Just another day at camp!

Me in my sailor outfit Mommy has been wanting me to wear!  Here it is!

Dear Mom and Dad,

It was just another day at camp, no real big news to report.  I am still recovering from the loss to those dreaded Penguins… but I am dealing with it better because, I was thinking maybe my Great Grandma is a Pittsburgh Penguin fan.   I don’t know for sure, but if so, then she will at least be happy they won.   Mommy has been waiting for me to wear this one little outfit for so long, and here I am wearing it… how do you like it mom?  I am sitting in my Princess swing that has stars glowing above it, and spinning…. do you like this one? I love this swing, it has glowing stars that go all around me!

More of the day… here I am playing patty cake with Nana, I love this game, and while she has to help me, it makes me crack up everytime.


Do I look like I am getting big, and doing well?

Flying baby ......

Me in my ‘flying baby’ pose, Nana lifts me up, and I laugh.  

I am so cute, I still love looking at myself in the mirror!I love talking my baby talk lingo, and sqealing a lot!


Today Nana and I played with Aunt Arri .  It was her first day without going to school.  


We had a good day!





Here I am, visiting with my buddy Mr. Griff!Me and Mr. Griff!

I had so much fun just playing, and Nana hopes you have a lot of fun looking at my photo’s.  Mr. Griff resting on Nana.  He likes when I pet him, and I love touching him, he feels so soft.  We are both DROOLERS…

He is admiring me, and I admire him!


Can you see my PERSONALITY coming out in this picture.....?Nana thinks this picture shows some of my adorable little personality…

I think I am just being me…

and thinking up a plan…

to do something…

what exactly I don’t know, but I am thinking…

and the end result I am sure will be a laugh or two… cause I love laughing.

I want you to know that I love you with all my heart, that I am being so very good, and that today and always, I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,











Today I Went To School!

Happy Baby.... Go Red Wings!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today I went to high school, to see Aunt Arri, celebrate her last day in the school.   She is the last of Nana’s six to finish high school, and all the seniors walk the hallway in their cap and gown, while family stand and watch.  The are led down the hall by the superintendent of the district, and Aunt Arrianna was the last one in the line…. Great Aunt Pam came with Cuz Brit, and Poppy made it so Aunt Mikayla, Aunt Alyx and Aunt Allyssa were there too.   Uncle Nick had Nana bring flowers and tell Aunt Arri Congratulations since he is still in the South Pacific, and I was your little spirit stick and cheered her on for you.   There were so many kids, and lots of cheering, we also gave her a mylar balloon that I am planning on confiscating since I love it so much.

 Aunt Arri.... at her senior walk...

Daddy called me today.  I was not talkative, nor was I  I squeal for him, because I was too busy looking at the lights on the telephone, and about to take a nap.  Next time he calls I hope to be more in the mood to tell my stories.  Again I was a human ‘spirit stick’ and was adorned in my RED WING ATTIRE, HOWEVER YOU WILL NOTICE I NOW HAVE SOMETHING SPECIAL ON MY JERSEY…. GREAT AUNT PAM FOUND US  THE ADDITIONAL LETTER WE NEEDED TO MAKE IT PERFECT FOR TONIGHTS GAME!  Thank you!

Game day attire.... Game 3 Red Wings vs. Penguins... Guillianna the human spirit stick!

So they were playing the Penguins… and I hate to say, they lost.   Maybe I should not have put on my jammers before the game ended, but I prefer to believe they lost because of their own mistakes and not my effort as a human spirit stick.  Here I am frustrated…


and here I am not too fond of that play…. but what can a little spirit stick do?

I could wrestle a Penguin! Penguins won?



It’s okay, maybe next game.


Meanwhile, I will play with my personal penguin… that I borrowed from Uncle Nick.


So that makes one borrowed monkey from Aunt Alyx, and one borrowed penguin… but who is really keeping track?  I say share, share alike, besides they don’t want my BOB, or my toys, Aunt Allyssa would love my clothes, but they won’t fit her… so… SHARE SHARE ALIKE…. hee ! hee!  Let ’em try to share my diapers, and passy’s.    So if we aren’t too depressed about the Red Wing defeat, I can share a bit of good news… I am still a rock star in the rolling department…



Once in position, looking adorable, I may add…

Gently glide into step three...

Once airborne, gravity does it’s thing…. and like magic…. ROLLING BABY!



I love you with all of my heart, and hope you are both well.

Love you both very much, and until tomorrow, I am saying good night, as always, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


(Arggghhh!   Those Penguins)   Guillianna!

Matching Nana? Yikes…

I am an angel, and look I have a halo!

Dear Mom and Dad…

So, you know how Nana seems to usually have an old pair of jeans, and one of like 10 different white shirts…. she wears all the time…  I don’t know.. but I am thinking this is a little too much like what Nana wears… but the good news is, as cute as I am, I can actually pull it off…. 

I am so totally adorable, that I can even make Nana clothes look good.

