Monday’s Reading Picnic …

Teething on my ARMY duck!   

Dear Mom and Dad,

So today was a Monday… and most everyone had work of some kind.  Uncle Nick is off this week from school but had work for Poppy to do.  All the other campers had school and work… so it was pretty much just Nana and I, at the zoo… OH, I MEANT CAMP.  

After Uncle Nick finished his work for Poppy, he snapped up a few shots with the beast because I was having ‘reading time’ with Nana… and the zoo campers. 

This is me telling them to pay attention to the story...

See I have the book opened to the page I like best, and Mr. Griffy and Miss Liberty are in front of me, but I cannot get Justice to pay attention.  Nana is the grey blob next to me.. and we were all sitting on our picnic reading time blanket except for one renegade camper….

Liberty and Griffin - resting as I read... Justice, stands to listen...

Here all three are listening, with Mr. Griff laying calm and Miss Liberty even resting… but Justice, stands at attention, just in case he has to go bark at a squirrel outside during story time… oh please!  Sit already… I’m reading here…gee wiz…

Nana was telling mommy on the phone of our morning routine, and when she called Aunt Arri tried to video me doing some of these things.  So here is how a morning goes at camp.   I almost always wake with a smile, and start talking in the crib, when I do, Nana says.. DO I HEAR A BABY?    From that moment on, I am pretty much all smiles.   We get up change a dipe, and I stretch… to grow just a bit more that day.  Then we let the  canine animals at camp out… when we do, Nana  has a little thing that hangs by the back door.  In it, a lot of dust, and a few little tiny decorations, mostly little bears… that she lets me explore.   I get to hold them or touch them, and could do this for hours.   I am so gentle with them, I don’t even think about putting them in my mouth, it’s like I have it totally figured out, these are not baby toys.. and I am being so good when she lets me see them.   From there we go the the refridgerator, where I OPEN THE DOOR.  I then peek around the door, and look for Ms. Butterworth, she is in there every time… sitting waiting for me to say hi to her.   We grab a ‘bob’ and throw it into the warmer with a little sauce (water).   While I wait for the bob, I listen to a little magnet that is on the side of the fridge, with two little adorable characters that talk and laugh, I love them.   I usually sit and enjoy the bob,  as it early and very quiet around here.   

I hope you can image what morning here at camp is like… and soon you will be here in person for a bit to spend quiet mornings too.  It will be so awesome to just sit and DO NOTHING BUT SMILE AT EACH OTHER… and possibly watch Sid the Science Kid which is on sometimes when I eat my bob.   Until tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Being silly!


Daddy and Mommy’s little princess!


I am being so good… I cannot wait we will be together in just over eight weeks…


By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

2 thoughts on “Monday’s Reading Picnic …”
  1. Hi Princess!

    My goodness little girl, look at you learning so much, I am very very impressed. I love the facial expressions on the video as well. I couldn’t possibly be any more proud than this, you’re the best daughter ever. I miss you so much, and can’t wait to see you again in December!



  2. Hello Princess,

    Yes the video was awesome and the pictures are great. I love you and miss you very much. I cant wait until I see you in a couple of weeks now. Guillianna tell Nana and Poppy that mommy and daddy said Happy Anniversary for us.

    I love You


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