A Car, Kitties, and of course ME!

Sweet Baby Guge!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I have had quite a day mom and dad, I woke up at 04:30 (YES A.M.) for no apparent reason, I was ready to go….not a chance I was going back to sleep… and pretty much that is how it was until ten tonight.   Nana is thinking this is very much like when my bottom teeth came through the skin, and while we cannot see or feel top ones, I am acting like they are there.   I even had a bit of  Tylenol, because I was biting so hard on everything and crying a bit.   Well, a whole bunch, but all is better now.   Tylenol helped immensly and I am sleeping better than I did last night.   Today we went to Babies R Us and got some more princess necessities.   But I didn’t even nap in the car… just plain had an out of sorts day.  Nana says, I am just preparing for my trip to visit Great Grandma Sally, I got up three hours earlier than usual just so my little body can adjust to Pacific time… I am so organized!   (and if you buy that, you will buy anything)  Organization, not Nana’s strong suit lately, and since I leave that stuff to her… it’s not mine either…

Well I promised I would put up photos of each of the zoo animals, and tonight we caught a shot of Layla…

As promised... here is Pet Number SIX! Our little Layla Bear

and finally there is GRIZZABELLA the PROZAC CAT!  

Someone call Andrew Lloyd Webber, it's Grizzabella, the Prozac Cat!

Now that I have adequately shared my space here with campers of the feline and canine type… LETS GET TO IT, the important stuff… ME!


Since I am so wanting to walk… Nana had gotten me a special seat to help me walk, and here I am in my NEW CAR!

Me and my sporty new wheels!  Hey this is Fred Flintstone mobile, I have to make it go... ?

All my love, as always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, in a convertible, and making the whole world SHINE, your daughter,

I am the sunshine of Camp Nana!


Some Awesome Sunday Photos and TEETHING!

I feel my teeth!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am either getting some more teeth, or just drooling again for the fun of it.  I have been a bit of a biter….I bite my own fingers sometimes and surprise myself..

Ouch...that hurts....

and the ‘beast’ captures my every expression…

Wish you could hear me blowing raspberries...

 Something is goin’ on in this mouth of mine…. seems like I just did this!

Two cute teeth huh??


Take a good look at the culprit or should I say CULPRITS, of this whole teething thing…






Okay so they are just teeth but Nana and the rest of the campers say they are the cutest ever ….IM JUST SAYIN


I am working very hard on trying to crawl, and have all the right moves, the fact of the matter is, I simply just don’t want to… I would much rather roll over and over and over…. again and again… maybe I am just showing off, but I really roll over good, and when I do it, all the campers smile, clap and are so proud of me that I lay there until they do smile, clap or praise me…

Ready set GO!   Or just sit and look adorable.... I pick adorable.

Yesterday I showed you four of the seven pets at the Camp Zoo.   Here is one more, Mr. B.   He also hangs out where ever I am.  He is Uncle Nick’s kitty.

Mr. Bauer

I know nice of me to share my all about me site with the pets, but they do provide me a lot of joy.   Tomorrow maybe the ‘beast’ will capture the last two, Layla Bear and Grizzy the Prozac Cat.   They are pretty cute and want to say hi to you guys.   Daddy calls Mr. B, ‘princess’ but I know he is only kidding, since there is truly only room for one PRINCESS at camp, and I have that position, HANDS/PAWS DOWN.   Not to mention daddy… he is a boy kitty.  So I am the only Princess at Camp Nana okay Daddy?

Teething/drooling and chomping up a storm again, maybe I am getting some top teeth....

So let’s see if you can see the pattern here….

How many can I get in at once?

No one will notice, I just want to nibble….gnaw, chomp, drool, and BITE everything….and I mean anything and everything…


So…… do you think my eyes are blue?   OR WHAT!   Cute… so cute!The thumb a true favorite.... notice the wet appearance.... just like my buddy Griff, we are both droolers...

