Glen Arbor… on a Sunday!
Dear Mom and Dad, Yea, I love this lens cap thingy, it is one of my very favorite ‘toy’s’ if you can believe it. I chomp on it when ever Nana brings out Mr. Nikon… which is often as you know. But I love it and have fun with it!
Today is Sunday. I love Sunday’s here in the north as much as I do back at camp. As a matter of fact, the past few days have been like SUNDAY since all the campers are with me ALL DAY LONG. They have played with me, and we have worked so hard on crawling. The CRAWLING toy daddy sent me, is so awesome. I really like playing in it. There are things along the way to touch and squeeze and shake. I love it.
Today we could not get much done since everything is closed for the trailer/truck rental place that Nana has to get to move some stuff for Great Grandma Sally, so we just enjoyed Glen Arbor, Michigan. It is in the little pinky of the ‘Mitten State’. There is water every where mixed with green trees and wild flowers, sand dunes and deer! Yes, Nana spotted a deer just a few feet from us. Poppy took me out in my little car, and I was …. adorable.
I guess I should say Poppy walked and I sat back and enjoyed the ride…
Like a Princess on a float in a parade…
Hey let’s see if I have it …
you know the Princess wave…
Here how about this….
Yea, I got it! I definately have IT. Princess Guillianna… what do you think mom and dad….
I spent time with my ‘learning toys’ today here I am trying to figure one out…
Now I can concentrate on those ABC’s.
I had a great day today. I am now taking my tummy medicince twice a day and eating two meals and a fruit snack per day with little or no trouble.
Since Nana brought almost everything under the sun from camp, it seems like I am at camp, she has the same bedding for my bed, a crib not the pack-n-play. Even my music box/mobile from the crib because yes, I am a little bit particular. I am just beginning my phase of ‘liking familiar things’. Usually I go to sleep at night listening to Neil Diamond, yes mom, that is true, NEIL DIAMOND, a Nana thing you may not be so happy about when you come home, or maybe I will outgrow… because she left the Neil Diamond CD at camp. LUCKY FOR ALL THE CAMPERS, we have iTunes. Uncle Nick had to download the song onto his iPhone, and plays it for me when I go to bed. It’s Neil Diamond and Dolly Parton singing ‘You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling’ ! GO FIGURE, who knew it would grow on me so…. and now… Uncle Nick jokes that my first words will be …. ‘YOU NEVER CLOSE YOUR EYES ANYMORE…. ha!
I have all the comforts of camp though to be sure, and am truly loving my field trip. I am such a good little camper! Until tomorrow, please know I love you both very much and as always I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,