A day of work, thankfully…

Look at these kissable cheeks... so sweet!

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is Saturday today and not much is happening at camp since Poppy is working really hard today, so hard that he will have to go to work on Sunday to finish all the paperwork, and Nana and the campers are working hard too on camp stuff.  Poppy is so glad to be so busy, during times where so many need work.  He started spending Saturday afternoons traveling to patients who are too sick to leave home  yet need care, about three years ago when Nana was really sick and people had to come to her house…. now Saturday afternoons are not enough time to see all those that need care, so he will go back tomorrow.    I worked hard too on sitting, rolling, and a bazillion photos, and  Uncle Nick had a friend coming to visit all the way from the Marshall Islands –  for dinner, and Nana cooked ( or tried to, Julia Child she is not) .   This friend drove here just to visit Uncle Nick from Ohio, where he was visiting family.   He is Nana and Poppy’s age, and was a really good friend to Uncle Nick while he was away for that year in the South Pacific.  So, the house was dusted and cleaned from all the slobber and hair that our camp/zoo animals leave behind, and we just had a nice evening at camp.  Despite Nana’s cooking.   The other day I told you about how we reorganized at camp…  All the toys you and daddy have sent me fill my new playroom!  The library is officially GUILLIANNA’S PLAY ROOM, and is so much fun.   Look at this.   I think I am good on toys for a while now Mom and Dad.   I love them all!   Can you see Mr. Penguin.   He is still in time out from when we had our little tiff!   Nah, just hangin’ in my pack -n-play.   I love him! 

My Play Room!

Here is another angle of my new playroom!  Lot’s of books here!

Looks fun doesn't it!

I plan on reading all of the books too…

Someday, maybe not right now…

Behind my toys are those special books that Grumpy passed on to all of his grandchildren to read. Remember Mom?

There are so many books.

And one day Poppy says, I too will read them all…

Cool huh?


My toy box!

Here is my toy box and Elmo too.   I am telling you there are hours and hours of fun in this box!    Camp is very ‘kid friendly’ as you can see!  Now, I am sure you’re missing my face… so here I am today… looking mighty sweet as usual!  I am such a good baby, and so smart mom and dad, I love books… here I am reading one…

Look at me telling the story... so cute!

and here I am again…showing my adorable little personality…

I have so much personality... it just amazes Nana!

Nana can’t ever decide which photos you would like best, so she puts up A LOT…. are you sick of this face ?    Nana just can’t imagine anyone ever getting sick of my face… AND … I bet she could find a few people who agree with her…… I am afterall,  totatally and completely  (say it with me)     A D O R A B L E ! 

Nana caught me in the middle of a sentence here...

I have a silly side too…  yea Nana is a bit too close, and it’s not the most clear shot, but it shows my little dimple, and my silly side!

How about this for silly?

Then there is my serious face…  still adorable…

Serious Guillianna!

No matter what the mood, Nana… loves taking pictures of me and showing you how I am growing every day.   I have been taking a little less tummy medicine these days, and hope to get it down to twice a day… WOO! WOO!   Best news ever!  I hope you know I love you both, and that I miss you.   Until tomorrow, I am, your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

I love you mom and dad!


I Just Love Friday’s, They Truly Are Fundays!

Look at me... I have so many adorable faces... and a pose for every occassion!

Dear Mom and Dad,

So today I had a totally awesome day…. here is how it went down.  I nearly slept through the night, only up twice.   I then woke up at 07:30 am and went back down for a morning nap about an hour and a half later… AND SLEPT TILL TEN!  Crazy… unheard of for me!   If that weren’t enough, I also took a nap in the afternoon for almost two hours.   I must have been exhausted!   Nana kept checking on me, and checking on me, and checking on me… and yes, checking on me… but I was fine, and just had a little catching up to do I guess.   Now it is late, and Nana is thinking… I will be up a bunch tonight.. but she’s cool with it… she has all her ‘p-u-ter’ stuff to do.   Yea, I said p-u-ter… cause let’s face it, I AM only eight months.  

I want that... what ever it is I don't even care, I just want it...

