Dear Mom and Dad,
So do you know what I wanted to do today? Hmmmm… I know it will be hard for you to guess… but… I will tell you… it involves a spatula, pots and pans, a mini kitchen, and Paula Deen! YES I WAS A CHEF… and yes, I know it may sound like I am in a rut, but I am not… today I tood a ‘WIGGLES’ break and yes I had Food Network on… I have my spatula in my hand just in case… but I am watching and learning ….
Hmmmm, Wow…. that’s a lot of butter! I watched and then, I was off to my kitchen… and work, work, work! I get pretty serious when I am working… look at me in my kitchen !
Now do not think I have forgotten about my M&M babies of the other day… you remember them? I take them every place, I swaddle them in my little spitties.. and hug and kiss em’ I just love them ya know… and don’t think for even one second I would leave them out of playtime… cause here I am FEEDING THEM WITH MY SPATULA just like I do all the other campers…
Yep, I then thought to myself…. “Self, you better let Nana take some awesome photos for the COOKBOOK” Yep, I think I will let the beast, or Mr. Nikon snap up a few, just in case I decide to have a cookbook published… after all… I am really quite the Chef… so here goes… my head shots ..
I had a great day today Mom and Dad, hope yours was awesome too… and I hope you enjoyed seeing me at play today…
Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, I love you, and as always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
WOW Princess,
What a big girl you are. We are so proud of you and all the things that you have learned. We cant wait until we get to see you again.
We miss you and love you very much.
Love always,
mommy and daddy