Another Sunday at CAMP NANA!


Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is Sunday.   It was Uncle Nicks first day back home, and his birthday.  

Nick says thank you for his card!

 We met with some of the family for dinner, but really we just had a relaxing day at camp, and I was adored.    I have been thinking about my little spirit stick job, and giving the penguin a talking to… and a gnawing at… I figure if I gnaw at his little feet, maybe those Penguins will skate slow, or just not play well and we will win this CUP thingy….

Me, eating 'penguin feet' maybe it will help the Red Wings!   I can make it so they can't skate so good if I gnaw a bit on them, ya think?

I gnawed and gnawed at those litte feet,


and then it occurred to me,


If we win, I am jobless…

No More Spririt Stick, no more Red Wing Jersey…


I will only be a PRINCESS

and an unemployed princess at that…


So…. I THINKING OF A PLAN...have been trying to come up with a new job, where there is NOT so much potential to fail… I mean if they lose,  ITS SAD BECAUSE I will have all these WING NUTS being all DISAPPOINTED and stuff…


and if they win, I am OOW, which is my little acronym for OUT OF WORK’!

I figure, I am a princess, and that takes so much of my time, and I am the worlds most adorable human ‘spirit stick’. 

(not an opinion either since… I am so adorable  that I even WON OVER SOME DIEHARD BLACK HAWK FANS THIS WEEK END)   here I am ‘negotiating with the Penguins again.  This little face could talk just about anybody out of anything...

Until I realized… ITS A DUCK… darn… I have been wasting all this on a duck… well, win or lose on Tuesday, I know one thing for sure… Poppy say’s no unemployement for me, because, I have the all important task of making my mom and dad smile.   SEND THEM INTERNET HUGS, AND SUPER COMPUTER KISSES EVERY DAY…to keep them from losing sight of US.  Our family that extends from the GREAT LAKE STATE, to the LAND OF SAND.  

A kiss from Poppy, reminding me of how important my work is here at camp!

Nana says you called today, and she wanted me to say, you too are adored.   You and Dad have to be ‘army’ strong… and know that I am doing very well.   I am glad you will not get deployed when I am able to do so many things with you.  She said you are really missing me and daddy badly, but guess what I know a secret.   I know that no matter where you are, no matter how far – you need to remember that  daddy and I are thinking about you, and loving you more than you know.  No sadness!  My princess heart wants your heart to be happy about all the things we will do when you come home.  AND BELIEVE ME, I WILL KEEP YOU BUSY DOING SO MANY FUN THINGS.  For today I am sending you these pictures of me, to make your heart smile!  I love you today, and always… your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Love you... I am talking about something to someone... and still look adorable.



Welcome back to the UNITED STATES UNCLE NICK!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am back at camp Nana’s from my trip to Chicago.

I was only gone a little bit…. and the reason we went… to pick up mommy’s brother….

Nana has been unable to see Uncle Nick for a year, and says she knows that this is the hardest thing you two will hopefully ever have to face.   She says that is why she puts my love letters up for you every single day.  The best news is, that when the time is finished, and you mom and I get to be reunited, it will make all of us so very happy.  

JUST SO ALL MY LOYAL READERS, WHO ARE ALSO LITTLE WING NUTS, KNOW… that AFTER TWO games/TIMES OF FAILING TO WEAR MY ‘Spirit Stick’ uniform, and two consecutive loses,  NANA PUT ME IN IT BEFORE THE GAME AND POPPY AND I WORE OUR SHIRTS IN CHICAGO… (home of the previously in the playoffs BLACKHAWKS until they were eliminated by THE RED WINGS…YIKES) 


And guess what, they won 5-0.   Here we are, Poppy and I, waiting to return to Michigan.    Hey look …. I AM a ‘carry on’…..  ha ha…. So, it has been a year since Uncle Nick left the USA and traveled to the South Pacific, and Nana says, when a parent and a child are apart like I am from you guys, it is a VERY hard thing, but that when you return it will be such a happy time.   She says I will meet you and daddy at the airport when you come home!  I had not ever met Uncle Nick,  TODAY I DID, and he say’s I am ADORABLE  – ha!

Uncle Nick....

and in case he needed us to specify where he was going… Nana made a sign…  ‘ya know, he wasn’t even in the state of Illinois five minutes before she embarassed him!  

i Decorated my stroller to say "NEXT STOP HOCKEYTOWN"

I truly was so adorable, and everyone loved my RED WING ADORABLENESS, I even won over the fans who once liked those Blackhawks.  I was adored and was so good for Nana and Poppy. Until tomorrow, I am and always will be your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Going to Chicago…

O'Hare - Chicago.... went to pick up my Uncle Nick from his year away in the South Pacific.   I hope mom and dad fly home soon too! 

Dear Mom and Dad,

Hope all is well in the land of sand…. I am taking a mini trip with Poppy to Chicago.   We will bring Nana along for the trip… she can be handy especially when I leave Princess ‘presents’ for people… seems none of my Aunts or Poppy agree about the ‘roses’ thing, but Nana’s got my back.   She says I always smell like roses!  

Oh no.... after all that traffic ---don't say we will miss our plane!

I will send my love letter very early today, since Nana can’t take dictation while traveling….

On my way to Chicago!

Today is otherwise ho hum, a pipe broke at Nana’s, so Mr. Repair man will have to come, and after that, we will wait for a different repair person to fix a potty in the house…  I say… give everyone PAMPERS and we wouldn’t have to call the potty repair person…

We promised a photo of my new rocker and here it is…

A cozy spot where I can be rocked to sleep, and fed... LOVE IT!

