Today is my cuz’s B-day! It’s a ‘WHO KNEW?’ KIND OF DAY!

I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, and I am wishing Cousin Missy Happy Birthday!

Hello Mom and Dad!

Today is my cousin Missy’s birthday in California…. and she and I have become very special internet friends.   She checks up on me EVERY SINGLE DAY TOO!  The coolest thing ever about Camp is that I have been able to share my PRINCESS DAYS with family and friends EVERY WHERE  because of COMPUTERS!   Who knew?

Me helping out, tied a yellow ribbon on the trees, and put out flags... LOVING MOM AND DAD

So… after we get the important questions and wishes out of the way.. Nana has some photos to put up… since she was a slacker yesterday, and afterall, it is ALL ABOUT ME ISN’T IT?!

Just kidding, Happy Birthday to my cousin… I hope to meet you someday soon… I know you will visit GG-ma someday, so if I am still at camp… we can have a party… and I love a party…

Am I not the cutest thing ever?

I am doing so good Mom and Dad, you will be so proud of me!

Love the cheeks don't you?


Mom and Dad, I had some fun today, went to pick up a new hard drive for Nana, because not only did she not have the beast yesterday, she IF YOU CAN BELIEVE IT, is running out of space on her computer…. SOMETHING ABOUT HAVING A LOT OF PHOTOS?          Who knew?

Nana has been worried about so many things lately… (Who knew?) That she is definately in the “I have my head up my butt mode”.   We went to get her a new hard drive for her computer, she drove the wrong direction… ha… shamefully when she was young…SHE USED TO MAKE FUN OF HER GRANDMA WHEN SHE WOULD DO THINGS LIKE THAT (again, NOW NANA says WHO KNEW)! 

Flags.... Nana loves flags...

I hope your day was good.  I hope Daddy gets his ‘care package’ soon, I heard mommy did and has gotten two… WE MAILED THEM AT THE SAME TIME – and I want to send something else but was waiting to see if the address was right. 

Me... and flags... Nana must be in her glory!

I am heading towards my seventh Princess-versary which I will spend delivering FLAGS on July fourth.  We do this every single year but this year Nana designed a pin to give with our flags.   She had it made from the design she made at my baby blessing day.  Here is a photo of  the new pins… and don’t worry I am sending you guys one too…!   They are my BRING MOMMY AND DADDY HOME SAFELY PINS by GUILLIANNA!   Now I have my own website, I also have my own line of jewlery…. ha…. ( who knew?)  

My new lapel pin.... designed just like the pins Nana made for me!

Here are the cards they are on, with a flag!   We plan on spending the Fourth of July… as we always do, ‘flagging’, but this time every single flag will show my love for you!

Bring my Mommy and Daddy home safely!

After our quick run to the store for the hard drive, I was chillin’ with Aunt Arri and Uncle Nick as they stayed to help Nana today.   Apparently she likes having a few extra hands around to help with me sometimes…. “Who knew?  Afterall, I am a breeze to care for… but she’s old and ‘slow on the go’, so  I’ll cut her some slack.

As if the first photo today wasn't cute enough, this is another one, and I am looking GORGEOUS!

Here I am at the end of the day, and yes I am a little over dressed, but Nana’s house has air conditioning, and she is worried I might get chilly? WHO KNEW?

Here I am asking the all important question of the day.... 'WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE?'

I am doing great, and SO proud of your HARD work and dedication.   Nana, as I said, has a few flags up in your honor and in honor of all the people who are sacrificing for their families, and to keep freedom for all… Of course there are yellow ribbons up until you to come home… she tells me stories every day about how even though you want more than anything to be home, you are both keeping promises you made, in in a world where too often people dissapoint, or don’t keep their word, the two of you have, at all costs, done just that.   She says at the end of the day, you both are working so hard… FOR ME, and our family that I MUST BE THE MOST PROUD LITTLE PRINCESS EVER!  I am small, so much of what Nana says goes in one ear and out the other  (especially when singing) but she says, that it so doesn’t matter… Little Brains are like sponges, and they learn by example.   (Who knew… I have a sponge for a brain? )   The other day.. she’s like HEY GUGE… don’t use drugs..?   What…?   Nana, I have a hard time handling my passy… and my BOB… she’s like… HEY, NEVER TO EARLY TO PLANT THE SEED… WHO KNEW!

