Celebrating Great Papa…

Hi Mom and Dad, I am learning to wave, and doing an excellent job.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am out on a date tonight, with Great Papa for his birthday.  I know this is a place that is normally ALL ABOUT ME… but Great Papa, has turned 73 years old.   I hope he doesn’t mind my sharing this information with all of the world, but it is such a nice thing.  Great Papa was born in 1936.   Jesse Owens won four GOLD MEDALS in the Olympic games, that year, in Berlin.   It was the first time a major sporting event was televised – and it was BERLIN… it was historical and 73 years later, to bear witness to the changes in the world… well it is amazing.   American soldiers like you and dad, we all hope will be home soon, and wouldn’t it be nice that if in my life time, peace prevailed?  

Me and my favorite toy... thinking about 'PEACE' for all...Here I am in chewing on my favorite little toy, and contemplating..


73 years…


Papa and GGma have four children.  They have seen much and learned much.  One thing is certain, he loves being a Papa, and he has done such a good job … he is active in the lives of all his kids, as well as his eleven grandchildren, and TOO MANY Grandpets to count when you figure in, Great Aunt Michelle’s and those at camp Nana.   Topping it all off the CHERRY ON TOP… me!   I have to say Mom and Dad, when he holds me, or see’s me, his whole face, shows his heart.  No hidin’ it, he is in love.

But what is not to love?

I have been known to have that effect… but you can see it can’t you.   Nana says, he and GG-ma have had that for all the grandkids, always going to cheerleading competitions, or hockey games, sitting on cold bleachers, in frigid ice arenas… traveling accross the country to see all the grandkids, and even taking you to Disney World with all your sisters and brother!   I know he still works hard, every day trying to find ways to make the lives of his kids, and now his kids, kids, KID, better.   Lucky… we are very lucky.  So no being shy about 73 years, Papa, you wear them well, and you can be so proud them.   To this world, you brought children, and my Poppy, well he has walked in your footsteps, professionally, and with his family… bringing my mommy who has now brought me into a world of love, filled with true, honest and unconditional love.   SOOOOO LUCKY…. SO VERY VERY LUCKY.

In case you didn’t know, in 1936 these were the top ten most popular songs!

‘All My Life’ – Fats Waller

‘Alone’ – Tommy Dorsey

‘A Beautiful Lady in Blue’ – Jan Garber

‘Did I Remember?’ – Shep Fields

‘A Fine Romance’ – Fred Astaire

‘The Glory of Love’ – Benny Goodman

‘Goody Goody’ – Benny Goodman

‘I’ll Sing You A Thousand Love Songs’ – Eddy Duchin

‘I’m Putting All My Eggs In One Basket’ – Fred Astaire

‘In The Chapel In The Moonlight’ – Shep Fields

No, I am sure my mom and dad have never even heard of these songs, and will be heart broken to learn that I AM A NEIL DIAMOND fan and will only go to sleep with his music, but what they will know when we finish this love letter dedicated in my Great Papa’s honor, is that there is so much of where WE HAVE BEEN that leads us where we are going.   Great Papa, helped my momma, unconditionally through much of her life, now he holds me, and helps me through this time with out her and daddy, and I KNOW he hopes and prays everyday for their safe return to me.   Nana says she doesn’t know the yiddish word that translates to the PATRIARCH of his family,  but thinks that his mom, Great Great Grandma Gert, would have written a beautiful poem for him if she were here.    Describing far better than I could, what his being here these past 73 years has meant.   But my birthday gift to you is this little poem, from a great grand child whose time at camp and spent with you – is truly devine!

A son, you are, a brother too,

 a loving husband – an uncle, a father, what else do you do?


A grandparent, a doctor, a craftsman as well,

the list is endless, how do you do it? You really must tell!


Now a great grandfather, who is adoring and kind

I am a lucky little princess, whose made quite a find.  


I hope we have years to share in your love and to ‘dance’,

I know I will grow happy just having had the chance.


Seventy three years of expericence, and more life to live,

One thing stands out, your amazing ability to give! 


Thank you dear Papa, for all you have done

in raising my Poppy –  your youngest son! 


You have taught him so much and passed on your gifts.

But most of all Papa, it is your smile that uplifts. 


I see it here as you stand with your sons,

your mind ever thinking, IT CONSTANTLY RUNS!

My Great Papa and his sons!

Love for your daughters and grandchildren too,  really Papa – enough said,

Your love is appearant ….you keep our hearts and souls well fed! 


 Any challenges we face as a family,  I know we can withstand,

for the joy and love you have brought us, is truly so very grand!


All of my love, your GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER,


Little Miss, says, this is comfortable!

Besides your coming to the world, in 1938 this is what what goin’ on-

This is the year the Hoover Dam was completed, gasoline was 10 cents a gallon,  average cost of a new home, about $3925.00.   Average annual income, (if you could find a job post depression with unemployment over 16%), was $1713.00 per YEAR.   Wow, how some things have changed.   WHAT HAS NOT CHANGED, IS THE LOVE A PARENT HAS FOR THEIR CHILD, FOR THEIR CHILDS’ CHILD, and now for me!

