Out with Nana…
Daddy called today, and I know he loves me so much…. he calls and I squealed for him, and wished he and mommy a Happy One Year Anniversary. I spent the day hanging out with Nana. Aunt Arri has final exams before her graduation, so we let her study, and all the other Aunts and Poppy had to work. Aunt Allyssa went to visit Ms. Emily on Friday, and spent the day seeing how it is to be a hair stylist in a salon. Ms. Emily was so nice to her, and has been taking such good care of Great Grandma Sharyns hair for sooooo long, we decided we would take her a bright bouquet of flowers. I got dressed up in my ‘Princess Daisy outfit’ and took her flowers… and guess who came to meet me there… GG-MA AND PAPA BOTH…. it was awesome. Nana says, I am really something special… cause when I come knockin’ every body comes running. They took Nana and I to brunch.
We also stopped at the post office and visited Nana’s friends…. sent off a small package to Daddy hoping it will get there in time for Father’s Day. I also went with Nana to Kinkos, where she picked up some of the supplies she ordered for Poppy’s office. From there, we went back to camp where I was adorned by all the Aunts, and enjoyed the new season. Look it is so crazy, if you remember April, there were snow people, made by daddy, now look at it here… Daddy probably hasn’t seen much green like this, California and Texas, just aren’t the same with the desert colors, which are also very beautiful! Mommy however must miss this kind of green it is really awesome!
Here is the back of Camp Nana now….above and below…
So Nana took me exploring at camp…and I love being outside!
I was loving touching the leaves, and the sunshine so long as it doesn’t get in my eyes…
I finished up the afternoon with a few photos of me unwinding from my busy day. Sitting back and chilling… telling a story or two as I do…
This is me in my latest princess pose…
I am trying to discuss with Nana exactly how I like to be posed,
and she does what ever I want, I swear if I told her to take the photo doing a headstand she would..
Now that would be funny,
Nana doing a headstand…. hee hee….
Note to self… try that some day…
Get Nana to do all kinds of crazy stuff to make me smile…. hee hee…
I was just loving the black beast today… how about you guys… do you like any of these?
I have so much to say these days… I kind of go non stop… and figure sooner or later, they will all catch on to my lingo…
They don’t know what they are missing sometimes…
I can be so funny, I just crack myself right up…
Nana get’s me pretty good though, she laughs at all my jokes, and let’s me laugh at some of her silly mistakes…
I think that today was so much fun because it was your anniversary…. I know that one year ago you two got married, and it went by so fast…. so one year from now, we will be all together again, and if this past year, went fast, then time will go by fast this year too!
Me commanding my troops, pretty awesome huh, don’t I look like a princess giving princess direction!
I am telling you I have a way with my camp commarades….
and I love it…
and you know what, they love me right back….
Do you know what the title of this photo on the right is?
This is me, explaining to the princess handlers,
how I won’t cry, or fuss, if they make me A BOB.
It’s all about the BOB.
I like it just the right temperature, and at just the precise time, and when they do it to my specifications, well… no muss, no fuss….
See, now, that is how you make a happy baby!
I am so sorry I didn’t get your love letter done before midnight tonight, Nana is a slacker, but it only means, you will have two to look at on Sunday. Until then, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter, Guillianna! I love you both!
I promise to get Nana on the stick, and make sure they are up before MIDNIGHT MICHIGAN TIME… so you have one a day, instead of waiting for a 2 for day like this one… Nana says sorry!