Fist full of fun on Friday!

If I could, I'd eat the darn thing...

Dear Mom and Dad,

I heard you got our birthday gift daddy, and hope you take mommy out for dinner before you come visit me… Nana said you will love making trips to your favorite place to eat before you deploy so that is why we sent it early.   Nana is worried that both you and mom have a cold.   She says get plenty of sleep, and eat good healthy food, take vitamins and hopefully you will feel better soon.   Be glad you are not here, Nana can be a little overprotective, and worries easily.  

So my day, hmmmm, kind of boring really.   Heres a news bulletin, we sang today.   We did a little Hokey Pokey, and more patriotic songs… I did work on holding myself up more today, but no daddy to answer your question I am not ready to crawl just yet.   I am working this entire week on EATING MY ENTIRE FIST.   This is my latest craze and I find it quite time consuming.

Nana and Poppy had to visit a very dear friend tonight at the hospital, so we all piled into the car, and to try and help cheer up Miss Pat, we went for a visit.   I was a little bit irritated because when I fell asleep in the car, Nana woke me up… and when I want to sleep…well, I am not a happy to be awakened.   Nana was worried because today I took a very long nap (for me) and then was still ready to sleep all evening.   I am fine though, and cars just make me tired.   Obviously…

Ms. Pat’s husband is very sick, and she is very sad, so it was nice to be able to go and try to help her.   Her husband is one of mommy’s biggest fans… Mr. Tom is a veteran of Vietnam.   He always asks about mommy and really truly was so proud of her work and of her dedication to the Army. 

So since we had a busy day, my photo shoot is of me, just before we got ready for bed…. and I was being entertained by my mobile in my crib, and BY MY HAND!

Looking up at my ladybugs makes my hands arms legs and feet fly around a mile a minute... LOVE THOSE BUGS!

I am also including a photo of me , and Nana!

Me snoozin on Nana!  A favorite position for me... when ever possible.Sleeping on Nana, uh yeah, who wouldn’t prefer her mushy squishyness to a lonely crib, and yes momma, I may be getting a little of the ‘S’ WORD,  (shhhhhhh – whisper when you say it…  ‘spoiled’)  but I am pretty sure, there is some NANA/MIMI RULE that says, they (Nana’s and Mimi’s)  cannot ever hold us grandbabies tooooooo much.   The way Nana has it figured, she spends only a few minutes a day holding me FOR HER, and then a few minutes holding me for Mimi, and then a few minutes holding me for Great Grandma Sharyn, and Great Grandma Sally as well as several more minutes holding me for Great Grandmonster Connie… and the list goes on and on… so that TECHNICALLY… SHE is not spoiling me, she is just seeing to it I get held a wee bit by all the “grandma” types in my life, WHO WOULD BE HOLDING ME IF THEY WERE HERE IN MICHIGAN!   WOO WOO…. won’t catch me complaining about that Nana Rule…


Hope the both of you feel better reeeeeally soon… I am doing good and you will be so proud of my when you get here… Love and kisses to you both, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Nana – is a little slow…

Pretty in Pink Bathtime!

Dear Mom and Dad,

So Nana has been sending my love letters, and tries to transcribe for me my days…and it seems there have been a few entries where she is just slippin a bit, I mean –  not to be mean, but you know the expression “she’s not the sharpest crayon in the box”, well I say if the crayola wrapper fits…. so be it…  TODAY she just found out that Great Grandmonster Connie -lives in PA.   Not CA!   So… Nana says she is sorry… she just misunderstood, but now that she has it right… HELLO PENNSYLVANIA !  I thought it was hard being a Michigander… or Michiganian… but PENNSYLVANIAN is a mouthful too… much love to y’all.   And please accept Nana’s apology for not being more on top of things… BUT WITH ME AROUND keeping her busy, AND A LITTLE SLEEP DEPRIVATION we should cut her a little slack.   She is sorry, and working on getting to know where everyone lives, and how they are all related…. but yes, she is a little slow.

What is accurate though is … today is ” THURSDAY’S WITH GREAT AUNT PAM” day, and boy was it a treat today.  She gave me “bathtime” and I love bathtime… today however I was more in the mood to sleep, so I wasn’t quite as jovial as usual, but once I got in… it was a blast…

Look at that belly!  I am soooooo adorable!

Incase you wanted to know how gorgeous and long my hair really is, here is a photo of my head while being shampoo’geed’.  (Aunt Alyx say’s she never saw that word before, I told her its Princess lingo for SHAMPOO!) 

Look at all that hair!

I love being in the tub, and Aunt Pam loves taking care of me, she is so gentle, and so kind…. I look forward to her being here, because she makes everyone feel so special. 

Getting ready for the shampoo!

Hope you liked seeing my bath time.   Nana was careful taking the pictures keeping my princess privacy… and she says, it is the one and ONLY time the web will see this much of PRINCESS GUILLIANNA! 

Tomorrow is Friday, and I sent you a birthday suprise Daddy, I know your special day is next Tuesday, but I wanted you to have a present as soon as possible.   It will arrive by way of FEDEX on Friday, no later than 10:00 a.m., it’s from Nana, Poppy,all the girls, Nick and I,  here in Michigan.  I hope you like it… Love always,  Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Wednesday’s are for Wondering?

Blowin' bubbles, and hangin with my Nana today!

