Pacific Time?

I love smiling... I can make anyone smile... you just watch me!

Dear Mom and Dad…

So Nana is not the sharpest crayon in the box… and she will be the first to admit it…

Today she brought the ‘beast’ and we we out and about early this morning.  We are in a place that lies between the Cascade Mountains and the Olympics… it is breathtaking, hills, valleys, trees, ocean and scenery she has never imagined.  It is true, she is so not a world traveler, and so ‘midwest’.   But the black beast was sure to capture at least a glimpse of some of the most beautiful scenerey ever… next to my face of course…

OR MAYBE NOT… that would require a camera with a battery that was not dead….

Silly Nana…  so our day, was full of beatiful things, and visiting with Nana’s mom and Grumpy.   Great Grandma Sally has been so stressed out by her son, and worries about Nana… so this visit was so nice.   I met her Westie, named Brodie, and to be honest Nana had a nice time visiting with her mom.   She doesn’t know when they will see each other again, but she got to see some of Great Grandma’s dear friends.  Mr. Whitt let us visit him today which was an incredible view of the ocean and some amazing artistry.   I saw things you can not begin to imagine.   We met friends at restaraunts, who treated us all like ROYALTY… I don’t know how they all knew I was a princess.   One restaurant had a ‘reserved’ sign, and a highchair filled with stuffed animals for me!   Everyone in the restaurant was visiting and waving Hello to me as we left… truly a wonderful visit.   Oh, but no photos…   hmmmmm… Silly Nana…

I was so good mom and dad, and Great Grandma Sally and Grumpy are so happy they got to visit with me.   Great Grumpy says he is so proud of you as is Great Grandma Sally, but you know how much Great Grumpy loves you… he always is thinking about the tme you guys spent up north…. and when you first came to the USA.   You were always a princess he says!   

When we returned from our day of exploration, I got into my jams, and Nana charged her battery and snapped up a shot for you to see me today… as she loaded the info she realized that her computer is still thinking it is Eastern Standard Time… and when she posted late last night she missed her midnight deadline!   PACIFIC TIME NANA… silly Nana… so tonight is also late, and maybe tomorrow Nana with get her ducks in order and actually post on time.   She hopes you are able to see that the photos are from the days that LOOK like there is no love letter, but there is… and she says she is sorry.  She is just more tired than words can express…   I however, AM MY USUAL ADORABLE SWEET SELF… and you can sure be proud of how awesome I have been on this mini trip.

What do you mean you didn't get photos out on our adventure today... how will Mommy and Daddy see all the things I saw today?

Oh, no… no photos, maybe we will have to come back again someday.

I am crackin' up... Nana... is so silly!



Here I am closing my eyes, and wishing for the day I get to see my mommy and daddy…


Nana says, it will be soon…

Until tomorrow, I hope you always remember, I am your little Miss Adorable, your

sweet baby girl, the one and only ….  GUILLIANNA!

Tomorrow it is back to camp for me.... to see all my Aunties and Uncle... and certainly all the animals at the zoo.





Mom and Dad, I love you and hope that Nana gets a better photo shoot tomorrow….

Love you much!

AND …..

Hey campers ….

I am on my way first thing tomorrow…

Little Miss … Michigan !

Gugu Bee!

Today I am NINE MONTHS OLD & I met Grumpy today!


Traveling thru the Pacific Northwest!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is my nine month old princess-versary, so Nana is putting up my 9 Month Princess-versary gift to you again, she only put it up early before incase she wasn’t able to get on line from Washington.    But as you can see, we can, so here it is for you again just click below and you will see my journey.  A journey that we share even though apart physically, I know you love me, and I love you both too.

Click here to see my Princess-Versary Present to Mom and Dad!

 I am in Washington and I met my Great Grandfather and saw Great Grandma Sally again.   This was the very first time Nana was able to visit her mom at her new home which is not so new anymore since she has been living out in Washington for years.   Nana hadn’t been able to fly to her, but this time she felt she had to … so Grumpy could meet ME, the little princess, and to make sure her mom was okay.   Great Grandma Sally has had too much stress lately.   We all met Grumpy’s daughter, Ms. Andy and her husband Mr. Whit… and to be honest, we all can see why Great Grandma lives out here… it is amazing. 

Great Grumpy, and Great Grandma Sally with everyones fav... ME! 

Nana and Poppy had spent so much time wondering how any place on the planet could be as nice as Northern Michigan, where  Great Grandma Sally used to live, but it is pretty clear because things here are just as beautiful and the weather is better.  So here is a look at my day.  Bear in mind that these were taken from a moving car… so are not nearly as pretty as they are in person.

