It’s Official…

Me looking at my ruffle socks!

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is official, Poppy is not making up stories.  YESTERDAY, when mommy called, I rolled over from my tummy to my back!   I squealed for mommy too, so now both of you have heard the PRINCESS SCREECH.   It is rather ear piercing, and makes every single person who hears it smile!   Personally Mom and Dad, I think my voice is as adorable as I – therefore I screech and squeal often to keep the people near at my beckoned “call”.  Literally!  Nana says she is doing a REEEEAL good job of getting me ready for you and daddy.   She figures she can have all the Aunts teach me all things you and your sisters used to do to Poppy and her.   She is trying to teach me how to share cucumbers?  Whatever that means, she says you will know.   And trust me, the only thing I see is baby formula and baby food, I think she is just pulling your chain.  If I am going to get anything besides baby formula and baby food it better be chocolate and not some cucumber vegetable thingy!     Here I am today, sporting my 6-9 months sized clothing!   WOW.   I never imagined any one could look so cute!

I am so pretty in black, who knew... except for the fact that there are dog hairs everywhere!


So now it is also official that I am awesome in pink, adorable in red, beautiful in blue, and gorgeous in BLACK!

 The picture on the left and the one below are slightly different, but both are cute.

Nana and Poppy’s room has also officially become MINE at camp.

Lady bugs and toys everywhere.  


I KNOW, its hard to tell, but this is a slightly different pose!Mr. Griff , Bubba, and Liberty are really good about not touching my toys!   I figure mom, if I am an only child … uh… there is really no need to be sharing right now… so I say, whats mine is mine, and what is everyone elses is mine too… in a few years I will learn to share, if need be, but until then… A PRINCESS IS A PRINCESS, and I am a good princess.   Let’s see, I have it down pretty good…

1. Beckoned call thingy…. check

2. Prioritize everything around Princess Schedule …. check

3. Princess wardrobe… check, check !

Me squealing at my lady bugs!




I am so cute in this outfit, just add a little red, and I have all the Lady Bug colors!




I love playing with toys, and I practice rolling around while in my crib.


Me eating DUCK!





Then, after all the playing is done, and I am in my jammers, and ready for bed, I end the day with … what else….

A baseball hat !  I keep telling Poppy the Old English “D” is for DARLING BABY, and not DETROIT!Every Princess needs a hat?  I guess?    He say’s the Detroit Tigers would love me to be a mascot for the Tigers but it would put PAWS out of a job… so I will stick to being a princess.


I am pretty cute in any thing… and hats are no exception.


This hat is Poppy’s favorite.

I have found several ways to wear it and look simply gorgeous!


How do you like these dad and mom? I am so cute that I make myself smile… here’s my profile…and a very cute nosey!  Nana is a goof-ball thinking the more angles she takes with the black beast, the more you can see of me…. I keep trying to tell her, you cannot make me three dimensional, or come to life in pictures… but she figures she will keep on trying to find new ways to show you photos of your princess!

Does this hat make my cheeks look big?

Hey, does this cap make my cheeks look “plump”?  

This is my theatre pose… drama queen… and lead star of  ‘what ever musical Nana is singing…..arghhhhh.

 My drama liketheatrical pose!Today I stayed at camp all day!  No real exciting news for you guys, the dogs continue to shed.  The cat’s continue to cough hairballs.   All the Aunts are working and Aunt Arri is preparing for her final exams.  And yes, Nana continues to sing.  LUCKY ME (she said sarcastically), THE FOURTH OF JULY IS COMING UP AND  NANA IS WORKING ON A FOURTH OF JULY PROJECT FOR THE FAMILY.  You know mom, she says you and all the girls and Uncle Nick spend every Fourth of July, ‘FLAGGING’.   Where you leave a flag at the end of as many driveways as you can!   Well let’s just say Nana is getting the flags ready, and that means… hearing A WHOLE LOT OF  “oh say” –  America the Beautiful, and more Yankee Doodle type patriotic songs than one baby can possibly know what to do with.   BUT I LOVE CAMP NANA despite her endless repertoire of RED WHITE AND BLUE ANTHEMS.    You would think that the baseball cap may have been enough to stop her, but no … INSTEAD, IM BEING INVITED TO THE BALL PARK IN A TOTALLY OFF KEY RENDITION OF ‘take me out to the ball park!’   I dare you … find any activity, or thing I can wear that doesn’t lead into song!

Oh and by the way, back to me…. I – mom and dad, I am continuing the daily task of being your Little Miss Adorable,

Your daughter,


Memorial Day in Michigan!

