Pacific Time?
Dear Mom and Dad…
So Nana is not the sharpest crayon in the box… and she will be the first to admit it…
Today she brought the ‘beast’ and we we out and about early this morning. We are in a place that lies between the Cascade Mountains and the Olympics… it is breathtaking, hills, valleys, trees, ocean and scenery she has never imagined. It is true, she is so not a world traveler, and so ‘midwest’. But the black beast was sure to capture at least a glimpse of some of the most beautiful scenerey ever… next to my face of course…
OR MAYBE NOT… that would require a camera with a battery that was not dead….
Silly Nana… so our day, was full of beatiful things, and visiting with Nana’s mom and Grumpy. Great Grandma Sally has been so stressed out by her son, and worries about Nana… so this visit was so nice. I met her Westie, named Brodie, and to be honest Nana had a nice time visiting with her mom. She doesn’t know when they will see each other again, but she got to see some of Great Grandma’s dear friends. Mr. Whitt let us visit him today which was an incredible view of the ocean and some amazing artistry. I saw things you can not begin to imagine. We met friends at restaraunts, who treated us all like ROYALTY… I don’t know how they all knew I was a princess. One restaurant had a ‘reserved’ sign, and a highchair filled with stuffed animals for me! Everyone in the restaurant was visiting and waving Hello to me as we left… truly a wonderful visit. Oh, but no photos… hmmmmm… Silly Nana…
I was so good mom and dad, and Great Grandma Sally and Grumpy are so happy they got to visit with me. Great Grumpy says he is so proud of you as is Great Grandma Sally, but you know how much Great Grumpy loves you… he always is thinking about the tme you guys spent up north…. and when you first came to the USA. You were always a princess he says!
When we returned from our day of exploration, I got into my jams, and Nana charged her battery and snapped up a shot for you to see me today… as she loaded the info she realized that her computer is still thinking it is Eastern Standard Time… and when she posted late last night she missed her midnight deadline! PACIFIC TIME NANA… silly Nana… so tonight is also late, and maybe tomorrow Nana with get her ducks in order and actually post on time. She hopes you are able to see that the photos are from the days that LOOK like there is no love letter, but there is… and she says she is sorry. She is just more tired than words can express… I however, AM MY USUAL ADORABLE SWEET SELF… and you can sure be proud of how awesome I have been on this mini trip.
Oh, no… no photos, maybe we will have to come back again someday.
Here I am closing my eyes, and wishing for the day I get to see my mommy and daddy…
Nana says, it will be soon…
Until tomorrow, I hope you always remember, I am your little Miss Adorable, your
sweet baby girl, the one and only …. GUILLIANNA!
Mom and Dad, I love you and hope that Nana gets a better photo shoot tomorrow….
Love you much!
AND …..
Hey campers ….
I am on my way first thing tomorrow…
Little Miss … Michigan !
Gugu Bee!