I can always blame Mr. Griff for any extra drool…. so I am cool.  Looks like this is a duplicate photo, but it’s not…. notice the extra wet’ness’.   I’ve been a chompin’.

Where is my lens cap ? Here I am missing my lens cap…. but finding solstice in my fingers….. until I bite them…. the point is… between all the BLATENT signs, and mucous everywhere in my nasal passages, I am certain there are some choppers on their way.   I will let you know the minute they appear…. and most likely Mr. Nikon and Nana will not let them slip by without a proper welcome!   Until tomorrow, I hope you know you are loved immensly and missed even more – your Little Miss Adorable, your princess daughter,

Good night momma and daddy.... I am talking to you... can you tell?








The one and onlyPRINCESS at Camp Nana!  Since all the other little princess’ have grown up!


XOXOXOX from me to you!

Mr. Griff and the Animals, Ahhh Back at Camp!

Hello Mom and Dad, hope you had a great Saturday!

Dear Mom and Dad,

This morning when I woke up, I did the usual with Nana, we changed a diaper, and then we let the animals out.   It’s a routine, and nothing too exciting but I really like it.   Nana starts my day singing…(eh hem….yea, thats what I say, but it makes her cheery so.. whatever…)  then we hop over to the changing table for a little morning freshen up… the puppies wait patiently while my princess bottom is pampered, and then, we proceed to the back door to let them out in the puppy run.   I watch patiently and then, we heat a mornin ‘bob’.   May not sound like much fun, but really, I love it, and smile so much, that I often have a hard time keeping my mouth around the nipple of my bob.   I wake up happy, and am truly a morning girl… come to think of it, I am an afternoon and evening girl as well.   I guess I am just a perfect princess anytime  of day really.  Unless I need tummy medicine… then I can get a wee bit fussy.   But all in all… I am definately a fun and happy little camper.

Happy Baby Guillianna!

Today though  – was crazy  – for poppy and all the other campers. 

They had so many things to get done…and catch up with.  So Nana and I held down the fort(camp), while they worked, and Uncle Nick had an orientation to go to for school. 


 So it was just Nana, the ANIMALS and I for a while, then all the campers and I practiced crawling with the animals!  


Here we are … just hanging out and enjoying my crawling tube you sent me.

Mr. Griff and I.... He watches over me, and I love him!

I am sitting at the enterance …. Mr. Griff really wants to give it a try but only his head fits inside.

Poor Mr. Griff... he would love to scoot through this thing...

 The one thing that Nana did not miss while away these past few days….PET HAIR… and we have our share…..everywhere.

I so want to walk......

So we cleaned house…I hopped on my scooter, and it seems my little socked toes are as good as a swiffer…. nah, just kidding.   But it is true, there is so much doggy goobering, slobbering and shedding going on, that … the camp needed a bath!   And we obliged.  Our dryer exhaust broke too while we were  away… and lint and dust were everywhere…. poppy fixed it last night, and we cleaned particles of dust from just about everywhere for hours.    I must say with all the dog hair and kitty hair, you could hardly notice a little more dryer lint everywhere… it looked like it had snowed inside at camp.  I am going back to my Goldfish mini class this upcoming Wednesday… and will see Maddy and my other Guppy friends.   No other big plans though, just more of my little routine.   I ( or Nana and I) have been  reading the books you sent, and enjoying them very much.  Thank you for sending them.  Here is four of the six pets at the zoo.

Kozy Kat.... or Kozette

Kozette is the ruler over all the pets…. then there is Lady Liberty…

Lady Liberty who is always camera shy.... and will not look at the camera!

and her brother, Justice, or as we like to call him Bubba Justice.


and finally, little Mr. Big Head, Griffin,

Little Mr. Big Head, Mr. Griff...

