Fist full of fun on Friday!
Dear Mom and Dad,
I heard you got our birthday gift daddy, and hope you take mommy out for dinner before you come visit me… Nana said you will love making trips to your favorite place to eat before you deploy so that is why we sent it early. Nana is worried that both you and mom have a cold. She says get plenty of sleep, and eat good healthy food, take vitamins and hopefully you will feel better soon. Be glad you are not here, Nana can be a little overprotective, and worries easily.
So my day, hmmmm, kind of boring really. Heres a news bulletin, we sang today. We did a little Hokey Pokey, and more patriotic songs… I did work on holding myself up more today, but no daddy to answer your question I am not ready to crawl just yet. I am working this entire week on EATING MY ENTIRE FIST. This is my latest craze and I find it quite time consuming.
Nana and Poppy had to visit a very dear friend tonight at the hospital, so we all piled into the car, and to try and help cheer up Miss Pat, we went for a visit. I was a little bit irritated because when I fell asleep in the car, Nana woke me up… and when I want to sleep…well, I am not a happy to be awakened. Nana was worried because today I took a very long nap (for me) and then was still ready to sleep all evening. I am fine though, and cars just make me tired. Obviously…
Ms. Pat’s husband is very sick, and she is very sad, so it was nice to be able to go and try to help her. Her husband is one of mommy’s biggest fans… Mr. Tom is a veteran of Vietnam. He always asks about mommy and really truly was so proud of her work and of her dedication to the Army.
So since we had a busy day, my photo shoot is of me, just before we got ready for bed…. and I was being entertained by my mobile in my crib, and BY MY HAND!
I am also including a photo of me , and Nana!
Sleeping on Nana, uh yeah, who wouldn’t prefer her mushy squishyness to a lonely crib, and yes momma, I may be getting a little of the ‘S’ WORD, (shhhhhhh – whisper when you say it… ‘spoiled’) but I am pretty sure, there is some NANA/MIMI RULE that says, they (Nana’s and Mimi’s) cannot ever hold us grandbabies tooooooo much. The way Nana has it figured, she spends only a few minutes a day holding me FOR HER, and then a few minutes holding me for Mimi, and then a few minutes holding me for Great Grandma Sharyn, and Great Grandma Sally as well as several more minutes holding me for Great Grandmonster Connie… and the list goes on and on… so that TECHNICALLY… SHE is not spoiling me, she is just seeing to it I get held a wee bit by all the “grandma” types in my life, WHO WOULD BE HOLDING ME IF THEY WERE HERE IN MICHIGAN! WOO WOO…. won’t catch me complaining about that Nana Rule…
Hope the both of you feel better reeeeeally soon… I am doing good and you will be so proud of my when you get here… Love and kisses to you both, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,