So today I indoctrinated Uncle Nick and Aunt Allyssa into my the ‘GUGU HAS ROSES FOR POOH POOH CLUB”.      Yes an awesome club for all the campers to eventually join!  Auntie Alyx and Auntie Arri are next.   They’ve been avoiding it since February.  Today however was SO FUNNY, I wish I had had the ‘black beast’ aka Mr. Nikon, myself.   I know I sure was laughing and it is a very good thing Aunt Allyssa and Uncle Nick don’t understand baby lingo… cause they may not have had the same appreciation for my humor… (still laughing about it but don’t tell).  See, Daddy called today… (HEY THERE DADDY-O!), and Nana was talking with him for the first time in a while, so … that means she was her usual long winded self, and a phone hog… but while she was talking… I decided, hey, I am bored, lets have a little fun with this… and oooopsy daisy… PRINCESS PRESENTS  for Uncle Nick and Aunt Allyssa… THEIR FIRST EVER!   Uncle Nick self admittedly says, yes, he has been a butt sniffer in the past… and then when needed PASSED me on to Nana for the ‘quick change’.   He has gained a totally new perspective, and has officially noted that  an actual quick change – produces an entirely different bouquet!    


Once the two of them realized that I needed the quick change… and well they didn’t want to bother Nana and Daddy, so they figured they would take on the challenge.   Uncle Nick grabbed the diaper bag, and Aunt Allyssa, who self proclaims she will never be a “homemaker type” and refuses to touch most anything that grosses her out, and also self admittedly states she gets nauseous at even hearing words like cluster, or saggy… Trust me when I say SHE IS NOT A FAN OF SAGGY (odor laiden) DIAPERS, AND SINCE FEBRUARY HAS done an awesome job of skirting this particular event.  She too, has NEVER CHANGED – EVEN ONE.   As a matter of fact, if standing in close proximity to Nana, whilst Nana is changing me, she would be the first to go get a glove on to transport the wet diaper, into the diaper genie, which sets next to the changing table…   and still only touch it with two fingers!  So you are getting the picture I am sure.  

Aunt Allyssa and Uncle Nick decided to go upstairs into Aunt Arri’s room to do this, as Nana was where my changing table is..in Nana’s bedroom.   They didn’t want to disturb the call from the land of sand.. so up we went.   Aunt Allyssa was carefully maneuvering me, by carrying me under my arms with my legs dangling a bit, so as not to ‘squish’ the sag… by the time she reached the top of the stairs, her ‘guns’ were exhausted, so she SAT ME DOWN (hmmmmm), on Aunt Arri’s bed, where I then laid back and rolled about a bit while they organized their supplies(double hmmmmm).   Aunt Allyssa began to unveil the presents I had bestowed upon them, and was surprised to find they had now extended up my back to just below the my NECK…. eeeewwwww, at this point, had some been handy, they both would have donned HAZ-MAT suits…. and as a matter of fact I even heard Uncle Nick describe the removal of my clothes to Nana, where he clearly said, they kept it ‘CONTAINED’…. ‘Contained’…. what is it TOXIC WASTE!   Nana has told me I smell like roses!     Yes, to all reading, I did in fact have a luxury bath… and they did an awesome job cleaning me up for my date with the GG’s.  (Great Grandparents)   No Haz-mat Suits required.. just lot’s of lovin’ and enjoying our visit on Friday’s are Fundays!  We had a very nice time, and Nana who is wrapped a little tight lately… loved spending time with them.    And yes… NANA JUST POSTED A LOVE LETTER ABOUT  YOU KNOW WHAT ON THE INTERNET…  she clearly has no shame…. but figured mom and dad would get a smile… so… at the risk of being crude, she did it… I will try my best to hold her back… on love letters containing  “a little too much info”…. but you know her she is a loose cannon sometimes… it’s all I can do to reel her in…  and if this is a day for “dirty diaper” stories, we may as well get up close and personal (while protecting princess privacy without doubt) and give you a glimpse of TUBBY TIME!

Tubby time!

A personal fav!   Now, I even have friends to take my tubby with, a member to represent the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines!

ARMY DUCK, MEET NAVY DUCK, AS WELL AS AIR FORCE AND MARINE DUCK!  Hey does the Navy duck have an advantage in here?

What will Nana think of next?    I am looking pretty adorable aren’t I? Just when I though tubby time couldn't get more fun, I get DUCKS!

