Dear Mom and Dad,
It is Monday in the Mitten State, and nearly time to start wearing mittens because it is cold!
When I went out in the stroller, Nana had me zipped into the little lambs wool cocoon, and a bazillion layers of clothing… and we won’t say I was warm or anything, but I DIDN’T KNOW A PRINCESS COULD SWEAT LIKE THAT. Really Nana… ? Seriously though I wasn’t really “sweating” but you can be sure no drafts were getting into that stroller! I would say it was safe to assume nothing was getting into that stroller, and personally I was happy for the fact that there was oxygen!
I think today,is the day, Cody was born, so Happy Birthday my cousin … and hope you ate cake for me! You can be sure I will be eating cake soon, for everyone… because… well, let’s just say I tasted some cheesecake my Great Grandma Sharyn made, and I can honestly say… I have no reservations about eating dessert. Or anything for that matter… I love trying all kinds of people food. If Nana puts anything in her mouth, (which seems to be all the time) I look so see if a piece is coming my way.
Here I am again, do you remember this mom? Remember when you got a shirt like this for a present from Nana, and so did every one of Nana’s kids… she say’s she never got a photo with all of you wearing them but she wished she had!
My newest trick though is that I not only like a sippy cup, but REALLY I LOVE IT WHEN NANA LETS ME DRINK FROM A REGULAR CUP.
Here I am in my skinny jeans!
Hey do these my my butt look big?
Nana says, I make everything look good…
After I put on my jeans…
I went down on the farm…
Remember how I used to be too small, well not any more..
So as you can see I was busy today, and I even did a bit more tunnel time… but after all that playing, it has gotten late, and I am going to try to sleep a bit tonight (says Nana) so until tomorrow, please remember I am YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your darling little daughter,
Hey big girl!
Wow you drank from a cup already? Wow I am way exciteed and shocked, that is super cool. I love seeing all the new updates and great pictures. I miss you!
Not only does your butt look adorable in those jeans, but those eyes, the entire face and that smile is just the cutest thing on this planet! We love seeing how big you’re getting and all your new tricks!
My birthday is in December too, do you think Grandma Sharyn would send me a cheese cake too??
Much Love…Aunt Nori