.  Nana had not been there in nearly 18 years!   It was a fun time, and guess what, THEY THOUGHT I LOOK LIKE MY MOMMY!   GG-ma has shown pictures of mommy to them I guess, or maybe you have been there mommy, I am not sure, but just so you know… they think I look like you!   No one believed me when I tried to tell them I was there for my princess hair care… and I wasn’t  – but I was all smiles, and I made a PRINCESS IMPRESSION on all the people there, most of all I visited with GG-ma and as I said, I got held, and shown off like a little princess, what am I saying, not like a princess, I AM A PRINCESS! I was laughing and smiling at Grandma Sharyn.   Nana must really respect my GG-ma, because as you will notice, there are no photos of this event… GG-ma probably wouldn’t want me to include the hair in rollers shot… instead you have photos of me after my special field trip.   Actually GG-ma bailed Nana out again, since Nana was carrying me, and a car seat and a diaper bag …. which truly  is a load for her since she is not the most … hmmm…shall we say…”athletic Nana in town”,  anyway, Nana left her wallet and purse in the car… also NOT SMART NANA… and so GG-ma had lend Nana money to buy my Infant Tylenol…. geez, Nana, how embarrassing….  THANK YOU VERY MUCH GG-ma.   Nana claims she would lose her head if it weren’t attached…

Me sleeping unaware... innocent, on my way to THE VACCINATION, yuckko!

But thanks to the Tylenol, I was feeling pretty good for a princess who had been VACCINATED just a few hours earlier, but between the medicine the vaccines and my excursion, I once again was …. READY for this NANA…. I was “Tuckered Out”…   she loves when I say that

Nana and I...  

THIS IS MY LAST readable LOVE LETTER TO DAD FOR A BIT, AS HE WILL BE TRAVELING ON HIS WAY TO IRAQ.   And Sunday will be it for Mom for a bit… but DON’T YOU WORRY, I will STILL write you every day, and you will just have some reading to do to catch up once you’re able to get on line at your destination.   Until then, I love you both very much, and will always be your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Holding my toys… and everything in the mouth!

PLEASE CLICK ON THIS LINK…  THIS IS THE VIDEO THAT WE PLAY AT CAMP NANA… SO I CAN SEE MY MOM AND MY DAD….  when it is done, hit the “back” button and you might get to see pictures of me from today!

I am so adorable, I can make a tee shirt PRINCESS LIKE...

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is Tuesday, and I just had to tell you, that I am holding my toys now and love things with different textures.   I love the little soft rattles, shaped like a bunny and a turtle.  I love Julibear, and when I see my bottle I put both hands on it and get so excited.   Everything goes right to my mouth….

I can eat this littel quacker... just watch me...

I am being so good at camp, and always am a great model for Nana to get photos for you.  You are going to be so very proud of me.

I think that my pediatrician will be very happy with me when I go.  My tummy is doing better, and I am growing so much.   I do all the things a four month old should even though I should only be doing things of a three month old!   My “corrected” age…. would be three months…. but since I was in such a rush to have my ‘MEET AND GREET’ with mommy and daddy, I came one entire month early.   My pediatrician will love that I am acting so mature…. and it will be good to avoid more tests on my belly.   I am just plain HAPPY about that.

Today we stayed in, AGAIN, but it gives me a chance to finish off the TEXAS/MICHIGAN/CALIFORNIA or Texigania Cold that I had.  It was a doosey… wasn’t it Mimi…   hope daddy is better now too.  

Poppy went to the post office today to deliver one of the few last care packages for Uncle Nick since he soon cannot get any more mail… but my friends at the Post Office need not worry, because as soon as my mommy and daddy have an address, we will send them care packages too.  I told Nana, send daddy some of my delicious formula… she said he would prefer cookies… what ever.. I said send daddy and mommy something of mine with my baby smell on it… she thought I was meaninga diaper… GROSS Nana!   So daddy do not be surprised if in the mail one day, you open a box in front of  all your Army guy friends, and there is a pink blanky, that smells just like me.    And when you sleep at night, you can rub it up against your nose, and you will feel me right there by your side.  

Don’t you worry though and don’t think Nana will ALLOW YOU TO MISS A THING, her and that camera.. well they are like INSEPARABLE… If I burp she wants to “catch” it…. Geez…., I am told, that while I am growing, and Nana is just trying to keep you up to speed, there is sooooo much growing I will do AFTER you return… I will have only just begun to make both of your worlds revolve around my GROWING…. just wait and see…   I will still like bedtime stories, I will want to ride on daddy’s shoulders, and hold mommy’s hand…. I will want to play in sand, and build castles, and I will want to swim and ride on toys… and I will want you to blow on my food when it is hot, and I will need you to rock me, and love me 24/7   this job of taking care of my princess needs, well you will have my lifetime  to deal with all that I will bring to you and daddy… Nana says, 3 months, 5 months, 1 year, 4 years, 6 years, 13 years, 15 years, 23 years, and so on and so on, us kids, keep the mommy’s and the daddy’s of the world BUSY, and you will one day, look back like she does and wonder where did a lifetime go…  right now… she and Poppy are trying hard to keep you up to speed…. in the know and a part of my every single day, and the little details that mommy’s and daddy’s love about wee ones, but in the bigger picture, you have me and my princess drama…. always… we will get through this blip of time, and get to the life you both have worked so hard for… soon.     Love Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Rainy days and Monday’s …

Poppy and I....

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today  is rainy and it is Monday but unlike the song… that says, “rainy days and Mondays always get me down, (according to Nana) I am not down, as a matter of fact… I was sitting in my swing today and I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD at Barney and Friends… the more they sang and danced the more I laughed.    I am getting so grown up…  It was so funny.   

I am cute even when I am tired...

I had a good day.   I slept for six hours last night, and have been eating like a champ.  I am so sad that Mimi has caught the once Texas bug, then the new version making it a Texigan cold… and from what I hear it is now a Texigania cold….hopefully she will be back to herself soon…. sorry Mimi!  

Sleeping on Nana.... so soft and squishy.... I know daddy is leaving on FRIDAY, so I send him extra hugs and kisses every day… I hope you can read my love letters when you reach Kuwait… I love you daddy.

I am dreaming about when we are all back together in our own place, and there is no more Kuwait and no more camp… but either you are going to have to plump up a bit, so you are soft and squishy like Nana… or… maybe Nana needs to go to boot camp so she can be strong and muscles….

What ever it is, it will be okay, by the time you return I will be ready to sleep in your arms … even if you aren’t squishy like Nana… she says… being in Daddy and Mommys arms again is the best feeling ever no matter what… and Nana NEVER lies.  Love and kisses from Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Guillianna!  (P.S.   Nana says, thisis what TUCKERED OUT LOOKS LIKE!)