Had a blast with the armed forces in my tub… wow…. who knew plastic ducks …in the service…!  (leave it to Poppy to get me plastic ones not rubber for Nana and I to use,  woo woo)

So I discovered a new toy in MY playroom …. one of the other campers toys I am assuming, but look daddy what I found…I am not sure what it is, but I am soooooo interested in it…. do you know what it is ?

I am not sure what to do with this.. but I am very very interested...

Yes… I know what this is ….. the big campers use it from time to time…

Getting ready to challenge daddy someday!

and I know just what I want to do with it…



See... daddy I know just what this is good for...


Well now you have seen me during another day at camp.   I am doing very well, and am sorry I cannot talk to youon the phone yet, but don’t you worry based on my awesome vocal skills, and the frequency of them, Nana say’s I will be hard to shut down once the lines of communication are broken though… there will be NO STOPPING ME… most likely I won’t be playing twenty questions… I PLAN ON HAVING A MILLION … ABOUT EVERYTHING ….exploring, and keeping up on EVERY SINGLE THING AROUND ME is my forte’.   You’ll see.  Until tomorrow, I wish you sweet dreams, and a great day, and as always I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Me telling a story AGAIN... I love talking...


Just incase you need one more glimpse of me before we part…

Hangin' in my princess Lazy Girl chair... which fits perfect now!


Love you both very much, and wish I could ship you a Princess Lazy Girl chair like mine….


It’s really quite cozy and it rocks too…


Here I am explaining to the other campers, that it’s not their size… and while I am all for sharing, mine is the butt that fits best…

XOXOX Guillianna!

And … incase anyone is wondering… just how tired Nana can get… well she started this love letter at about tenish Eastern Standard Time, and as she finished, accidently hit the delete key and deleted the entire thing… SO NOW IT IS ALMOST 2 AM, luckily this time she SAVED ME and all of my cuteness … Nana says sorry to mom and dad if they were trying to check me out, and it was not done… Nana didn’t mean to be a slacker… but a sleep deprived Nana has trouble keeping her eyes open sometimes…so … we are both sorry for late love letter for the day… okay?  Hugs and Kisses from your Guillianna Bear….

Dating? Nah… Just a social butterfly!

Laying around, on one of those  lazy hazy crazy 'daze' of summer!  Ah Nana are you dating yourself again?

Dear Mom and Dad,

Tonight I had another ‘date’.  Mommy remembers, and Daddy might remember meeting Mr. Mike and Ms. Betsy at my Princess Party.  Uncle Nick’s old hockey coach, his wife and one of their son’s Mr. Josh met us for a pizza party tonight.

I cannot tell you how many of Nana and Poppy’s friends have been making me feel like a QUEEN, not just a princess, a royal queen!   I get pampered and loved on, and let’s just say.. I am coated with kisses and hugs, most all the time.    Everyone will be glad to see both of you back home, sooner than later.  Seems all of the other countries have brought home their troops, let’s hope ours are not far behind!  (Can I get an “AMEN”!)  Then it will be you two, huggin’ and squeezin’ on me!  Woo Woo! ICAN’T WAIT….

The day was peaceful here at camp.   I played, and like I do everyday, I watched my Mom and Dad DVD – we look at the pictures of you and daddy every single day!  Later in the day I usually watch one of  my word DVD’s mommy and daddy sent me.   I practiced tummy time, and rolling over.  Mostly I laughed and talked.  I am really a talker… sometimes I talk so loud that I startle myself.  Crazy huh?

I am having family fun night tomorrow with Great Papa and GG-ma, otherwise known as our usual FRIDAYS ARE FUNDAYS!   So you see I am being immersed in family and friends, to be sure.   No real news from camp today.  Just seems I DO NOT NAP AT ALL, if I do sleep it is very brief, and I feel like I am missing out if I do sleep.    I also think I want to start running before I crawl.   I love standing up and am very strong.   If I don’t want to sit in my car seat you better STRAP ME IN SECURE, because I can wiggle and squirm my way right out of it.  I just arch my back and fuss, till I looks like I am making progress and then, the Nana police either take me out,  or strap me in… but really, it is not a favorite place to be.   I would MUCH RATHER be up and out moving about!

Little Miss Adorable... wants to go go go!

I hope you both know that I love you, and I will write after my Friday are Funday’s date with GG-ma and Great Papa.  Until then please remember I am today as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

When I finally do fall asleep... I SLEEP!


