Out with Nana…

dsc_2702Dear Mom and Dad,

Daddy called today, and I know he loves me so much…. he calls and I squealed for him, and wished he and mommy a Happy One Year Anniversary.    I spent the day hanging out with Nana.  Aunt Arri has final exams before her graduation, so we let her study, and all the other Aunts and Poppy had to work.  Aunt Allyssa went to visit Ms. Emily on Friday, and spent the day seeing how it is to be a hair stylist in a salon.  Ms. Emily was so nice to her, and has been taking such good care of Great Grandma Sharyns hair for sooooo long, we decided we would take her a bright bouquet of flowers.   I got dressed up in my ‘Princess Daisy outfit’  and took her flowers… and guess who came to meet me there… GG-MA AND PAPA BOTH…. it was awesome.   Nana says, I am really something special… cause when I come knockin’ every body comes running.   They took Nana and I to brunch. Look GG-ma has on my pin Nana had a bunch made with my little hand print and a yellow ribbon to bring you home to me...

  We also stopped at the post office and visited Nana’s friends…. sent off a small package to Daddy hoping it will get there in time for Father’s Day.   I also went with Nana to Kinkos, where she picked up some of the supplies she ordered for Poppy’s office.    From there, we went back to camp where I was adorned by all the Aunts, and enjoyed the new season.   Look it is so crazy, if you remember April, there were snow people, made by daddy, now look at it here… Daddy probably hasn’t seen much green like this, California and Texas, just aren’t the same with the desert colors, which are also very beautiful!  Mommy however must miss this kind of green it is really awesome!

Everything went from white to green... I bet mommy misses green over there in Iraq....

Here is the back of Camp Nana now….above and below…

Can you believe how different in just a few weeks?

So Nana took me exploring at camp…and I love being outside!

So many colors to look at...

I was loving touching the leaves, and the sunshine so long as it doesn’t get in my eyes…

I am so curious about everything!

I finished up the afternoon with a few photos of me unwinding from my busy day.   Sitting back and chilling… telling a story or two as I do…

Tell me, is this how a princess sits? This is me in my latest princess pose…

I am trying to discuss with Nana exactly how I like to be posed,

and she does what ever I want, I swear if I told her to take the photo doing a headstand she would..

Now that would be funny,

Nana doing a headstand…. hee hee….

Note to self…  try that some day…

Get Nana to do all kinds of crazy stuff to make me smile…. hee hee…

I was just loving the black beast today… how about you guys… do you like any of these?

Talking up a storm... too bad no one here speaks my language...

I have so much to say these days… I kind of go non stop… and figure sooner or later, they will all catch on to my lingo…

My stories crack me up .... They don’t know what they are missing sometimes…

I can be so funny, I just crack myself right up…


Nana get’s me pretty good though, she laughs at all my jokes, and let’s me laugh at some of her silly mistakes…



I think that today was so much fun because it was your anniversary…. I know that one year ago you two got married, and it went by so fast…. so one year from now, we will be all together again, and if this past year, went fast, then time will go by fast this year too!

Here I am commanding the staffers here... see I got everything under control at Camp Nana! 

Me commanding my troops,  pretty awesome huh, don’t I look like a princess giving princess direction!


I am telling you I have a way with my camp commarades….

and I love it…


and you know what, they love me right back….


Ya see, it's like this, you bring me a bob...(i.e.bottle)and I won't cry... okay!Do you know what the title of this photo on the right is?





This is me, explaining to the princess handlers,

how I won’t cry, or fuss, if they make me A BOB.

It’s all about the BOB.

I like it just the right temperature, and at just the precise time, and when they do it to my specifications, well… no muss, no fuss….

NOW THAT IS HOW TO MAKE A HAPPY BABY!See, now, that is how you make a happy baby!

I am so sorry I didn’t get your love letter done before midnight tonight, Nana is a slacker, but it only means, you will have two to look at on Sunday.   Until then, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter, Guillianna!  I love you both!

I  promise to get Nana on the stick, and make sure they are up before MIDNIGHT MICHIGAN TIME… so you have one a day, instead of waiting for a 2 for day like this one… Nana says sorry!

My 70’s flashback day at Camp!

Me... guess what color I have on....?   Does it matter... see I am cute without color!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is Friday, and Nana, who had changed her ringtone on her phone, is obviously tone deaf and missed my daddy calling me….SO SORRY DAD.   (it is back to a tone she can hear it now daddy – so call again!)  She also heard the house phone ring, but was changing my cute little butt, so we missed another call… all in all it was an odd day for Nana, but a great day for me.   Nana says there is a song that was sung by Three Dog Night in the seventies,  (and trust me when I say…. don’t ask her how it goes)and it said,’the world is black, the world is white, together we learn to read and write….’   It was written by David Larkin and the music was by Earl Robinson in the fifties….in the fifties Polaroid photographs were taken by the thousands in black and white, and color photos and televisions were just a dream – here we are fifty years later, and there is still fighting going on,  people are still arguing, if not over ethnicity, over land, or over religion. 