Doesn’t it look cozy…

I absolutely love being rocked and yes, I know, I should just go lay down in my crib at night, but, as far as being spoiled goes… I say…you’re only a baby once and I figure, I should get rocked as often as I like… cause one day, I will be like you two… working hard, and having no time to be rocked…

This chair did not come with an off switch for the singing module that comes on everytime I sit with Nana…

No volume control either..  hmmmmm….

It’s okay… I am getting used to the singing… but it’s so weird how Nana makes up words as she goes… what’s that all about?…

I will write you again tomorrow, and tell you about my short trip to Chicago…. Chicago O'hare !   I was awesome!  Loved all the attention I got!

and don’t forget Daddy needs to e-mail  Nana the actual zip code  for HIS address to Nana…the one she has is not right… and we REEEEEALY need to send this stuff so I can make my daddy smile… I love you both… and will always be your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,



You say I don't have my spirit stick uniform?   Oh, my!Dear Mom and Dad…

I am six months old today!   I got a call from my case manager, for my medical care today, and she will wait to hear from my doctor on June 12th, to see how I am doing. 

I feel great.  I am doing great.   The only sad news… is that I was so busy celebrating my sixth month princess-versary, that by the time Nana and Poppy got me home, I didn’t have time to put on my lucky RED WING JERSEY!    Those Penguins beat the Wings, and now…. it is a 2-2 series.   Don’t worry though I will be in the appropriate spirit stick attire next game….


Me and a Penguin,

at a mediation,

working out the details of my future as a

little ‘spirit stick’

‘I am only six months and could potentially lose my job here Mr. Penguin…’  I told him..

and hopefully he will change his ways, and let me be SUPER SPIRIT STICK once again…. ( don’t let any of the RED WING FANS KNOW, but Nana and Poppy… well they had “groceries” to buy and they didn’t get me dressed into my SPIRIT attire tonight)   They slipped it on me later, when the damage was already done… but I refuse to take the blame alone here… I am a littel dependent still on the CAMP directors to dress me still and that includes my work clothes, I mean how can a spirit stick be spirited when dressed in plaid Capri’s and looking like a tourist? 

Oh no.... I can't bear to watch... where is my JERSEY?

Also sad news about some things we sent in a care package to Daddy-O… the POST OFFICE cannot use the address Nana has.   They say the zip code is incorrect.  So no package for you until we can verify with daddy his zip code!   I think Nana told you I love the outdoors.  It makes me so curious and so happy.   Here are some of my photos from today. 

Here I am concentrating very seriously about ‘my bunny’, I know it may not be as important as some of the stuff you got going on in IRAQ, but I take my toys very seriously…. I had no idea, how my bunny got outside, and who would keep it from running away…. look at how hard I am concentrating….

Hey, is that my bunny?   What is my bunny doing outside?

I am so cute... how do you like my little capri's, one of Poppy's patients gave me this outfit.... THANK YOU MRS. JOYCE!

Nana is also very sorry about the fact that there  were so few photos of my pink little sailor suit mommy wanted to see on yesterday.   She let Aunt Arriannatake most of them with the black beast, and let’s just say, the beast was not co operative…. I was very co operative, and Aunt Arri tried so hard… but THE BEAST CAN BE A LITTLE TRICKY SOMETIMES….like tonite, there I was trying to give you a little wave hello, and Nana was holding me for the shot…

I was being absolutely gorgeous and talented… but the camera, had to play hard to operate for its operator…. so sad. Me saying hello, and the BLACK BEAST, not doing it's job making me look GORGEOUS!

 THE BEAST, ruined my little hello to you from me  –  on  my Princess-versary….. but Nana put it up for you to see  anyway, just so you would see how big I am, and how adorable I still am  –  even though older, and it is true I have matured to be a 6 MONTH OLD!   (Party… my crib, 2:00am!)   Oh, maybe not 2:00am, I am getting bigger after all, maybe I will try sleeping all night again soon…. nah…. more fun hangin’ with Nana in the night right now.   She say’s less time to worry about things in Iraq, and how her daughter and son-in-law are doing if she is busy… so I help keep her busy.   Nana and poppy got me a present today.   I have my own ROCKING CHAIR, and Nana says it is  for me, but I think her chubby bottom is who it was for…. either way, I will find a way to benefit from it.  LOVE TO BE ROCKED TO SLEEP, and hey, who wouldn’t.   Poppy had to assemble it late tonight, so she could not photograph it for you today but you can bet, I will have a photo shoot or two in this cool rocker of mine.  

Where is Nana's head, doesn't she know that the WING NUTS MIGHT FIND HER!

HEY, I’M NOT TAKING THE BLAME FOR THIS ONE… you really had better find my Jersey and get it on my butt before GAME 5 Nana, or I think there are some family members who just might come after you and then what, who will direct the zoo/camp?  

Well Mom and Dad, you can see, here in Michigan we are just sending you a little bit of our drama… to take your mind off of yours there… hope it’s working… and you smiled at least once today, while thinking of me, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,   (THIS IS ME… NOT BELIEVING THE NEWS OF A LOSS! )


Guillianna!   (P.S.   and if it is not enough they lost, Nana can no longer tell time, this post to you was not finished until 12:15 our time, so I hope it was not too late and that when you got a chance to see me, I WAS THERE, Nana is sorry it may have been later than usual)   Yikes Nana, get your act together!