Dear Mom and Dad…

How are you doing?   I am wondering so many things.  I am wondering exactly how I can get my right fist into my mouth?  It seems that the fascination of the day is MY RIGHT FIST.   I just love it… I love it! I love it ! I love it!  And truthfully, to be perfectly honest, I cannot get enough of it…

 Eating my fist!

So Nana, was up today at 0330 hours… waiting for me ….and I like clock work was up at 0350 hours, with my warning shot ‘squawk’…. which she tries to catch so that Poppy can sleep since he gets up about the time I finish my bottle…   I ate, fell back to sleep and didn’t get up until about 0615 hours…and that my friends is PRETTY AMAZING FOR ME… AND WHEN I DID WAKE UP, I WAS totally SMILES…   I didn’t cry, and was just laughing and smiling for Nana… this is big… I am growing and learning… but LOVE how fast they come when I squawk!

 Don't you just love this face?

Nana and I just stayed home, no errands to run, and no place to go, so you know what that means… YES…. SINGING, LOTS and LOTS OF IT AND PHOTOS OF COARSE… (really, not as bad as it sounds… she grows on you after a while, and again to be frank… I LIKE A ROUTINE…  one where I don’t have to rush through eating, and I can just have THE ENTIRE DAY REVOLVE AROUND ME… but no worries, I am not getting the “S” word.  You ask – what  is the “S” word…?    (shhhh, I’ll tell you – it’s… ‘spoiled’)

 By the time she came home, I was tired!

I fell asleep before Aunt Arri and I had a chance to play, darn!

Aunt Arrianna and I have play date plans after she comes home from school…  I hope she doesn’t have homework.   You know how Nana is about that …” HOMEWORK FIRST”…. blah blah blah… one of the camp rules I would change if I were QUEEN.   But alas I am just a “princess”.  I am also loving Michigan spring weather… I love the outdoors… Nana and Poppy walk around on the back yard patio, and I listen to the cars near by driving down the road.   Nana lives by a highway, which is not so cool, but she pretends that the sound is the ocean, and together we listen and I smile… not that I know what an ocean is just yet, I do like noise… but Nana says, someday, I too will fall in love with water, lakes, oceans, bubbling rivers….  see she is rubbing off on me…   So after my quick princess nap I woke for our play date… and since daddy can’t wait to see me in bangs, and my hair to grow, I have a great treat for him…. ready daddy? 

Bangs, red hair and a dimple, just for you dad!

Me with long red hair, and bangs, what do you think daddy-o?

Weird huh?  Can you believe Nana wore this, yukko!

In about two weeks you will be on your way to the ‘Mitten State’… to check out your ‘little pot of gold’, LITTLE MISS McCUTIE at the end of the rainbow…  Since you guys see cousin Cody all the time, I probably won’t look all that different.   But being in your arms again, and smelling my mom and dad ooooooh I can hardly wait… (I know that sounds gross) but oh how I look forward to it, and I plan on giving you the ROYAL PRINCESS TREATMENT,  let out my warning shot, (squawk) and then look out…. it’s, hold me, hold me, hold me…. woo woo….can hardly wait…   Hey guess what, Nana just did the math, and twelve hands will become 16!   HA….. 16 HANDS AT MY DISPOSAL… LOL, I am a princess! Just remember I LOVE YOU, Little Miss Adorable, Your Daughter,


I am a McCutie!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day… from Little Miss McCutie McNugget… McMichigan!

I am just as cute in green and I am in pink!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I just learned my about my great grandfather being IRISH, and you have to admit, I AM A ‘McCutie’!  Now I know where I get it!  Happy St. Patricks Day!  I have lots of pictures for you today so you can see exactly how ‘MC CUTE’ I AM!

Have you ever seen such a McCute face!

It is me, your little one… and yes a princess can be adorable in GREEN.

I am sending you shamrock wishes, that we see each other soon.

Nana has already laid down the Mc Rules… no McGreen Formula, no McGreen Beer, she says my ‘Mc Presents’are already Mc Pretty and Mc Smelly enough.  So since I don’t eat green veggies yet, there is no McGreen anything in store for me.  

I am told that at the end of a rainbow you can find a pot of gold, so Mommy and Daddy, I hope you will soon be on your way, following the rainbow from Fort Hood to the Mitten State… and at the end you will find your pot of gold…. Mc Me!

I love you very much Mom and Dad.... Have a great McDay!

Love you both very much, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Mc Lovin being McMe!



Your little pot of gold!

McHugs and McKisses to you both! To Uncle Nick way over in the South Pacific, hope you have a McPerfect Tropical Day!

And to Aunt Mikayla who wants more than anything to see Ireland one day, I send you McWishes that your Mcdreams come Mctrue.


Niece GuguBee

 What to all my loyal readers think…Do I get Miss McCutie or What?

Remember I am more than a Princess, I am more than just adorable, I AM A McCutie!

P.S.  Hey there Great Aunt Nori…. I am glad to see you wrote to me, my California family visits me often… and I am keeping all these Love Notes from everyone in my scrapbook… Hi to all my San Fran fam, and of course to Mimi, Poppa  and  my Great Grandmonster Connie out there in CA.  Happy Saint McPatricks Day!  I know I am missing peeps, but its nightime here, and Nana, well her brain is a little fried… forgive her… she tries… HELLO EVERYONE… I SEND YOU ALL THE PRINCESS WAVE!