Dear Guillianna and Elijah –
Wishing you a Happy St Patty’s day ! The Irish games at NDPMA will be in full swing and we had lots of fun memories of those didn’t we? I bet you likely have report cards coming out soon or just out and I want you to know we are so proud of you both ! You have been at the new school for about a year now. Less the summer break. Yet I am sure you have so much to be proud of. We love you both so much and we hope that you will always give your best effort in all you do. There are things that can’t always be measured in the letter grade, things that show in how you treat others, how hard you try, the attitude you have about learning and all of these combined are so important as you grow. We are certain you are making yourselves proud as well as everyone around you proud ! All of the people in the Mitten who have known and loved you all your lives til you were removed from all our lives, are cheering for you – kinda just like during Irish week at your old school. Team work, dedication, effort, the passion to make this world a better place! Keep up the good work guys… know we are always with you, and will always be wishing you Elijah’s favorite words when he was a student at NDPMA, “ardent love”, love for your mom and dad and everyone that is reciprocated by those around you making this transition you’ve experience easier and less difficult. Know we will not ever forget you two. We will always be devastated by the choices our daughter has allowed to take place, resulting in this destruction of sincere and deep love. The most sad thing for us, is this is a repeat for you both, of loss. To create for you both, a deep loss of love, a deep loss of true and deep trust, and attatchment, that you now get to carry as she has for her entire life, will be yours to bear as well. We, as your extended family will do our very best to let you know, you were not abandoned, you were not mistreated, you were not unhappy, you were not ever responsible for any of the heartbreak. You will likely be angry at times, mad we did not change the course of the “dislike” and for lack of any better term, the hate shown to you by the disconnect your parents thrust upon all of us. Know it is not your fault. The trauma of the past, is affecting you both, and everyone around, but it is not your fault. It is like the PTSD you once learned about at school. Trauma, loss of family, loss of everything familiar and anger over lack of control has guided decisions, and actions in this. It will now be your history as well. It is sad that you are forced to carry such heartache, and adapt to the reality that if you love, if you miss, you will hurt people you love. Just like when you were told by daddy about not crying as a small child. If you cried, you made sad the person you only ever wanted to please. Now if you love or miss us, you would betray the love you so desparatley want. This is not your fault, this is not your burden. We will always love you both, we will always want your happiness we will write and let you know youre thought of, and that we hope all your dreams become reality. You, unlike our own children, will have the ability to kmow….. what they did not.
We love you both, to the moon and back,
forever and for always,
❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?