Dear Mom and Dad,
Here I am looking at my own reflection! Telling myself… YOU ARE ADORABLE!
With Great Grandma in Florida, we don’t meet with all the campers and myself for FRIDAY FUN NITE, and it is just not the same. Nana misses it, so does Poppy and … let’s just say… we need to some how find a way to connect FLORIDA TO MICHIGAN AND CALIFORNIA ! While at it, lets connect Tennessee Texas and Pennsylvania and Washington state too. Hmmm.. that would look pretty crazy! California, Michigan, Washington, and Florida, with Tennessee, Texas and Pennsylvania… weird huh? But it sure would make things easier! SPECIAL NOTE TO CUZ MISSY… HERE’S MY PLAN! I want everyone to know I am not alienating all of the other states out there, just know …. I am only showing the few that I need IMMEDIATE access to! AND MY WEB PAGE ISNT BIG ENOUGH FOR ME TO COMPLETELY RE ARRANGE ALL OF THE OTHERS…. BUT YOU GET THE IDEA! MAYBE if at Fort Hood Texas should be in the middle… but what about all those GREAT LAKES…oh Nana, I know how you love the lakes?
I had an awesome day…. look how much fun I had getting all my ducks in a row…(wonder who taught me that?)
Nana says… I am lookin’ for trouble here… I say… I am just being cute and adorable. Nana agrees… she just can’t get enough of this face! This laugh, and these cheeks…WHICH I FEAR SHE WILL KISS OFF SOON! Send instruction for her to stop please!
Well, Mom and Dad, as you can see, things here are pretty much the same….I smile and all of camp smiles with me… and to prove it… here is one more shot of me today… tell me does it make you smile?
Maybe Nana, Poppy and the campers lean towards being non objective in this… after all they get to hang with all this cuteness every day.. but they seem to think I have the magic touch… and dare anyone to spend just a few moments each day pondering the photos on my page… only to leave feeling better, happier, and just a bit blessed for seeing pure and innocent happiness. I pass my pure innocent happiness to you and all the soldiers serving… hoping it gets you through one more day, or one more night, until I, write you again, and say, as always, I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, YOUR Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow, awaiting your return…your sweet daughter,

TO ALL THE CAMPERS… Nana is sorry she has been so tired. I think I will let her sleep a bit more tonight…and we have a weekend of fun ahead. I am sure of it. Great job at school, and keep ‘your head in the box’…. everything will work out… Nana knows mom and dad have so much to think about and she has not forgot that you are all working hard too. She knows we are all keeping camp going and making it so fun…and that we are all cheering Mom and Dad on, she says…THANK YOU to all of her camper helpers.
Great plan Nana! It would really be fantastic to get to be closer to all of you!
Love Missy