Aunt Arri is holding me, and I am standing to give you a good look…

it is said that people sometimes look like their pets…(so I hear)

Yikes does Nana look like a St. Bernard?

And what I really want to know is does a Guillianna eventually look like the camp director ? YIKES… let’s hope not.

Really though, I am so cute in my jeans!   And I can make a Nana white shirt look like a million bucks!

I have so many different faces…. here I am concentrating on getting what I want!   I am reaching for a toy, and my lower lip shows how serious I am about getting it…

I have a million expressions... and I think Nana tries to capture all of them with the BEAST.

There are more expressions for you to see…like this one…

Can't we do something about the BLACK BEAST  FLASH NANA?

I am disgruntled with the black beast flash!


Can you tell?


I may have had on jeans and a white shirt like Nana, but Nana’s been having a bunch of bad hair days, so even with my itty bitty locks, I still have better hair days than she does…

And then there is this face….Little Miss PERSONALITY!  Nana says she may have to change my name from Little Miss Adorable, to




LITTLE MISS PERSONALITY…. cause let me just say right now..

I am all about the personality…

This is me… trying once again to explain to all the princess handlers, just how I like things done…. see it is written all over my face… and I am serious!

Me sticking out my tongue.... saying I am parched....does anyone have the BOB ready for me...I'M THIRSTY HERE!

I’m thirsty here… my tongue is parched…. anyone noticing this…. calling BOB… HEY, where is my BOB!  So yeah, mom and dad, I have a princess personality that just goes on and on and on…. but no matter how many faces I make, I AM ALWAYS, YOUR, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

I will write again tomorrow, and until then,  xoxoxox !


2 for 2 day!

Sweet and precious, the Little Miss! 

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing to you for the second time in one day, because Nana got my love letter up after midnight last night, and tonight’s makes it look like 2 for today… also,  THE RED WINGS ARE TWO FOR TWO…. AND I have a new job here at camp.   I AM THE OFFICIAL SPIRIT STICK according to Aunt Arri…. she insisted I get my ‘RED WING’ jersey on for the second game of the Stanley Cup finals as I am the family ‘spirit stick’.     I know it doesn’t sound like the job of being a soldier or anything, but it’s a huge job.. and since I am ‘charmed’ I bring everyone happiness and good luck, so they made me thier spirit stick baby!   HEY MY FIRST JOB, I AM A SPIRIT STICK... WOO WOO

I love books…. I love looking at the pictures, and Nana has some where the pages play peek a boo… you lift up the flap and there is a picture under the picture…. love it..!   Here I am reading… or enjoying the colors anyway…

I spent time today reading.... (or looking like I am reading)

and here is what I think of P.B. Bear’s Birthday Party..

LOVE IT...  is there anything I cannot try to fit into my mouth...


And yes, I do realize the book is twice my size, and how much bigger than my mouth, but heck, it looked good, it might taste good… and if anyone objects… I just say I am kissin’ the bear!

Want to see my sandals? dsc_2719

I wanted a pedicure but Poppy and Nana say I am too little… so it has already started… the list of things I have to wait to do…like drive, eat pizza and sugary treats… trust me mom and dad, my list will grow fast, and my princess demands will be HUGE, just you wait…. I plan on giving you and dad a run for your money… that’s my other job… HEY, I WORK HARD.   With so many out of work, and struggling, I am first a princess, second a ‘spirit stick’ and third a crazy busy bucket of curiosity and intrigue.   I do NOT STOP LOOKING WONDERING, LEARNING AND TAKING IT ALL IN…. and don’t figure that will change much, I plan on keeping you and mom on your toes.

 Who me?  YEA ME!

What, me keepyou on your toes?


Not me, I am Little Miss Adorable,

Little Miss, who would never cause her mom and dad worry…

hee hee…..

(she said laughing)

Yep, I have a sneaky feeling you two will be busy bee’s with all I will do… I am never too tired for a fun and games, and I am first on board to see what is going on…. up at the crack of dawn and fight going to sleep… so, while you are over there, ( working hard, and involved in this Iraq thing) know I am busy… and in training for when we reunite.   Iraq… it is just your training for parenthood…. hee hee  ( she said with a smirk).



I am telling of my plan here…

I have more facial expressions than you can imagine…

This brain of mine is quite active, and

I am a lot like Aunt Arri when she was small says Nana…

I am …. THE BOSS…

A girls got to get what she wants when she wants it doesn’t she… therefore I am, “the Boss”

So until tomorrow, let me remind you once more, I love you both very much and am so happy for your anniversary, and for my being your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Thanks for calling me today... Love you both....your Little Miss!






Thanks for calling me today, both of you…

uh, next time you call, ya think maybe you can tell Nana, hey the pants don’t go up to my neck Nana, geez’ I mean really Nana, I hardly want low rise, but this is a little tooooooo high.   hee hee….

(she said hinting to Nana)