Teaching the Campers!

Here I am looking very beautiful, and I am learning sooooo fast!

Dear Mom and Dad,

We are packing up and heading back to camp in the morning, so today, even though it rained, we had a totally awesome time with GGma and Great Papa.   The ‘Beast’ was extra busy today and so Nana helped me put the photo shoot into a gallery for you to view.   I hope you love the photos, because they are all of me!   Before you see them though I have to tell you, I am working very hard at teaching all the campers here a new trick.    I think they get it though… here it is on video for you to enjoy.    I have officially taught THEM how to play peek-a-boo.   Poppy says he has not heard GG-ma laugh like this in a while.  I am glad that I can ‘entertain’ them, and I think, between me teaching them peek a boo, and the other campers teaching them a new game of cards… GG-ma and Great Papa had a nice visit in the North.   I know we all did.  


Here are a few of my photos from today’s shoot.   Nana can never EVER decide which ones you would like to see the most, she just figures, you want to see as much of me as possible, and WHO WOULDN’T?    I am definately shooting for most photographed baby, and lovin’ every single minute of it.   Mr. Nikon and I… we have a thing goin’ on, and the end result… A LITTLE PIECE OF PRINCESS PHOTO heaven!

Nana put up a bunch since tomorrow, we will be in the car for most of the day, and she will not have many photo opportunities… rest assured though she will have a few… and will make sure to send off my love letter to you.  But she is posting extra today so you will SMILE – SMILE – smile, just like me!

Until tommorrow… enjoy these, and know  – I   L O V E   Y O U !

I love you so very much, and hope you will sleep well knowing I am safe and happy.   I cannot wait until we are all together again, and hope you will always know, that today and always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your sweet little PEEK A BOO’in baby…

Did you know I love and miss you.... I DO... see you soon okay? xoxoxoGuillianna!

Crawl? Look at me walk, IN WATER!

Hey Momma and Daddio....  Guess what I did today?

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is Wednesday, and we are fixin’ to go back to camp Nana, but before we do, we have a few last items on our CAMPER ‘to do’ list.   Today… the other campers went up the river in Kayaks!   Great Papa was a kayak’in too, pretty awesome.   Nana , GG-ma and I, well we watched and took a few shots with the ‘beast’.  We were having fun hangin back, and nearly missed my peeps as they passed….  here are Poppy, Uncle Nick and Aunt Alyx, with Aunt Mikayla and Great Papa.   Hmmmm….  Aunt Arri and Aunt Allyssa where are you?    Should we call the river police?

Yea, we almost missed them completely... they were going sooo fast!

Truth is, none of the kayaker’s  were  traveling fast…. Nana just missed them as they passed by.   Lucky for us, Aunt Arrianna and Aunt Allyssa were bringing up the rear!   Or you’d have missed the Kayak experience all together.  Any way, since this web page is ALL ABOUT ME, let’s get to it… the important issues of the day….. me, me  AND … ME!

Team Arri/Allyssa need to work together with the paddling thing!

On a special note, I have a few  little tid bits to pass on…

Maddie, my GoldFish Mini Guppy friend, (who by the way wrote to me, so excited) tells me they have missed me in class.   I have been practicing here in the north, and will be back to class next week to show off my skills.  

My cousin Missy… she sent me a very cool e-mail she had been working on.. and let’s just say… I may replace Nana and her transcription skills for my love letters to you guys.   Missy made a very cool montage of ME…. that with out a doubt proves she is a very loyal princess peep.   I cannot wait to meet her.   Nana may just have to mind her P’s and Q’s or she may be out of a job…. Missy and I… well who knows what we could do…  hey, I was thinking how do you Californians tell people where they live…. with out the ‘mitten’?   THANK YOU MISSY, I WILL MAKE SURE MY MOM AND DAD SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME! 

Meanwhile… check this out… I walked today.  CRAWLING… well it is totally over rated, I discovered mobility via my own two feet.   Today at the pool I was cruisin’ along in my suped up SKY FLYER, and I my little tootsies were kicking along when suddenly… they became functional little walkers… and I walked and walked around the pool…and if NO FUN NANA with her 900,000 block sunscreen would let me –  I’d have stayed in there for hours….

Look out, I can move all by myself... and I am not stoppin!

