Before my visit to the Mitten State ended, I went to make my Holdiday Wishes…

and while I know he says “HO HO HO”  where he was, I didn’t know…

I looked and looked for the man dressed in red…and yes it is true…  I was an itty bitty bit scared of you…  

I love that he is jolly and brings me gifts and toys….

 yet for me at age two…. the idea of sitting on his lap just simply annoys….

So I stood gathering myself…afraid of the elf..

They say he is very smart…

and I wondered if he knew the wish in my heart.  

I wish for my mom and my dad to be safe….and  that all those who love me know they are so great!

I am so lucky my mom and dad love me so… and to all friends and family…. I LOVE YOU… YOU KNOW.   Congratulations Aunt KiKi… your a college graduate now… I hear you too will be in the Army now…WOW!  

Poppy and Aunt Kiki proud as can be… One day Mom and Dad, this will be you and ME!

Love … LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, Guillianna!

By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

One thought on “Holiday Wishes…”
  1. Hi Gugu- I’m sure you are so sick of people telling you how adorable you are, but I’m sorry, I just have to say it too – You are sooo adorable! I hope Santa makes all your holiday wishes come true!

    Please tell Aunt Kiki that Aunt Nori and all her CA cousins are so very proud of her. We wish we could have been there to celebrate with everyone. We’re so lucky the beast captured her special day.

    Hugs & Kisses to all of you…
    Aunt Nori, Marisa, Noah & Rachel

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