I am still adorable, even though I do not feel well, and my nose is running non stop!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I have been to the pediatrician today for my nine month well baby check up, and it came rather timely.   I was going along just fine … until it happened.  IT HAPPENED… THE FULL NOSE DROOL … IT IS AWFUL.   Last night and yesterday afternoon the dreaded NASAL DRAIN AND MOUTH SLIME came upon me like a ton of bricks.  I started drooling and my head began filling with clear “slime”.   It made it impossible to eat, to sleep to do anything, and made me cough and cough as it dripped down my tiny little throat making me a real Gugu ‘bear’.   Your little Guillianna was so so so miserable and why… TEETH.   The pediatrician checked my ears, my throat, my breathing, my lungs, my heart, my belly, everything… and told Nana that until the teeth pop thru… I am going to keep doing this….ARGGGHHHH!   I am not sick, no cold, no ear infection, no sore throat, JUST TEETH….  I have to say… I hate getting teeth and you can be sure I am trying to be a good sport but GEE WIZ, it isn’t easy.   I was up all night long.  Nana held me upright for most of it, and I slept a bit in my car seat, (40 minutes about) and then, we walked and talked.   Nana showed me every picture in the dining room, there are so many of all the campers… a lifetime of memories and she showed all of them to me!

Shots, definitely not fun!

I got a shot today…. which is the bad part(yet good for my health), and yes, I cried, but I am fine now.  I have had some infant Tylenol, and am resting.  Now for the good news, I am healthy, I am Princess perfect, even with my situs inversus, everything is working as it should, and the doctor is pleased.   I do have to remain on my Zantac, and continue special formula, but I am growing and he could not be more pleased.   He gave me an awesome book today.   I am 17lbs. 7 ounces,  I am 26.75 inches in length.  My little head was measured too, and is princess perfect, all things we are very grateful for.   I am developing as expected for an eight month old.  (adjusted age) but really I have been tipping the scale and off the charts on or about the 9-10 month old motor skills developmentally.   So really no worries, and you can be very proud of the work I have been doing with all the campers.   I am learning at lightning speed, and really have to say I am always being stimulated.   As a matter of fact, I would much rather stay up with all the campers, than sleep.   Napping is for babies!  Hmmmm….. littler babies.   I AM NOT A NAPPER!  

But I am still smiling, even in the face of major nose dribbles... I am a smiler!

I stayed home – rested, drooled, chewed, cried, pouted, laughed, and smiled and waved for the rest of my day.   I missed my swimming lesson tonight I was so tired, and so (dare I say it…)’ fussy‘…  but I hope my little Goldfish Mini’s understand…. I will be there next week… and will be in a much better frame of mind I think.   This week would have been a disaster.  My best to all my little friends!  Don’t forget me…. I’ll be back!

How do you drink from a bob if you cannot breath thru the nosey?

Instead, Great Grandma and Great Papa came to comfort me… I visited with them a bit, and relaxed the rest of the day and night away… I am sure a good sleep tonight would help…let’s see if my teeth co operate!   There is no sign of them breaking through anywhere… where could they be… and why can’t they just pop out already!

I love and miss you very much, I hope you are both doing well, and that you are not getting any new teeth…. I think for me, it is worse than “sand boogies”  that I heard about in the land of sand, and even though you are army strong…. I am not sure you could handle this, it takes one special little princess to endure this stuff and get a shot too!    Worst part is… I only got a sticker out of the whole thing… A STICKER… I wanted to say, hey, lady, what am I going to do with a sticker, don’t you know my Nana, you know… NO FUN NANA…. I swear the lady pulled off a sticker, and well before I could even see what it was of, SWIPE, it was gone –  something about being a souvenier …. WHAT… Personally I think it would be a heck of a lot more fun to chew, crumple or stick on a cat than to put in a baby book… but what ever!   NO FUN NANA…. YOU ARE JUST NO FUN!

Until tomorrow, please know, I am doing great…(yes, a litle unhappy from TEETH I don’t see yet but are apparantly ravaging my gums) I will write you tomorrow… and will hopefully be back to my old jolly self.

Please remember, I am always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Hoping to see some teeth pop thru soon.... OH PLEASE, OH PLEASE!



Strike Effects Camp, Kind of Sort of…

Some amazing eyes!    

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is still a zoo at Camp Nana.   All the campers who were suppossed to start college have been effected by the strike, but two of them still have classes at other schools.   Aunt Allyssa is going to both the University (on strike) and to cosometology school.   Uncle Nick who graduated from the University, and has finished his year in the South Pacific, is attending a culinary arts program and already had mid-terms….   Nana has seemingly been some kind of taxi/food service around town as she tries to figure how many lunches and dinners need packing, and is juggling to get everyone’s  tuition and books squared away.  She also has to take them for supplies… just like when they were little.. only now the supplies are not simple like crayons, and such, its much bigger stuff like jump drives, computer stuff and molecular models arrrggghh!   SO….I am the best part of all the campers day.  Uncle Nick spent time between his exams checkin’ out the ‘pages of Guge’ as I like to call them.  At the end of everyone’s day, all I have to do is smile, and everyone is happy.  I am going to the pediatrician tomorrow for my nine month old check up and vaccinations.   I am not a fan, but I am co operative.   DO I HAVE A CHOICE?   It’s these kind of questions that can make you pull out your hair… or off your head band in my case.

Not the Pediatrician?  Oh no!

Next step…

Rest assured Aunt Arri had her hand in the proper place to prevent injury!

So many cute photos today.. it is hard to choose!

I am so adorable and I am so animated, that finding just one or two photos is soooo hard.   Any one up for some peek-a-Guge! 