The Aunts and Uncle, formed a circle of trust, around me, and I tooled around…. like a triathalete….  the three events… float a bit, walk a bit, and nibble on the Sky Flyer Floatation device.   GOLD MEDALIST to be sure. 

SELF POWERED, I WAS AWESOME!   I walked from Aunt to Aunt to Aunt to Uncle to Aunt!

Yea this is me, walking away from the beast, and Nana… catch me if you can Nana… hee hee hee…  it won’t be long before I figure this leg foot thingy out on land… you just wait and see.  

Yep these little guys are going to come in REAL handy!

Can you see the wheels turning…


These two guys…

my new friends…


Nana better get a new pair of runnin’ shoes, cause …

I am one brave kid, who loves to explore and keeps herself VERY VERY busy.

Soon   VERY SOON I plan on mastering this geting around thing.   If I don’t like what Nana is slingin’ at Camp, well I’ll just walk myself right over to GG-ma’s place!   Speaking of walking…. well GG-ma and Great Papa found me the cutest thing ever today… ‘baby needs a new pair of shoes’  takes on a new meaning… they take it literally… and look what I got.   MOCCASINS, princess pink suede Minnetonka Moccasins!  HOW COOL is that.   Move over BLUE SUEDE…. Gugu’s got a new pair of shoes…

My first Moccasin's !  Thank you Great Grandma and Papa!

I was thinking about it, and I bet these things will come in real handy with this whole  WALKING thing!

I am thinking those shoes will help me out with this whole WALKIN' THING!

I am hoping you can see that I am doing so very good, and grown fast.  I hope you are enjoying these photo shoots.   We are hoping it makes the days go by a bit faster for both th of you.  Before I leave you tonight, I have a few more pictures to make you smile.  

Me and my MOST KISSABLE PROFILE... cute huh?

and then there is me… AGAIN… 

I am adorable huh...?

Today, Mom and Dad, the older campers got to explore the dunes of sand up here in the north… ANOTHER PLACE MOMMY USED TO GO, and will bring me and daddy to one day… so we too can climb and play in the sand….


Pretty huh?

As you can see all is well here… and as the sun sets in Northern Michigan,

I think of you... and your safe return... Good Night Mom and Dad!

I think of you both.    Until tomorrow… please know that I am so lucky to be your Little Miss Adorable, your ‘tuckered out’ little pool walkin’ baby…

Again, daddy, I am totally tuckered out, but was really busy today!


Well Yesterday was DEER, and Today there are DEAR!

I am trying to decide here...can you see me contemplating...?

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was a wierd day up in the Northern parts of Michigumme. (yea, I said it, and yea, I may have been in the woods too long…) For Nana, a true low point.   No deer in the window today, and other “Nana Stuff”, that’s what we campers call it when Nana is in a mood.   We just kick back and say… yea it’s Nana Stuff again, and wait for it to pass.   Today ended up pretty cool.  Yesterday may have been deer in the window, TODAY was DEAR people coming to visit!   How cool is this, GG-ma and Great Papa came all this way to hang with me and the campers, or is it the campers and I?    Either way… take a look at this… if Nana was having a NANA MOMENT, well they cured her of her “Nana Stuff” issues.

We all went to Great Grandma Sally's for one last farwell.

However, once we finished our travels and the Nana nonsense…. I found myself in a quandry.    I have a question… can you tell…?

Me pondering the important question of life....

See, here I am, with all my peeps around, and they think if they put that little lens cap thingy I play with out on the table, I will hike on over to it, in a “crawling’ fashion.  

Now do I really want to try to go for /crawl to that cap?

they may have to reconsider… since as a princess, I know one thing… if I tire, I can just roll on over, and twenty sets of hands will catch my little head, and most likely hand me the little lens cap when I ‘ask’ for it.   So I negotiated a deal… a few photo op’s in return for a repreve

Photo op....on the CRAWLING THING for today, in exchange for a few AWESOME PHOTOS…. good deal huh ? 

I am really far more into the whole you bring it to me thing than me working like a dog to go get something.   I mean – seriously… do you really grasp how much I have to do in order to crawl?   WELL I DO, and it is a lot of stuff.    It’s one thing for nana to have to deal with NANA STUFF, but I am too little to deal with GUILLIANNA STUFF.   I say keep it simple…I’ll  just roll over, and they –   who ever, comes to me…. like this.. some folks say, ‘if you got it, flaunt it”, well I say, yea I got it, and if I target the right people, eh hem… hint -hint…. my little GG-parents…. I can work it….

