I have a ‘date’… yes I do!

LMA ready for a dinner date with her Great Papa and Great GGma!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I had an awesome day at camp.   Nana talked with my social worker in San Diego and since I am doing so well, I don’t really need a case manager, A SOCIAL CALENDAR MAYBE, but no social worker.   I hope Ms. Carolyn keeps in touch though, she was very nice to Nana, and helped me with all kinds of things… THANK YOU MISS CAROLYN for helping my Nana take care of me while my mom and dad are in the land of sand.

Today, we had to go get something at the store for Poppy’s office, and I got a new pair of baby sunglasses out of the deal… while this is not my best pose, it does show the adorableness of my new shades…and they will be totally awesome to wear when Nana is popping the black beast in my face repeatedly…

Uh, yea they are rose colored glasses... and Poppy says ALWAYS LOOK AT THINGS THRU ROSE COLORED GLASSES... makes the bumps in the road a bit easier... what ever that means....

As usual, NO FUN NANA, or NFN as she is now being called… takes them away as fast as I get them on… doesn’t want me to hurt myself, poke out an eye, or have my princess vision obscured or strained… GEE WIZ NANA… I am laying in the arms of a fellow camper my hands not able to even touch the adorable glasses, and based on the blinding flash that keeps going off, they are probably protecting my vision, not hurting it… but “C’est la vie” ( yes I now speak French) … they were gone before I even got a chance to give them a real work out….

To top off my day, I had a date!  Yes Mom and Dad you heard right, and you heard it from me first…here I am picking some flowers for my date…I picked them from Camp Nana, and loved that they didn’t cost a thing!  I am a frugal princess…to be added to my list of other wonderful qualities, like, well mannered, sweet, and let us not forget…ADORABLE!

Hmmmm which one should I pick to give my date?


I was simple gorgeous, and ready to go…

Friday night has already become quite the night for a princess like me…

No sitting at camp alone..

I got a call, and well my calendar was open…. so I said …’hmmm, a date, who me?, well sure, I’d love to….!

I mean, you know, my parents are away… and I have some time before they come back…. why not!   I decided, they wouldn’t want me at camp… listening to Nana sing… no they would say… Gugu Bee… you go and live it up a bit!

So… I am ready for my DATE… want to see…

I look like a princess don't I...?Doesn’t this just scream PRINCESS!


I have on little satin bloomers…

and yes … my trademark ruffled socks with my black patent party shoes… (which Nana failed to capture here…)

But once again the word adorable comes to mind when I see myself in the “beast”, or Mr. Nikon for those of you who don’t know who the beast is!

Look, I am sitting by myself... so good now.. and talking with my hands!

I am getting so good at sitting up on my own… according to the pediatrician I am doing good for my ‘adjusted’ age, and in the next weeks, I will be doing more of this.   I have an excercise class I will be taking on Thurdays…. and my GMP, or Goldfish Mini Partner, will become my GMP  which on THURSDAYS WILL MEAN GYMBOREE MAN PARTNER!  Ha… which makes this again my acronym for Uncle Nick these days, he will be my partner in class while I practice working on motor skills for crawling and stuff.   He doesn’t yet answer to GMP, but we are working on it…

I swear, I will be good on my date, Nana has not changed much since Mommy was a kid... TRUST ME... SHE HAS EARNED THE NAME 'No Fun Nana'

So… after I spend all this time getting ready… (which, I must say in a house where the girls out number the boys quite significantly, I get ready the quickest..)  I then went on my date… a very respectable and kind man, if I do say so myself, and his beautiful wife…..


Me out on DATE NIGHT, with my DATE(S).   All the campers and I, got to see my Great Papa, and GGma, it was awesome!  I was just teasin’ ya!

Ha ha ha ha ha .... I am a laugher.... and so funny that I crack myself up!

Did I make you smile Mom and Dad… because as your own personal little spirit stick, it is my little princess job to make you smile..

At the very least,

I totally crack myself up..

Before I leave you this evening…

I have just a few more photos to show you…

So here I am …


Here I am at dinner!  Notice the bib!


I love my Mommy!    and, just to be fair, Nana brought along TWO bibs, just make certain you both remember,

I am today, and always,


Your little social butterfly..

and and AWESOME DATE for everyone…


Your daughter….


Good Night Mom and Dad, it was another awesome day at Camp Nana!


By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

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