My formula alone per year, is nearly twice the average wages for a year then.  CRAZY HUH?   You have seen my little red sports car, well when Great Papa was born, a Studebaker car (yes that is a real name of a car) was $665.00.   Cribs are more than that!   Exhausting to even think about huh?   Just thinking about it all, I had to crash for a while…. what will it be when I am 73?   

I could lay around contemplating all this for hours....

I had a great time visiting tonight, all the campers and I celebrating LIFE and 73 years that have evolved into this very day, this very moment.    We thought of you two often, and can’t wait till you are here… until then, I love you both, and as always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter, and a Great Granddaughter,


Smiling.... Just like Poppy, and Poppa


My DVD and Me…


Dear Mom and Dad,

I am thinking about you both.   Every day, and I mean every single day, Nana plays me a DVD of the two of you.  It has photos in it from the first tour of duty you did in Iraq.   It has photos of you both with me.   She plays it each day, and I watch it, while she says… MOM-MA, DAD-DA, BABY… and hopes that by doing this I can be familiar with your faces.   She knows how I am being a bit shy with people lately, AND TRULY HOPES THAT PHOTOS OF YOU BOTH WILL HELP US WHEN WE ARE TOGETHER for our visit.   Once you are back home for good, I will have a life time to see, hear and touch you.   I can’t wait.   Today she took photos of me watching my MOM AND DAD DVD.  Here I am waiting for it to start!  Not much into the words, and far more interested in the beast and Nana…. but…. when the photos start… LOOK OUT… I inch my way closer and closer and can’t take my eyes off of Mom and Dad!


I am WAITING for it to start…. Here she comes… hey momma!

Here she says, MOMMY AT WORK

I watch this every morning… and sometimes at night.   I start my day with mom and dad, and the song reminding me that you are both here with me… even though we are far apart.  And yes, she cries every time. Silly Nana, she is a sap.  She should know we are almost through this and soon it will be over… and we get to begin our lives together.  When that happens, she will still cry, and pull that ‘HAPPY TEARS’ thingy I bet!

'Say Hi to Daddy', that is what she is telling me now!

If you notice, I am glued to the faces and watch very intently…. it’s true!

Mommy loves you!

Notice… I’m not watching the beast or Nana, just my mom and dad!

Looking at my Dad!

When it is done, I hope she will play it again, and sometimes she does.

It may be silly, and it may not help me to know your faces, but Nana says  it is worth a try and I really do enjoy it. 

Again Nana!

I was so good today.  Still teething something fierce, but so sweet and so good… my clothes even said I was sweet today.. Berry Sweet!

Me leaning back in my lazy girl chair ... day dreaming...

Me looking sweet, and adorable, AS USUAL… pondering what I will write in my next love letter to you maybe… or maybe just relaxing at camp.   Either way, I am kickin’ back a bit, before my trip to see Great Grandma Sally and Grumpy.  And speaking of GREAT GRANDPARENTS..I hope Nana brings my DVD on our trip!  I bet Nana could pack an entire plane bringing stuff for me!

I am going to be nine months old in a few days... can you believe it!

Nana loves taking photos of me.... says I am easy!

TODAY WAS GREAT PAPA ALANS BIRTHDAY, and all of us campers are meeting him for a birthday dinner tomorrow.   I hope he had a good day today and know that my mommy and daddy will be wishing him the same all the way from the land of sand.   Maybe I can wrap my DVD up take it over to his house, and we can all watch it over cake and ice cream?  Or he can do like I do, and close his eyes, and make a wish… and one day soon…ALL OF US WILL GET TOGETHER, AND EAT GUILLIANNA BIRTHDAY CAKE…. (she said wishing, and hoping)

Making a wish!

It could happen.   I know we can’t write when and where or how the troops move, but I hope that my mom and dad can get a visit back here in the states around my first birthday!  It could happen – I am just sayin’

I am just sayin'  It could happen, and we will eat lots and lots of cake.

Until tomorrow, mom and dad, I am as always, your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Your Berry Sweet Little Miss Adorable...


Silly Nana….

