I love my Mom and Dad…
Hello Mom and Dad,
It is SUNDAY, the day where ALL HANDS ARE ON BOARD TO HELP …ME! With Aunt Mikayla, Aunt Alyxandra, Aunt Allyssa, and Aunt Arrianna… there are those who could say… I need a breather between all that lovin’ and kissin’, I HOWEVER AM NOT ONE OF “THOSE”. I totally love it… and, find myself entertained by the non stop attention. Did I not tell you yesterday about this lovin the flag thing… here is my photo shoot set up for the day… you tell me?
Then, add ME…. and you have instant PROUD TO BE THE DAUGHTER OF SOLDIERS! I still cannot believe you are about to redeploy, and Nana promises to keep the photos coming. If I weren’t so stinkin cute, and adorable there is only so much ABOUT ME, that a person could get bored. LUCKY FOR YOU… the cute factor, is more impressive than Nana’s cheesy-ness. Love letters to you and to dad are the best part of my day. I just want you to love them as much as I love posing for the pictures every day. Can you sing with me… Ohhh say can you see… LITTLE MISS GUGU BEE?… ha, I probably shouldn’t modify that to be about me, but who can resist….
Tonight my Nana’s Uncle, my Great Uncle Tom stopped by with Great Aunt Beverly… they met me for the first time. Nana says, Uncle Tom is her dad’s brother, and that her dad, went to war, when Uncle Tom was small. Great Grandpa Wally served in the Army too, and he was one of the soldiers who helped liberate the survivors of a concentration camp in Dachau, Germany. Uncle Tommy was much younger than his older brother was, and while Grandpa Wally was at war, he sent everything he made back to his family. He left medical school during WWII and was a medic in the US Army. He took care of Uncle Tommy and his sisters, kind of like a dad does, while making the world better. I know you and dad are working toward making all of ‘our dreams’ come true. You are taking care of me, through your service, as your grandfather did for his family. How cool is that! It was nice to see my Great Grandfather’s brother, they say he sounds just like Great Grandpa Wally.
I am having a great day today, and I want you to know that I am your most loyal supporter. I am lucky to have parents who are serving and protecting our freedom, and like their parents parents before them, making my world the best it can be. But I wasn’t kidding about that singing thing…Nana.. she’s quite the patriot… Uncle Nick teases her that she was hit by a patriotic stick when she was born… but the truth is, she is just Nana, and she knows there are no perfect places or people, and that our military life can be so very hard in so many ways, but she says, you two will make this all work, and you will both make your whole family proud. Good nite Mom and Dad, I love you, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,