Yea, this will work... If I look cute... some one will help me out here...  any takers? ....

Well incase you cannot see it all over their faces… I have em, hook line and sinker.  That whole Little Miss Adorable thing… well it works like a charm.  I went for a ride in my car today… lookin’ pretty cool behind my Pooh Cruiser… hey,  is that a pun?

Pooh Cruiser, I crack myself up... Love my Winnie the Pooh mobile...

I had an awesome day, and just want you to know that I love you both.   I am told we will see sand dunes in the next few days, and Nana says, I love you guys a bazillion times more than there are granules of sand at the Sleeping Bear Dunes.   Mommy used to climb them with her sisters and brother… one day… I plan to race daddy to the top.   For now, I am having a blast…. Look out HERE I COME!

Hmmmmm do ya think I like this thing?

Hugs and Kisses to both of you all the way in the real land of sand…and may you have sweet dreams day and night of me… your Little Miss Adorable, your princess daughter,

Still pondering lifes big questions...


Nana says… the worst part of her trip here is over, and after we pick up a few things and and schedule a moving truck for the last of the the “stuff'” we are on our way back to camp.   She wants my GGparents, when they go back and see my love letters, she hopes they will  know… they are so DEAR.  Thank you for making the trip… Thanks for showing all the campers, and my mom and dad what being part of a family is all about.   HUGS AND KISSES… and a special birthday wish to Cuz Bryan and Cuz Steven.    I hope Cuz Rachel feels better soon too.  So many well wishes, I know… but in light of the fact that we are taking time out to say how much we appreciate being a family… I thought I would fly an internet ‘squeeze’ out to ya’ll from DEAR/DEER country.

Deer…and THE POOL!


Dear Mom and Dad,

This morning when Nana was working on getting internet service on her computer… she looked up at the window of our cabin.   Look what she saw!

If you look you can see BAMBI




Right out the window she saw Bambi…

She went to get the Black Beast, and you know what she found…


It was Bambi alright… nibbling on some vegitation, but Bambi was not alone…


Bambi had a friend…

Two Bambi, or is it Bambi's

They were so busy eating, that they didn’t know they were in a photo shoot.

Look how cute....After Nana took a bazillion photos of the deer…. we went swimming, and then the really awesome photos began.  PHOTOS OF ME!

I am ready to go... off to the pool... sunscreen EVERY WHERE EVEN IN MY HAIR!So… I got my suite on,

and was lubed up with 900 proof sunscreen, EVERY WHERE… including my HAIR….

AND finally we were off…

and I could not wait…

I was so excited to go into my stroller,

I could not keep it in anymore….

I was just so excited!



I am so excited to go.... I am sooooooo excited...





This is my I CAN’T WAIT FACE….







Swimming....smiling.... so much fun!


Uncle Nick and I are quackin up!

Mr. Nikon and Nana… havin’ a field day… with me and my Starfish floatie!

Hey Nana .... come on in...

This is so much fun!

I am having a blast and Nana captured a photo of a little girl at the swimming pool, who is exaclty the same age as I will be when you are home next August.   She asked ‘Sophia’s’ daddy if she could put the photo up just so you can see how big I will be, and imagine yourselves with me at the pool when you come home.   WE WILL GO TO A POOL OR A LAKE AND THIS WILL BY ME WITH YOU GUYS.

A little friend... at the pool... THIS WILL BE ME WHEN YOU COME HOME and we go to the pool together!

She is two… and lovin’ the pool like me.   Thank you Sophia’s daddy for letting me show my mom and dad a glimpse into OUR FUTURE.   This will be us before you know it… it will give my mommy and daddy something sweet to dream about.   I love you very much mom and dad, and hope you know that you are being thought of so often.   Please hold on to these pictures and keep smiling when you think of me, and don’t forget how lucky I am that you are my parents.   Nana says send photos… and sends hugs and kisses from me to you!   Until tomorrow, I am as always, your sweet LITTLE MISS ADORABLE,  “Little Miss Tuckered Out”, your daughter,

Sitting on the deck, sun setting in the west, TUCKERED OUT, and lovin' life!