I am so full of smiles, and sweetness, I am so happy, and I wait for you to come pick me up and we will play, play, play soon one day!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was my first day back at Goldfish Swim School, where me and my Goldfish Mini Partner got to visit with all my friends in class.  I was so good today, I even went under water for the first time, and I DIDN’T CRY!   I actually did it twice…. THIS MOM AND DAD IS WHERE THE ‘NANA IS SILLY’ PART COMES IN.   Do you have ANY idea, how many times, I have played with Mr. Nikon, aka ‘the beast’.   Nana is taking at least 1000 photos of me a month… conservatively speaking… and the beast and I are BEST BUDS, but today, on my big swim and dunk day, the beast was no where in site…. SILLY NANA, where praytell IS YOUR HEAD?   So … yes, I know we were ill prepared today, since you had to help with something for Poppy… but really Nana, to forget the beast at home… someone needs to put Nana in time out.   Not only did she forget the beast… she needed special training to try and take a photo with her phone…

Nana started ‘borrowing’ Uncle Nicks phone when he was out of the country for a year.  It was a nice fancy little iPhone… and she loved being able to get text messages and emails on it with her kids being so far away.  She was hooked,  even though she could not operate the voicemail option since Uncle Nick had the password, and she didn’t, but she kept using it, and when he returned, a newer version was released, and she kept the old, sometimes ‘not workin’ so hot phone.   Something is wrong with it, and it needs repair, but she keeps using it anyway.   It has functionality she doesn’t begin to understand, or be able to use, but today was a highlight.   While at Goldfish Mini swim class, she needed to try and take a photo… since the beast had been left behind (eh hem… eh hem….) She kept iTouching the camera, and it kept trying to focus in on me in my moment of glory… she gently pushed the button to take the photo, ….. snap, snap, she thought she was so paparazzi cool… with her compact little technologically crafty little iPhone….. only to wonder why she kept getting kicked out of the camera repeatedly, just to get it to turn back on after each photo….at first she thought the little phone was just acting up again,  then it occured to ‘silly Nana’, why is this not working… she used it before, and after snappin off a shot, it refocused for her to take another… at that moment she realized she had a ‘moment’.  A NANA MOMENT…. she wasn’t snappin up photos of me… she was hitting the OFF BUTTON, and not taking a single solitary photo of my underwater submersion… just turning it on, and then back off… over and over…

I love Nana, but if she weren’t so sad she missed the photo op for you and daddy, she too would be making fun of herself.   Once she figured it out, there was about a minute left of class, and here is the one photo you get…


Okay so National Geographic or any other photo mag, will be calling to publish this one!  Great lighting huh?   Not only was she inept with the iPhone camera, did she not notice I am facing the other way?   Being the sweet little charmer that I am, I felt bad for Nana, so after swim class, even though tired, I posed for a few shots with the beast, in my shiny TOTALLY AWESOME red convertible, which I JUST LOVE.   So here I am cheesin’ it up for the beast and Nana, and bailing her out YET AGAIN, with some awesome photos.  

Oh Nana, I wll bail you out this time, but next time you better remember the beast...

Hey do I have to use hand signals when driving this thing?

Is this signal left or right... and what is the signal for just MOVIN where ever I want?

I have so many to show you…. cause … well let’s just say it, I am adorable… and this sports car thing, makes me EVEN MORE ADORABLE….







More Adorable?

Most Adorable .... ?

Just me, and my car!

Wind blowin’ in my hair… hey, wait a minute…

Just a second here, hold the phone… is someone makin’ hair jokes…?  Let’s hope not… cause it is a growin’ and I am looking mighty sweet with my little locks!

Wait a minute... is someone talking about me and no hair... hold the phone... we will have none of that.  No teasin' the baby!  It is my new rule! My hair is growin, and it does blow in the breeze...

Until tomorrow, mom and dad, I hope despite Nana’s no brainer episode, I am as always your little SAVING THE DAY, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

I'm driving in my car....ROAD TRIP.....!


Red, White and The Bluest Blue

I love you Mom and Dad, I am okay... don't you worry about me!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am doing pretty good here at Camp Nana.    Today, I am doing better than I was yesterday.  Teething is definitely NOT GOOD.   I am getting so busy, that it has become very difficult for me to hold still even when I am getting my diaper changed!   I don’t care who is doing what, or what kind of ‘presents’ I have  in store for the changer – I just want to go  – to move, wiggle, roll and twist all over the place.   Nana had Mr. Nikon come out to play with me, and as usual today and I was awesome.   I have a ‘real thing’ for the lens cap… and I definitely smile and show off my SPARKLING BLUEST OF BLUE EYES,  when I see the ‘beast’ coming my way.    


Me and my favorite toy!

Haning out, in my lazy girl chair, with my lens cap and Mr. Penguin near by.

I have so many different expressions now, it is truly amazing.   I looking forward to showing you all of them in person soon.  Here is one I do often,

When I make this face, it makes Nana smile!

Yea, this face makes Nana smile, but so does just about everything I do.   Except if I am crying… that is the only face of mine Nana prefers not to see.   I agree… I so much prefer to be smiling and happy or exploring because I am one curious baby!


A Love Poem for Mom and Dad,

Today I wear Red White and Blue, thinking of the both of  you.

A vision of sweetness to delight, and stay with you as you dream tonight!

I love to laugh and play all day,  and know that you will soon come back my way,

We will hug and kiss and hold each other tight, then dearest Mom and Dad, everything  in our world will be JUST RIGHT!


Laughing and playing... two favorites...


I love you both very much,  and as always, I am your one and only, LITTLE MISS ADORABLE,

your daughter,


The Little Princess ….