P.S. Nana is sorry there were only a few photos of me tonight, her computer is giving her a hard time…. sorry!

Making new friends!

My new Goldfish Mini friend... Mattie!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Tonight was GOLDFISH MINI class!   This is Mattie, one of five of us in the class.  Nana tried to get a photo of all of us together tonight, but I CRIED!   I am thinking it was either that I don’t like sharing my MR NIKON photo ops, or maybe it is that I have not been sleeping well for about a week now, and was just plain exhausted.  I had fallen asleep in the car, and there was so much traffic on the way, that we were late!  I like doing things in GUILLIANNA TIME… for example, my breakfast, well this is not a quick thing, I like taking my time, and eating very, very slowly… I’m not one to be rushed… believe me… and if rushed well… all I can say is “tear!” OR TEARS! 

Mattie is one year old.   She has been a mini since four months old I believe so I could have her be my mentor.   She goes under water.  And she is nice!

Mattie is like the equivelent of a "black belt" in the Goldfish Mini Class... WOW!  

Thank you very much to Mattie’s parents for letting my show off my new friend and classmate, and another MOST ADORABLE face on my website.   I don’t know if they read my love letters, but if so… thank you.  Maybe I can sneak a group photo in next week so you can see all of us… we are so cute in the water.   It really is fun… EXCEPT TODAY… I was the one crying.   And no they were not ‘happy tears’.  They were , “I was tardy to class, and tired” tears.  

I was just not myself at swim class which is sad since Great Aunt Pam and Cuz Brit came to see me.  THEY TOO FOUGHT CRAZY TRAFFIC AND CAME TO SEE ME BE A BIT FUSSY… oh and by the way, can I just say, it is really a good thing that I haven’t reached that I AM TOO COOL STAGE, you know that stage when you are embarrassed to be “different”.   Or embarrassed because you are the only MINI there with a Poppy, a Nana, and her BLACK BEAST of a camera. (WHICH IS GOING OFF A BAZILLION TIMES,LIKE SHE IS A PAPARAZZI),  Four Aunties, an Uncle, a Cuz and one Great Aunt… whilst every other MINI has their GMP(Goldfish Mini-Partner) and maybe one other parent there to watch.   I COME WITH AN ENTOURAGE….. and as I said, thankful I am not the easily embarrassed type.   All I am saying is, Goldfish mini school, at Camp Nana is like a spectator sport and I am the MVP….   THANKFULLY… I AM AT THE STAGE WHERE I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY ENTOURAGE, AND THE MORE FOLLOWERS…. TO TAKE CARE OF MY PRINCESS NEEDS, THE BETTER…. so thank you Aunties, Uncle, Great Aunt Pam, and cousin Brit… you know how to make me feel special.

Here I am doing the Monkey excercise again... so fun!

Uncle Nick and I, doing the monkey, and then practicing floating on my back again…

Fun but not as fun as chasing down the balls...

Seems being TARDY (eh hem Nana? ) means I missed the COLLECTING OF THE FLOATING BALLS, my favorite part, but don’t worry I will be early next week and I will be chasing balls again!

I think I told you about how we spent the weekend reorganizing my Princess Playthings… and found that the former LIBRARY at Camp has become the perfect venue for my new Princess TOY ROOM.   Nana had the campers move out the big couch  that was in there, leaving the love seat.  Then we put all of  my ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY toys in the room.   The puppies however were not pleased with the renovated space….  Love Seat… Crowded Seat may be a better name…..  

Sharing space... kind of...

We can call this photo, “Liking the love seat… NOT SO MUCH! ”  Here is Mr. Griff and Justice sitting cheek to cheek, and Miss Liberty… uh… no room… left out of the bonding moment.   But they are good about it, and seemingly understand a Princess truly needs space. 

So all in all, I had a good day.   I am missing you both very much, and hope you enjoyed the photos of me at the pool today!  Again Nana and Poppy really appreciate that Mattie’s mom and dad are so nice, as are all the other mommies and daddies in class.   Until tomorrow, I am as always your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter, and her new friend…

Hey Mattie, see you in a week... call me!

Guillianna!   (If I look puzzled it’s because, I know I have several toy cell phones, but how can Mattie call me if I don’t know my cell number? )