Everybody CLAP!  Me clapping!

Dear Mom and Dad:

So the snow thing was not too bad… 4-6 inches at best.  It is however blowing and cold, and a for me a “stay in” at camp day to be sure!

Here I am wearing my new shirt from UNCLE ALLEN.   For as long as Mommy can remember Dr. Allen sends all the campers MICHIGAN TEE’S, and now… look mom… I have my own MICHIGAN HOCKEY JERSEY!  I have only one question…. WHERE IS THE PINK?  

I look adorable no matter what color… and the maze and blue of Michigan.. well, I wear it proudly… who knows maybe when I grow up, I will be a student there like Dr. Allen was, or like Miss K!   Who by the way, has an awesome photo shoot of us working together on her computer! Here are a few of the shots! Me working on the computer... cool huh!

Lot’s of fun stuff to do though, since my big birthday, and the holiday’s I have plenty to keep me busy.   I am eating well, and dare I say sleeping a bit better.  I am saying Cat, Dog, and I sing with the Wiggles, a song called Rock a Bye your Bear!   I hold my finger up to my lips and it touches my nose, and I say SHHH! SHHH! SHHHHH!  Sometimes, it looks like I am pickin’ but really I am just singin’!

Rock a bye your bear, bear is now asleep... shhhh shhh shhh!

 I play so hard… and have so much fun… here I am just hangin’ and playing at Camp…  can you recognize me in my skinny jeans and NO PINK?

Ready or not... here I come!

So happy when I play!

Hey... how is things in the land of sand... need me to send some toys?

Concentrating on playing... no time to pose!

Hey, look at me.. such a big girl!I am really learning so many things, and having so much fun with all the stuff at camp.

I talk even if no one really understands EVERYTHING I am saying, I talk talk talk…ALL THE TIME!

I can totally call out to any of the campers when I want them to do something… and it works… they come, or know I am calling them.

I pull myself up on everything and can balance myself pretty good, but am not walking just yet… Nana says she thinks that when I start walking… I WILL BE RUNNING!   I have had so much fun… I hope you enjoyed visiting with me today…. I love you both and until tomorrow, I am as always, Your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Love you both...and hope you had a good day!


Here is a cheek for you to leave a kiss on!

Most kissable cheeks ever!   Still think Nana should have a limit!

Yea… about that whole kissin’ the cheek thing…. Nana’s should have a limit on how many…Now she says she gets extra since I am fixin’ to leave camp IN A FEW MONTHS… SHE SAYS SHE HAS TO GET EXTRA IN… how fair is that?   I am going to be lucky if I have any cheek left when she is done… YOU THOUGHT GRIFFY SLOBBERS…. Nana is a kiss-a-holic!  And for anyone researching or doing any kind of  BABY KISSING STUDY… THE FACT THAT I AM NOT WEARING PINK TODAY HAD NO BEARING ON ANYTHING STILL A BAZILLION KISSES!

By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

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