This is what I see when I think about you – about Elijah – I see smiles and love – so much happiness and so much love – all around you both !
HAPPY birthday to a very special person – as it turns out you are the one who first called me Nana and gave Poppy his name. It’s been a minute since you first learned to talk and it’s been a minute since we have been able to hug you. I hope your know we are here wishing and hoping, dreaming that your birthday and every day is full of all things good. We know your favorite class in school and we pray every day that you will hold on to so many great memories of time spent here with your aunts uncles cousins and the many friends you made. As time continues to go by – there isn’t a birthday, grandparents day, athletic game or activity or holiday, not a regular day of any given week we don’t think about you and wish for you to be happy and know how loved you are. We know that the older you grow the busier your life will be. We hope it will be full of friends, activities, sports and laughter. Memories made and cherished. Please know that your birthday is only one day each year – but everyday we are among your biggest cheerleaders – fans of both you and Eli as you continue the journey that is your life.
Seeing you, hearing from you makes us so very happy and we are lucky to share in the stories of your life ! You have our hearts today and always. Your cousins are many – and while you may not see them – please know you’re missed and thought of by all. Great Aunts and Uncles , Great Grandparents your Aunts and Uncles too – and so many friends all ask about you both. We are all hopeful you will one day be able to visit the Mitten again with mom and dad. Here’s a little glimpse into the past – and hopeful a smile will be brought to your face. These are images of love and family for you to enjoy as a keepsake to remember all the love and the good that surrounded you then and is still surrounding you today and forever and for always !
And – Just in case you want to see it one more time I posted from here to the moon and back memories ( and I do not have the rights to this music so I am only using it on this for you to hear as a reminder of the millions of times we listened to it as you drifted off to sleep ) so yea it is I posted it above just one more time. Just so many memories to warm the soul !
WE LOVE YOU GUILLIANNA AND ELIJAH – on all of your yesterdays, TODAY, TOMORROW AND ALWAYS ! Happy birthday Guillianna – sending love to mom dad and Elijah today too !
Forever and for Always-
From here to the moon and back, forever and always ,
❤️Nana and ?Poppy ❤️