I love you both very much, and hope you have a great weekend.  I will write you tomorrow, and let you know how things are going.   The older campers are going with Great Grandpa Ray in his DeSoto to dinner in Frankenmuth.  Poppy has to be at a 5K race that he is sponsoring at Oakland University for Meadowbrook at like six a.m., and Nana and I will be hanging out with the animals here at the zoo.  I am doing good and you would be so proud of me.   Until tomorrow, please know I love you both and as always, I am, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Sleeping on Nana, I am Little Miss Tuckered Out!


Traveling Back to Camp Nana!

Gugu B wants to eat JujyFruits...  hey, no Juju B canday?   Nana says she onlys found Jujyfruits....so I did what any good princess does, I eat what is put in front o me!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am back at Camp Nana, and let me tell you…. I am really very happy to be here.   The zoo animals missed me something terrible.  I am in my crib waiting for you to check in on me.  We unpacked all my princess necessities, and have settled in.   On the way back to camp we surprised Great Aunt Ida and Cuz Nanc with a visit, it was so nice, but the ‘beast’ aka Mr. Nikon, stayed in the car so no photos… darn! Thank you so much for having all the campers and I in to your home on short notice. Today, I was ready to go to ‘the hop’, in my dancing shoes and skirt today.  Yes, I said THE HOP, cause well, thats the way it looked.  See what you think….

The only thing missing  from my outfit below, is a Poodle on my skirt, (for my readers who remember, since mom and dad most certainly cannot!) but no matter what Nana puts me in… I make it look good….

An Argyle Skirt, Matching Sweater, and Socks!

I didn’t sleep much today, not even in the car… just 20 minutes in the morning before we went home,and 20 minutes in the car.  I know you will be shocked at this little tidbit, but Nana did bring enough for me to do for the entire trip, toys, toys and more toys, and yes there is always the singing… lots and lots of singing…, (4 hours worth, aaarrrggghhh)  I was an angel, except for the last ten minutes, when I wanted a bob, and it was a bit too cold… so… yes I shed a tear or two… but once at camp with Mr. Griff, Justice and Libby, as well as all the kitties… I was fine.  Hope you enjoyed my new “peek a guge” game( that’s what I like to to call it… ) on video… I played it quite a bit in the car with Nana… and am just soaking up stuff like a sponge.  Every day it seems I am more and more into the toys you and daddy sent me.  Learning how to work them all.   It is so much fun for me to figure out how to get them to make sounds.   And when I tire of toys there are always the other campers willing to play a game.   This game is very cool and I have an advantage… we call it BIG CHEEKS!

Here are Uncle Nick, Aunt Mikayla and I .... playing who has the biggest cheeks game!

Uncle Nick, Aunt Mikayla and I playing the new game…. we see WHO HAS THE BIGGEST CHEEKS… I am trying to squish thiers in so I can win.   DIDN’T NANA TELL THEM THE BABY PRINCESS SHOULD ALWAYS WIN!    I won though you can be sure… I got them both with my ‘sneak attack’.

We have had a very busy few days, and a special visit with GG-ma and Great Papa.   In a few weeks I will be going to visit Great Grandma Sally and Grumpy for a special visit.  And then pretty soon after that, I am told you two will be here for some R&R, which no longer means REST AND RELAXATION but instead is…. “READY?      RUUUUUUNNNNNNN! ”  Here I am waiting for a dance partner…. I will hold a special dance card, (again mom and dad are WAY too young to remember those)…. but I have dances reserved with both daddy and you when you come. 

Dancing Queen!Well,  I hope you are both well and doing as well as can be expected …under the circumstances. Nana has much work to do on my website, she crashed it down when we were away for a few hours, but all was not lost, and we were able to get help bringing it back up. 

I hope you and mommy can still see YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, and that everything is restored there in the land of sand.   If you or anyone is having difficulty you will have to let her know….But all should be well… I hope.  I have such important stuff to get out in my love letters that I will insist she fix it asapp.   (As soon as Princess Possible)  Until tomorrow, I am –  as always  – your little princess, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
