It’s Official…
Dear Mom and Dad,
It is official, Poppy is not making up stories. YESTERDAY, when mommy called, I rolled over from my tummy to my back! I squealed for mommy too, so now both of you have heard the PRINCESS SCREECH. It is rather ear piercing, and makes every single person who hears it smile! Personally Mom and Dad, I think my voice is as adorable as I – therefore I screech and squeal often to keep the people near at my beckoned “call”. Literally! Nana says she is doing a REEEEAL good job of getting me ready for you and daddy. She figures she can have all the Aunts teach me all things you and your sisters used to do to Poppy and her. She is trying to teach me how to share cucumbers? Whatever that means, she says you will know. And trust me, the only thing I see is baby formula and baby food, I think she is just pulling your chain. If I am going to get anything besides baby formula and baby food it better be chocolate and not some cucumber vegetable thingy! Here I am today, sporting my 6-9 months sized clothing! WOW. I never imagined any one could look so cute!
So now it is also official that I am awesome in pink, adorable in red, beautiful in blue, and gorgeous in BLACK!
The picture on the left and the one below are slightly different, but both are cute.
Nana and Poppy’s room has also officially become MINE at camp.
Lady bugs and toys everywhere.
Mr. Griff , Bubba, and Liberty are really good about not touching my toys! I figure mom, if I am an only child … uh… there is really no need to be sharing right now… so I say, whats mine is mine, and what is everyone elses is mine too… in a few years I will learn to share, if need be, but until then… A PRINCESS IS A PRINCESS, and I am a good princess. Let’s see, I have it down pretty good…
1. Beckoned call thingy…. check
2. Prioritize everything around Princess Schedule …. check
3. Princess wardrobe… check, check !
I am so cute in this outfit, just add a little red, and I have all the Lady Bug colors!
I love playing with toys, and I practice rolling around while in my crib.
Then, after all the playing is done, and I am in my jammers, and ready for bed, I end the day with … what else….
A baseball hat ! I keep telling Poppy the Old English “D” is for DARLING BABY, and not DETROIT! He say’s the Detroit Tigers would love me to be a mascot for the Tigers but it would put PAWS out of a job… so I will stick to being a princess.
I am pretty cute in any thing… and hats are no exception.
This hat is Poppy’s favorite.
I have found several ways to wear it and look simply gorgeous!
How do you like these dad and mom? I am so cute that I make myself smile… here’s my profile…and a very cute nosey! Nana is a goof-ball thinking the more angles she takes with the black beast, the more you can see of me…. I keep trying to tell her, you cannot make me three dimensional, or come to life in pictures… but she figures she will keep on trying to find new ways to show you photos of your princess!
Hey, does this cap make my cheeks look “plump”?
This is my theatre pose… drama queen… and lead star of ‘what ever musical Nana is singing…..arghhhhh.
Today I stayed at camp all day! No real exciting news for you guys, the dogs continue to shed. The cat’s continue to cough hairballs. All the Aunts are working and Aunt Arri is preparing for her final exams. And yes, Nana continues to sing. LUCKY ME (she said sarcastically), THE FOURTH OF JULY IS COMING UP AND NANA IS WORKING ON A FOURTH OF JULY PROJECT FOR THE FAMILY. You know mom, she says you and all the girls and Uncle Nick spend every Fourth of July, ‘FLAGGING’. Where you leave a flag at the end of as many driveways as you can! Well let’s just say Nana is getting the flags ready, and that means… hearing A WHOLE LOT OF “oh say” – America the Beautiful, and more Yankee Doodle type patriotic songs than one baby can possibly know what to do with. BUT I LOVE CAMP NANA despite her endless repertoire of RED WHITE AND BLUE ANTHEMS. You would think that the baseball cap may have been enough to stop her, but no … INSTEAD, IM BEING INVITED TO THE BALL PARK IN A TOTALLY OFF KEY RENDITION OF ‘take me out to the ball park!’ I dare you … find any activity, or thing I can wear that doesn’t lead into song!
Oh and by the way, back to me…. I – mom and dad, I am continuing the daily task of being your Little Miss Adorable,
Your daughter,