Peek at you!

 THE GOOD NEWS, here I am, in color photos, looking spectacular, and talking with my mom and dad, in a way that could have never been imagined by my Great Grandfather, who served in WWII, there is always room for hope!  I am hoping that the need for mom and dad to be in Iraq passes very soon.   Nana is hoping for a little peace.    Maybe I should protest…and  I should put all my photos up without color until they come home?    Nah…. I wouldn’t deprive mom and dad of my colorful personality in my photo shoots, they are already doing without a lot there, but just  for today I will show you how beautiful I am, no matter what kind of photo I am in… and since Nana is feeling a little melancholy and sad.   I am sure she’ll feel better tomorrow…she just needs a little nap.  It works for me every time…


I love to smile, and play with people now....

I ate Oatmeal and Pears for lunch.   I am eating so good, when it comes to fruit, I can say, I LOVE IT.   I helped relieve Nana’s stress of the day by being adorable and letting her kiss on me…  matter of fact, I am thinking mom should charge Nana for my services.   Afterall, I do entertain all her kids, and I make them smile, and there are about a bazillion other things that make them all so happy that mommy and daddy SHOULD charge them for my princess personna!

Belly laugh....

Nana has me dressed in my seventies hippie attire… and took some photos without color today because Mom and Dad like those too.   Can you guess what color I have on… I hope and pray for peace all the time and that you guys will get to come home sooner than later.   Hoping is good, and Nana says never stop hoping for things like peace and good will and all that other old lady Nana stuff.   She says when people stop caring… then it is time to be sad, and so long as people care, and hope for peace… there is hope for all of us…. while she knows it’s not probable that everyone will ever really get along, and agree, it is nicer to be optimistic than to be sad and live in fear.   So here is to hoping you are home soon, and that the job there is done sooner than later.   HOPE!  Never ever give up on hoping and dreaming… says Nana…. says Poppy,  says thier parents, and their parent’s parents before them.   Hope… like me, I was hoping I would roll over, and then…

Look out here I come!

Sing with me….Ya put your left hand down, you bring your right hand up… you shake your little ‘hiney’ and you roll yourself about… (geez ya see what happens if you stay at camp too long!) YOU START SINGING THE HOKEY POKEY AND CHANGING THE WORDS TO MAKE IT A ROLL OVER SONG!   Thanks Nana!

I can roll back onto my back too.... so cool...easier to get around in my crib...hee hee!

Here I am again …  in color or with out… I AM PROUD OF MY PRINCESS MANUEVOUR !

I look happy without color too....

And before I leave you today, I just want you to know as always, I am your Little Miss Adorable,


your princess…. of pink!  (and any other color you can find)

Princess of Pink!

Your daughter,




P.S.  (I have to take just a second to tell a few of my loyal subjects in Princessland a quick shout out)

Mrs. Pat, thanks for the great e-mail… Will those of us at Camp Nana  be flagging with you this year?



Gappy, I miss you… I know Nana screwed up our visit Thursday, and she is sorry.  She hopes you will forgive her…. but don’t worry or fret, we can make up for lost time… when ever you are available.

Hugs and kisses, nighty night!



To Mom and Dad,

Good night ….



The Princess!



Will some one tell Nana ‘spirit’ week is over…. or you may see her dressing me in a toga or something!


I love to squeal and to laugh!

Dear Mom and Dad…

Yes, I am still drooling, enough that Poppy has begun the nick name, DROOLIANNA!

I had a great day.  The dogs, not so much.   THEY TOO SUFFERED FROM THE BIG ‘D’.   And no  – I am not referring to Mr. Griffin’s drooling.  Yes, totally GROSS!  Hopefully they will feel better soon.   Today was rainy and there were people in our yard fixing some things, so they could not easily go outside, and let’s just sayCONSTANT AWFUL BARKING at the people would only mildly describe the dogs behaviour, preventing me from taking any REAL nap today.  So in all I may have rested about 30 minutes.  I am a bit tired today, but I did not let it keep me down. 

 So tired... and so good even when tired.

I was princess perfect all day, and worked diligently on rolling and drooling and eating, and laughing.  EXHAUSTING WORK !


I have the most adorable little mouth.   Again, what am I saying…


Is there anything that is not adorable on a baby….

especially a princess baby…

So Sweet…

Sitting at the table with all the gang!


Princess’ are allowed to sit on tables, and show off their princess talents…


GG-ma has me, and I am watching everyone at the table every single second.  Would not want to miss out on any princess gossip ya know…

If I snooze I might miss a laughing op….

Here I am playing the SOOOOOOO  BIG GAME..



Click the link, and you should get to hear me… Aunt Arri recorded it on her cell phone, and Nana put it on to see if you can hear me….

Want to hear me laugh?

Today Aunt Allyssa had plans to spend a few days over at GG-ma’s so that she can spend some time seeing a hair salon from a stylist perspective.  GG-ma was so nice to set it up for her, and she will see what being a stylist is like.   So we met both GGma and Papa Alan for dinner with the family…


and then there is Papa Alan..