Not only was I adorable in photo form, but my video is even more adorable!

I have completely mastered the Princess Wave, and we caught it on tape. And I have some video of me hangin’ out laughin’ too!  Uncle Nick was taking a video of me watchin’ my favorite video… but I am a little irritated when things obstruct my view.  You can see them below (hopefully) if Nana got it working.   By the way she fixed the problem on my September 4th post with my special present. So if you couldn’t get it to work before, NOW IT DOES!


 and then there is this one…


and if you want to see me talk…


and this is me, when I am frustrated because a 200 lb dog is blocking my view to my video…



I am doing well, and hopefully will get a good progress note from the pediatrician tomorrow.   Nana will try to post as soon as princess possible when we finish at the doctor to let you know how it goes.   Until tomorrow please remember, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your sweet daughter,

Me waving!   Love you!

Getting bigger, soon I will be riding this guy!


P.S.  Hey daddy, look how tall I am getting, this is my by the rocking horse you sent me!

Don’t be nervous if you don’t see me in my crib… I know photos are decieving, but tonight I am up, with both Nana and Poppy, working on getting some new teeth… and very unhappy to lay down….

It will be a long night no doubt, three of the seven of us here are trying to appease me… and not with much luck…. DARN TEETH!

Labor Day

I am having an end of summer picnic at Great Grandma Sharyn's house!

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is Labor Day here in the USA!  It means summer is coming to a close, and we are fast approaching our visit together.  It has been one busy weekend, traveling accross the country to see Great Grandma Sally and Grumpy and then having an end of summer picnic with Great Grandma Sharyn and Great Papa.   Nana says these special times with family and friends are what make life worthwhile, and that I am going to have so many special memories with you and dad that one day I will understand what is is to be a part of so many wonderful people.

Looking pretty adorable!

For today, I just want you both to know that we are only a few months away from spending some time together again.   Nana says she will do her best to keep sending you photos of me each day.  I am growing so fast.   I am still working on my Princess wave, and getting a video of it for you.  Hopefully tomorrow!  Tonight I ate some of  Great Grandma’s famous carrot cake, and potato’s , an amazing strawberry jello, as well as a few tiny little pieces of hot dogs that Papa made on the grill.   I love chewing, even if I have only two teeth.  I sat in a big girl high chair, and Nana helped me to have smashed little pieces that tasted so good.   I am a huge fan of the jello!  Tomorrow all the campers have school, and Nana and I have singing… and playing to fit in amongst practicing to crawl and my special videos.  

Concentration..... I am so smart, you have no idea.... but I can get pretty involved... and do not like to be interrupted!

This is the week ( appointment is Friday 9/11 as of now… but it may get changed)  I go in for my nine month check up, Nana is going to call and confirm my appointment tomorrow.   I will write you with exact date and time so that if you have any specific questions you want Nana to ask you will let her know.  So until then, please know I am missing you both very much, and I love you both very much and I AM your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

I love you both and cannot wait until we are together again!


A special note of thanks to my cuz Missy, who once again, made Nana smile …. the biggest smile ever!  She made us place cards, and MINE had my photo on it, with my name.   Every camper had one…can you believe it Mom and Dad, I am so lucky, the family is just awesome and they are always doing something to make things extra special for me!   I hope you get the copy of her PRESENTATION ALL ABOUT ME soon, Nana sent it with my special little notes to you and daddy.   So I hope you get it soon!

Back at Camp!

All buckled in ready for take off!

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is Sunday, and I am back at camp.  This is me, all buckled in ready for take off from Seattle/Tacoma International Airport.  

I have had such a good trip, and I have been an amazing baby.  I have made so many friends, EVERY ONE I SEE I SMILE AND WAVE AT.  It is my latest trick.  I have learned how to wave and I just cannot stop.   Tomorrow at camp we will try to video tape my latest trick for you to enjoy!  I flew like a champ, I sat waiting to take off for a long time, as you can see there was quite a line…

All lined up... waiting... our turn!

But, I didn’t cry, or even make a peep, as a matter of fact I FELL ASLEEP!


No so much for the little boy behind us, he cried the entire trip… but I was so good.   After we took off I was up and played in my seat, at some oatmeal, and had a bob, then went right back to sleep for landing!  Totally princess perfect the entire trip!  Here are a few photos of leaving Seattle…

Take off!

Going up up up!… and I missed it all… since I was fast asleep…

Nana snapped up a couple just so I can have them for a scrap book to say the places I have been... she thinks I will see so much in my life that it will be hard to remember it all.

and before we knew it we were up and away on our way to Camp Nana back in Michigan.  About four hours of flying… to make it accross the country.   Pretty amazing…

In an instant... we were on our way back to camp!

It was raining so hard, and Nana could not get a shot of the amazing mountains… but they were really nice.

Almost at camp!

Once back in Michigan, we went back to camp, where I went to bed.   It was so funny.   I got into my crib, and just was smiling and smiling ear to ear.   A familiar place, and while my pack-n-play was a nice crib, I was very happy to sleep under the Nana cam and hope Mommy and Daddy could see me!   Until tomorrow, please know I love you, and that I am so grateful to you both for your hard work.   I am living the life that is so amazing, and I feel like a princess every day.  Today, tomorrow and always, I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Good night!  I love you!



Thank you so very much Great Grandma Sally and Great Grumpy for an amazing time, and sharing all the beautiful things with Poppy, Nana and I.   We had a spectacular trip, and hope that you feel better soon Grandma Sally.   We are so sorry for all the pain you have had to deal with these past weeks… but know Grumpy is taking such good care of you.