Monday in the Mirror!

I am so adorable... can you believe this?

Dear Mom and Dad,

I found myself in a mirror today… and boy did it make me happy…

Aunt Arri is probably lovin that Nana has her up on the web, (not) but she will do just about anything if iT makes me smile, and boy …. does lookin at myself make me smile.   Thank you Aunt Arri for letting everyone see how happy you make me… 

One picture is not enough, look here is one more…

I can almost wink at myself I am so darn cute!

We had a good day today.   Nana was a bit out of sorts she didn’t finish packing lunches and dinners for three of my Aunts and they left with only part of their meals, so later in the afternoon, we had to go drop them off the rest of their dinner.   It was okay, but Aunt Arrianna had homework and didn’t go for the ride.  She is usually my personal SUN BLOCKER…. and I don’t care to have any sun in my face while riding in the car… so I was a bit fussy, telling Nana stories, then crying a bit, but nothing serious.   Just prefer my personal assistant with me, making sure my needs are met as we drive…. Aunt Arri, my personal assistant and human sun blocker… lovin that!

Other than that today was uneventful.   I am however letting you know right here, right now, I may be able to spend hours looking at myself in the mirror… Isn’t that what princess’ do?

Love  Always, Little Miss Adorable, Your Daughter,



Hello mommy and daddy.... I love you!

Dear Mom and Dad…

It is a sunny SUNDAY… and while there is no football for Poppy or Aunt Mikayla, there is…. 12 HANDS, available for lovin, playin and just plain hangin’!   In my opinion better than a Sunday full of football.     It was sunny here today, and we had errands to run.   Mr. Griff, Justice and Liberty ran out of doggy cookies…. CRISIS.   (so I am told)  again, not high on my personal priority list… but it meant a ride in the car… so I am more than cool with it.

Before we left for our errands… we had our photo shoot.   Today is a blue jean kind of day.  I got some new red tennis shoes and wore them special for this picture. 

Hey momma, I have flare sleeves... like a big girl... woo woo! Have you every seen anything so cute… Well, did I mention it was a very sunny day in DETROIT to day… YEP, and since we were all heading out… for a fun day….I wanted to keep a low profile in case of paparazzi..

Aunt Allyssa helped me out, she let me borrow her sunglasses (even if it was only for a millisecond, and just know they are not prescription)  I think I was just plain… ADORABLE… what do you think?  Don’t be scared… I am still there… just hiding.

Inconspicous huh?

Come on, I am still adorable, and Aunt Allyssa was so nice to share! You can see we are having all kinds of fun here… and I am doing very well.   Nana still promises a picture one day… when her cheeks don’t look like she swallowed two entire bags of marshmallows… for me, the big cheek thing is totally princess like, for her… well she scares squirrels… but someday she promises a good shot of both of us together.

We are Buggin' out!

I am going to say good bye for now, and leave you with this shot, hope it brought a smile to your face!   Now you know my disguise… and will be able to find me even when I am in hiding. 

  Love you –  Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Bug hugs, and bug kisses to everyone!


I write you tomorrow and we will be a day closer to our visit!

Nana and I take a photo together! Or maybe not.

iWhen did I get so darn cute?   Oh yeah, I forgot, born that way!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Seeing as you know Nana, and how much she hates having her picture taken… well you will be happy to know that today… is the day.   Today not only was I totally adorable for my photo shoot, we even got a shot with Nana…


She is so silly… doesn’t she know what is good for the goose is good for the gander…   if I avoided her and that black thing in my face the way she avoids it, the world would be deprived of all my cuteness!  TEAR! TEAR!  Nana says, she is doing the world, or at least those who read, a favor.  No biggie, more space for lovely me…

Today we tried to get something for the special party when you come in April.   It was a drive, but I LOVE THE CAR… and so we drove… and drove… only to not be able to get what Nana needed… but all was not lost… GREAT NEWS FOR DADDY…. while driving… we found SOMETHING DADDY WILL LOVE….LOOK DAD... A SONIC IN MICHIGAN WOO WOO

Okay, so the photo quality is not good, but, Aunt Arri took it, from Nana’s phone, through a window, looking into the sun, whilst the car was moving…. so what can I say… clearly though it is Daddy’s favorite place. Yes daddy, Michigan does have a SONIC now and it is right by the Flint Bishop Airport!   A SONIC DADDY…. A SONIC… and when you come to Michigan, you and I can have a SONIC DATE!  

Nana drove thru and got Aunt Alyx and Aunt Arri and I a quick drink, I was sleeping or I would have gotten out and had my picture taken by the SONIC sign.   Aunt Mikayla and Aunt Allyssa were not with us, so they missed out on tryng a Sonic Slushy… you will have to bring them some when you come!   Uncle Nick will be excited too…. he always said they had the best advertising…… MICHIGAN has had to listen to and watch SONIC commercials for what seems like a BIZILLION years, and NO SONIC’S IN THE STATE… now… there is one near by… well sort of near by.  