Taken from the car while driving to Great Grandma's from the airport!

Amazing views every where...

Mountains, green trees, hills, ocean... just crazy beautiful.

 Not only is it beautiful, so many people love my Great Grandparents here, and Great Grandma Sally has so many nice friends.  Nana is sad she couldn't meet them all!


The view outside the window....

Thank you for a wonderful dinner Great Grandma and Grumpy, and thank you to Ms. Andy and Mr. Whit for the chance to meet the people who have been making these past years and the difficult times Great Grandma Sally has to perservere… so much easier.   LOVE AND GRATITUDE!   Really says it all and it is a motto I have about my mom and my dad serving in the land of sand so that I can have such a wonderful life.  Hard work, huge sacrifice, and when it is all said and done… I AM AND ALWAYS WILL BE GRATEFUL, AND will always be, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

 Good night mom and dad, I will be here one more day then it is back to camp!



 I am in a window seat!

Dear Mom and Dad…

Well guess what?   I am in Washington State… I was so awesome on the plane!   I fell asleep during the taxi out to the runway and I was asleep when we landed in Seattle.    The flight is about four hours, and I was an angel the entire way.    We left Detroit around 7:20 ish, and when we arrived it was after midnight GUGU TIME.   We are at a hotel, and Nana and Poppy have set up my Pack-n-Play Crib, complete with my favorite music to sleep by.  Uncle Nick downloaded my Neil Diamond for me to hear, and Nana brought my music from my crib that I love to sleep by.  So I am good to go… and we will drive for two hours tomorrow to see Great Grandma Sally and Grumpy in their home.   We will go on a ferry too…. I am so excited.  Nana has never been to see Great Grandma’s new home, and she has been in it for years… the flying is very hard for Nana.   But we did it…

Here are a few shots of me at the airport, and in the plane.  Great Grandma Sharyn packed us some awesome sandwiches and grapes with a danish!   The bread was fresh from the bakery and the crust is so awesome, Nana and Poppy shared it with me.

At the airport in Detroit before we left eating our sack lunch DELISH!

You have no idea how much fun eating this crust is.... YUMMO!

Here I am on the plane.... nibbling on crust some more!

I am having a blast, my own big girl seat... toys and BREAD CRUST !

Well it is pretty late now so good night Mom and Dad from Washington, I am hoping it will be a nice visit, and Nana will try to update you from Great Grandma Sally’s once we arrive.   Love to you both, from the Pacific Northwest, as always your Little Miss Adorable,



P.S.   Hey cuz Misssy and I are actually on the same time zone!


Look what I found!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Okay, so I don’t need a new pair of shoes, and am not into shooting craps, or gambling,  which is where someone would usually say that that phrase. I am just in love with shoes!

 I missed swim class today, so sorry my fellow Goldfish Mini’s, aka the Guppies.  So much to do and get ready for, and I really didn’t want to get water in my ears before flying.  I will be back next week.  I am leaving tomorrow for SEATTLE!   Great Grandma and Great Grumpy await my PRINCESS ARRIVAL!  

Today I could not think outside of the box…ha ha!

No, seriously I love delving into the drawer of shoes at camp.   In this photo I am making so many fun noises and  squawking up a storm.

With all the toys I have  it seems I am most entertained by my  lens cap and  MY SHOEBOX … by the way, I told you in an earlier letter I am the FAVORITE  aound here… I am just wearing this tee to let everyone it.

Having a blast!

‘MINE ALL MINE!”…. incase you cannot read mylips….. I am a goof ball

What goes with my outfit?   Hmmmmm, einy, meeny, miny moe...

I am loving shoes.. but mainly just want to eat them.

Hungry anyone...

We spent the day getting things ready for our trip.   I had trouble selecting which shoes to pack! 

Oh Nana, the choices we have to make, they are sooooo hard.

Oh dear…. how is a princess to choose?

This one tastes pretty good, maybe this is the one I will choose.

This one tastes just about right,

I look a bit like Elvis here don’t I?

I am sure I can narrow it down since I have to pack light….

Black party shoes? Tennis shoes? Hmmmm…..

I know, I’ve got the perfect thing…..

Comfortable, and yet stylish….

perfect for Princess travel,


I choose… my LUCKY DUCK SLIPPERS!   They are so soft and serve a dual purpose, they make an awesome toy too!

Lucky Duck Slippers  - woo woo!

I hope you and dad are both happy and know that today as always, I am your little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


P.S.   I may not be able to write you as I travel tomorrow but rest assured Nana will get my love letter to you ASAPP.  (As Soon As Princess Possible)