I love you both very much, and I am here ... with the flags.... wishing for your safety and thankful to all the soldiers who miss thier families to serve.   XOXO

Lovin’ you both and lovin’ Camp… even the  Nana special. (The ‘NO DRUG LECTURE’), which I am quite amused by…  I’ll be writing and hopefully raising your little spirits as your human incentive to BE HAPPY AND COME HOME SOON, tomorrow… until then, as always, I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, (WHO KNEW!   ME!)  your daughter/princess,

Me helping Nana!   Not only am I a spirit stick cheering up my mom and dad, now I am just like Nana... WHO EVERYONE SAYS GOT HIT WITH A PATRIOTIC STICK


Sunday Fun!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today, was a fun day… we woke at the crack of dawn, and got our day going.  Which is not a bad thing… because that meant while all my Aunties enjoyed a day off of much needed rest…. Nana and Poppy took me on an excursion.  Sad news is… NANA LEFT THE BIG BLACK BEAST HOME… and didn’t get any photos of my private field trip… but don’t you worry… I’ll see to it that doesn’t happen again.

So we got dressed, and Poppy and Nana took me to surprise GG and Great Papa.   Nana said, let’s park our car where GG and Papa would not see it, and pull out the stroller and STROLL ON UP TO THE DOOR, and just say we were in the neighborhood.   Nana said, that it would put a SMILE on their faces… and surprise them.  She was right, and guess what they did smile, as a matter of fact, they even called over Aunt Aud and Uncle Mel… to see your little princess.   AND YES IT IS TRUE… NOT A SINGLE PHOTO OF THE BIG EVENT….  awe, Nana…

I am telling you.. the smiles were flowing, and I did my little spirit stick thingy… making all my peeps happy.   They didn’t even say a thing about the Red Wing defeat to me…and I think they still love me even if they lost on Friday… I made up for it this morning by being GUGU ON THE GO… AND I GOT UP AND WENT TO GG’S HOUSE FOR SUNDAY SMILES…

After our little surprise, we went back to camp, where I am sure all the Aunties were thrilled to see Nana home.   Uncle Nick was away for the weekend….. and Nana got the wonderful brainstorm to CLEAN THE GARAGE AND CLEAN THE BASEMENT!  

eh… yeah… that’s what the Aunt’s thought too…

So I put on my kerchief… and we got down to it…

Here I am.... hangin out... having a blast... being the Princess!

CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN… hey, if they’d of let me charge up my little  GuGu-boni (my little Red Zamboni, you remember)  


I could have had that garage floor swept up in no time…  the last detail — putting out the American flag for Flag Day… Nana put up a few… like 20! (small ones, HARDLY NOTICABLE- to a SIGHT IMPAIRED PERSON)  Really, it’s not sooooo bad… I will get a picture so you can see…. our little ‘splash’ of patriotism….

Until tomorrow, I am and always will be… YOUR LITTLE MISS… your daughter,


Out on a date – Saturday night with GG-ma & Great Papa!

A face that could settle the war.... I melt hearts... and everywhere I go, I am so good, and everyone comes up to us to visit!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Hey does this make my butt look big?

I had an awesome day today.   I went to the mall with all my Aunts and was so lucky that Mommy called.   I also got a call from my Mimi… who says she is doing okay too.   After a great afternoon, I went to visit my GG-ma, and Papa, since last night I could not after my shots.  Nana kept me home in bed last night while everyone watched the hockey game.   I missed them so much that I called and said, HEY THERE GG-ma and Papa, CAN YOU MEET ME FOR DESSERT….AND guess what… they did!

I went to visit GG-ma and Papa, and look what happened... I had a secret admirer!

Not only is my GG-ma admiring me, but look at the table next to ours, the boys are already fascinated by me…. this friend was so happy just to be near me… but look at me, I am pretty darn cute….

I am just too cute....

Nana has so many photos of me today that I will keep my letter short and just tell you, I am feeling good after my vaccinations.   I had Tylenol today, but by tonight I was feeling totally like myself again.   Here I am looking out the window daydreaming earlier today… I love looking out this window!

A favorite thing I like to do!  I am so adorable that I when I see my reflection in the window, I laugh and smile.


I am also a fan of just day dreaming.