Nana is getting even for nearly twenty years of his photographing her... ha...not really, she is making memories for me and mom and dad!  Thanks Papa for being a good sport.

and here is your dad… MY POPPY…. who also hates having photos taken, but gives Nana her way(like usual)…. he is so sweet.

My Poppy... and your dad... he misses you guys too... don't you miss his smile?

 You may wonder why I am sharing my space with them … and the answer is simple… it is all about me.   If you will notice… when I am around I make everyone so very happy…. and it shows in the photo’s.   With so much chaos in the world…. with wars, and financial troubles, worries for everyone, I CAN MAKE AN HOUR AT DINNER, MORE FUN, AND MORE JOYFUL THAN THEY EVER KNEW.   We all escape into Guillianna’s world and smile.   So today… drooling or not, my post is really to send a smile to you ALL THE WAY FROM MICHIGAN TO IRAQ.   Come escape for five minutes into my love letter, and GUILLIANNA’S WORLD it is worth the trip.  As always, I am your Little Miss Adorable,

I was wide eyed and ready to go... don't ya just love my lashes and baby blues!

(what me pay the bill?)


(hmmmmm… can I pay for dinner in “cuteness”?)


(how about if I bat my lashes and sparkly blue eyes, it that like VISA or MASTERCARD?)


(Discounts for princess’, infants in pink?)


(do you accept payment in drool?)

Your  blue eyed and stunning daughter… WHO’S EYES ARE AS BLUE AS GG-MA’S SHIRT…

Look closely into my eyes.... blue huh?

Guillianna!I am a laugher.... your one and only princess!

I’ve got the ‘Cutest little baby face’!








I don't notice anything....

Dear Mom and Dad,

I have decided, D is not for Detroit, and not for Darling Baby, it is absolutely for DROOLING BABY…

Today Aunt Mikayla and Aunt Arrianna saw me roll over from my back to my stomach.   Again, I am working hard on this, and it seems I will master it soon.   Not only am I busy at that, I am working hard on drooling.  

I am a drooling machine....

I think you will get my drift …. just look at what the ‘black beast’ caught today…

Yep, I am concentrating, and drooling... talented... seems the more I focus on something, the more I drool.

I think Mr. Griff has been teaching me a thing or two… at least I don’t shake my head and make it fly all over like he does….  yet…hmmmm…. that might be fun…  Nana might say, not so much, but it does sound fun…

Kiss me mom and dad... Nana took this so you can kiss my adorable cheeks!

So how so you like my little reddish eyebrows… so cute, and here are my cheeks for you to plant a kiss on… USED TO IT… Nana still taking advantage of  the kisses for everyone not in Michigan theory…


I am playing here, and concentrating…


I love to use my little hands, and touch everything.   I am starting to use my hands a lot more, nothing is safe if it is in front of me…

Today, if you look, my shirt, well, it’s Princess drool… and I am aware that I can even make drool adorable.

Me and my Princess Chair, thank you Mike and Robyn for the stool.

Yes, Nana has bibs, and only took it off for the photo shoot… oops, it appears, the drool is showing …..awe who cares, look at how adorable I am!  Can you believe the cute stool… special thanks to Mr. Mike and Mrs. Robyn for this …. I am saving it for when you two come home and putting it in my Princess Palace… I can’t wait.

Hey there is no heart shape, I am I supposed to write I heart' U"Hey, wait a minute…

I was trying to send a message to you both that said  …

I  ‘love’ U 

but there is no block the shape of a heart…

so… hmmmm…. how can I tell you… can you see me thinking… thinking and


and drooling….

I have it…

I can show you more…

More of me… and you will see…. your absolutely sweet girl, who is and always will be, Little Miss Adorable…. who loves her mommy and daddy!

Princess Me!  So sweet, and precious....

Nana, thinks Mommy needed a pick me up today, so she blasted you two with lot’s of me… because I am so cute, that I can make anyone feel better just by looking at me and my day…. so feel good mom and dad, and know you are both in serious trouble for the next eighteen years at least…. I am going to keep you very very busy… I promise.

Hold the phone.... I am not ready...


or the black beast….

I feel a little drool coming on….

YIKES…. if you look you can see it coming…

awe, Nana…

really, is nothing sacred…

Nana says, she doesn’t want you to miss a thing…

(well most things… I mean princess presents are never photographed)  she does have some boundaries thankfully…

or I would lose my adoring public in a hurry…. so rest assured, you’ve see the worst of the bodily stuff babies create… in my drool.   Today, we stayed in, I drooled, and I rolled from my back to my tummy… but mostly, I just wanted to say hello to you both and remind you that I love you, and as always I am your Little Miss, your daughter,

 If I put my hand right here... can you still see the drool....?


(I know you’re not a huge fan mom, but WOW they are really good…maybe I will show you when you get home… HOCKEY IS FUN!  I think after all that time in the desert you will love to play on the ice with me… )