My tongue can already taste that Enfamil SLUSHY

While in Flint, we were going to try to visit Great Grandma Sharyn’s sister, and her neice… but they were not home, (tear),  we will see them in a few weeks though when we all get togther for our pre-deployment visit.   Until then, I have more pictures for all to see… hope you like them…  I know we have a lot of fun taking them, basically there is Nana, taking the photo, and lets see not one, not two but three others positioning me, and holding me, and keeping kitties from stealing my photo opportunities… Today it took THREE FOUR PEOPLE TO GET THIS DONE.   But don’t you think it is well worth it… I mean look at me… I AM WAY TOO CUTE!   Keep looking there are more of me yet to come.

Me talking some more...just puttin it all out there for anyone who is interested. I am a talker… and a sqwaker… I am getting remarkably good at adding a litle drama when I really want something… can’t wait to try it out on you mom… see if you fall for it like Nana.   I make some awesome little pittyful noises, that gets me pretty much anything I need.   Works like a charm EVERYTIME.

Sittin in the boppy... looking cute!

 Hello Momma, and Daddy... I am doin just fine......

Good news, tomorrow is once again… ALL HANDS ON GUILLIANNA DAY!   All the Aunties, AND Nana and Poppy… waiting on ME!   It’s like music to my ears… ahhhhhh…. and if they are all here, it will most certainly mean …. sad to say, less time for Nana to sing… about everything, and anything at all… Have you ever heard someone sing about changing a diaper before… hmmm… picture this… DO YOU KNOW THE JINGLE OR TUNE THAT GOES WITH …. “do you know the muffin man- the muffin man- the muffin man… ”   Not a lot of variety in it first off… then change the words.. to Nana’s version..

‘do you have a dirty dipe? – a dirty dipe?  – a dirty dipe? do you have a dirty dipe?  Let’s change it right awaaaaaay! ‘     Really Nana, I mean really…. PLEEEEEAAASE! 

I am telling you she sings every detail of the changing of the dipee!  She IS  a walking musical….

I had a great day today, and look forward to time with my ‘peeps’ all day tomorrow… chances are lookin good that I won’t need to wait to be held, wait to be fed, and my chances are even better that none of them will sing the “do you have a dirty dipe?’ song!   Mom, maybe you should invest in a nanny cam, because I am pretty sure… Nana’s singing could constitute SOME form of child abuse….nah, just kiddin Nana… you go Nana, sing, sing, sing, sing, SING!

I love you very very much, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,



Hello Daddy… Hello Momma… Here I am at Camp Nana!Hello Mommy, Hello Daddy... Here I am at Camp Nana!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is Friday and we have all made it through another week… we should be so proud of ourselves….

I am really being so sweet and lovable for all the Michigan fam,  that you would just be tickled pink!  I get love letters back from my Mimi and Poppa in California, and from Great Papa and Grandma in Florida.   My Great Grandma’s in PA and in Washington too!  Really the computer has made this much easier on everyone I think… and I for one… am all for making things easier.  

Look at me hold up my head… I am so strong… I love tummy time.  Today I thought we might be able to catch Nana for a photo… but no such luck.   She and I hung out alone most of the day, so… no photo op presented itself Mimi, sorry.   I will keep trying.   Besides, I am so cute and adorable who needs any extras… today I had so many smiles it was hard to choose what photo should be posted, so… here are a bunch.  

Nana is sooooo funny!

Nana is making me laugh, she looks so silly when she dances around with that camera…

My serious side....

and then there is more…

Stop Nana youre crackin me up!

Can you see my little dimple?   I am so cute!   Somebody stop me…

The whole body shot!

Yes, mom, she has me in another DRESS…. she says you and your sisters hated dresses… but she figures she can get away with this for a bit… since I don’t care so much.   I actually like being a princess!

This is me talking!

I was talking up a storm today!  Well, mom and dad, I am happy we are a week closer to our April visit.   I had a great great day today.   I laughed, I played, and ate good.   I got a new mobile over my crib with little marrionette puppets that move and dance, and BEST OF ALL don’t keep stopping.   The lady bugs were great but they stop after every wind… this one, plays for 20 minutes and comes with a remote control… sooooo cool.   One last shot of me… a full body shot…. ready…. I hate to tell you but I am too cute for my own good…

How do you like my new nylons mom.... they have a ruffle butt!

So bath time was a splash…. it was awesome again, and I splish splashed and had a party.   Poppy got me into my jammies… and I ate like a champ.  Nothing exciting here… just fixin to go to sleep… and wanted to say I LOVE YOU BOTH VERY MUCH.   Little Miss Adorable, your daughter, Guilianna!