Nana doesn’t have a very big yard, but I love the green trees and can look at them for the longest time.

Today was sunny!

I was having so much fun!

Here I am…Look at me climb!climbing!


Hope Nana doesn’t stop me, cause I could just keep on goin’ …..


Like climbing a mountain for a more spectacular view…

Oh no… the black beast caught me..

Don’t worry Nana,

I won’t fall…  in order for that to happen there would have to be less hands constantly pampering my butt… Look close there is a hand under me as we speak..  I keep trying to say,  Hey, I got this … just let me climb!    But…no… they keep me from climbing my little Mount Everest at Camp Nana…

I love eating my clothes... no wait I love eating everything I can get to my mouth...

Okay, if I’m done climbing, maybe I can chomp on my clothes for a while…


Look at me…

planning a way to keep climbing on that couch..


My hair is really starting to grow more and more..


But it will be a while before I will need a hair stylist!    But with a face like this… who needs hair?   Nana says I have the most beautiful eyes…. no matter what angle you see me from, I am just a little ball of sunshine and eyes to match the baby blue sky!

Are these not the most kissable cheeks ever?


So the story is.... and I love telling stories!

Uncle Nick is working on helping to set up a live video stream so you can see me on video.  Nana will let you know when and if she can get it done.  She is trying so hard for you to feel a little less sad… but for now all she can do is show you how I am doing in photos… today she took so many.  Hope you are not getting tired of seeing this little face!

I know I don't get tired of it ... I am still a squealer when I see myself!

As always I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your special princess, your daughter,


Guillianna!     Hope you enjoyed my photo shoot today, and that I brought a smile to your faces…. xoxoxoxo  I will write you again tomorrow, until then, I am your little GUGU bee!


Dressed up to go.... and get a SHOT?   Yikes!

Hello Mom and Dad, 


Look at me, I am all dressed up and ready to go…




Just goes to show you, I can look adorable even in the face of the dreaded VACCINATIONS…

I am so good when I go there, every one is so nice to me!

This is me in the waiting room…

Me at Dr. E's Office

This is me by IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE… which is a favorite book of all Nana’s kids. 

I you give Poppy a Guilllianna to hold, he will smile!

Today was my 6 month pediatrician well baby appointment.   Poppy was so nice he came on his lunch hour to help out since he knows Nana hates the shot part too.   Today I had a great exam.  I am doing so good according to Dr. E.   He says, I am right where I am supposed to be, and he gave me a book today!   A baby picture book for babies my age to be read, and I love the book.   THANK YOU DR. E. AND STAFF!

I was also measured today and my head circumference is 43.25cm!

Look at me,  my height is 25 1/2 inches!    I AM GROWING !

Here I am being measured... I am 43.25 cm long!

 I am 15 pounds and 4 ounces! 

Here I am getting weighed... I AM NAKED... so we protected my Princess Privacy!

My motor skill development is right on track for my adjusted age.   I am to remain on my stomach medicine and have another cardiology exam in a few weeks but all in all…. with my situs inversus and my prematurity… the doctor says  I AM A TOTAL ROCK STAR, but you knew that didn’t you!  I had more vaccinations… my oral polio, pnuemoccoccal, diptheria, tetnus and pertussus, rotovirus and Hib!   I also got Tylenol.   I was so good not a single tear through the entire exam… being weighed and measured, even the first shot, no tears, I didn’t cry a speck… but then… when they stuck me again,  in the other leg… well, I wailed, and nearly said…. WHAT THE HECK!   Poppy and Nana made me comfortable right afterward, and I slept the whole way back to Camp.  

I am a total cutie...


Isn’t this the cutest little dress ever…



I know that one of the nurses said I JUST MADE HER DAY!   I wasn’t fussy, and I was looking very adorable from the top of my head…


to the very tips of my toes….


Matching shoes for the dress…… a definate must for a princess!


Well, tonight is the very big final GAME 7 of the series.   Winner takes home the Stanley Cup.   I will be in full uniform as the human SPIRIT STICK if I am up to it…. depends on how my shots make me feel! 

Right now I am resting… and when I wake up I may be cranky or I may be my wonderfully beautiful self.   It could go either way, one thing is certain though, I love you and am always your Little Miss Adorable, your baby girl,

Eating my dress!