Can you see my eyelashes, they are sooooo long!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is MONDAY, it is Memorial Day, and I have Poppy, Nana and all the Aunties here at camp taking care of me which is totally awesome.  I had oatmeal and pears today, and guess what…. while Nana was making everyone breakfast.  Poppy was watching me in my crib, and I ROLLED FROM MY STOMACH TO MY BACK ALL BY MYSELF.   I surprised them all…no one was expecting that.   After everyone came running to look and NOTHING… nope not even once would I do it again.   They think Poppy is telling stories, but he and I know… I did it… and I will most likely keep on doing it!   But I kind of like teasing Poppy and not doing it in front of anyone but him.  I was my usual adorabe self today, and very inquisitive.   I follow people with my eyes when they are walking by, or if they even begin to think about talking to me, then walking away, I SQUEAL so loud.  Then they come back, and I smile.  Here are some of my expressions…

Raising my little eyebrows...

I am raising my eyebrows at something…


Are you sure you don’t want to come back over and pay attention to me, cause I can make you…

all I have to do is release my super extra high pitched squeal, and you’ll be back…




Or then there is this face..

What?  No more Pears?This is the …

“What are you kidding,

we are really out of pears?”

face, that I use when I am shocked that the camp director didn’t have more of those delicious pears.

Who am I kidding, the woman has enough pears in the pantry to feed me them several times a day for a very long time…


I just like to give Nana a hard time and tease her a bit.  

I am leaning on my elbow... and watching everything that goes on...

A few weeks ago, you were here at camp with me making snowpeople and enjoying APRIL IN MICHIGAN… which is no springtime in Paris… trust me.   Now here it is, just a few weeks later, and look at me…

Me outside in the sunshine... look at those green trees....

Remember Dad and Mom, there were no leaves, and everything was white… Now, everything  has grown, and is green.   No matter what the season,  whether your in dust and sand, or I am in the Michigan wonderland, I am always your little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Hoping you love me in my polka dots... and thinking of you both always....

Guillianna!   (aka PRINCESS)

Hey Daddy-O! Look I’m driving my Zamboni!

Hey is this a Zambonie?

Hello  Mom and Dad…

Dear Mom and Dad, today I got to hear from daddy and  guess what I was awake for him when he called.   I even squealed for him too… so when you call me mom I will try to talk with you too, just so you can hear how loud I can do it… it is soooooo cool. 

I love both of you very much, I can’t believe it, that all the way in Iraq you are able to call me here at CAMP NANA, I know there are so many people who wish they could hear from daddy, but I am lucky that he was able to share a moment with all of us here in Michigan and say he is okay, and that he is hanging in there… Well it means a lot, and I wanted Nana to pass on to all the people who read my love letters, how much daddy probably wishes he could call everyone, but PRINCESS’ take priority right daddy?   I hope everyone who loves my mommy and daddy, that reads my love letters  also knows that daddy says he is doing good, and he is taking care himself, and doing his work and he will be home as soon as he possibly can.

Today was a another Red Wing Playoff Game, and yes, I wore my jersey today to cheer them on…. however in addition to the red party shoes, Nana had me in red and white polka dot flare pants….  do you think this will be a new fashion for the team Nana?  Really, RED HOCKEY SHORTS WITH WHITE POLKA DOT’S…. hmmmmm….. I am thinking the chances are …. not so good Nana, but it works for a ‘Little Miss’…

My Great Grandma and I, hanging out at the Victory dinner.... Go Wings...

This is me thinking about the Chicago Blackhawks… nah, just really wondering how long before that bottle is warmed.  Ha….

I am honestly the cutest little fan ever....

So we met up with Great Aunt Ida, and Cousin Nancy, and crashed their Red Wing viewing party to have dinner with them, and let me just say, mom and dad you would be so proud of me when I go dining… I am a little rock star, and I would make you both so proud.   Today, a lady from another table came over to say hello because I was being so good.   (AND did I meniton ADORABLE) When she did, Nana and Poppy said you were both in Iraq, and she said to be sure to say THANK YOU for your service.   So I am passing on the message.   Thanks to you both, from so many people who really do realize what a sacrifice you are making.   Tomorrow is Memorial Day, so lots of people have the efforts of service men and women on the brain… and in the heart… I love that I have a dad and mom that are truly making my world and everyone else’s a home of the FREE and are being so brave to be so far away… Poppy and all the Aunties will spend tomorrow adoring me, and taking care of my every need.   So… until then, as always, I am your little Miss Adorable, and I love you both from the bottom of my heart, your daughter,


Super Saturday….

Hello Mom and Dad, here I am!Dear Mom and Dad,


Today not only did Great Aunt Pam come a visiting, but she brought GUBBY.   Who is like one hundred feet tall… and when he holds me, I can fit into the palm of his hand….  nah, he’s not really one hundred feet tall, but his heart, is so big and so cool.  He came to visit with the neices, and ME!    I went to Baby’s R Us for formula, and to Michaels to get letters for the back of my Red Wing jersey.   They were missing the ‘N’ in Nelson, so Gappy is going to look at the Micheals by her house.   Then I went to the grocery with Nana, and was a perfect angel the entire time.   Smiling every step of the way, and really avoiding the whole napping in the car thing these days.   When we came home I was also just plain being good, and after my day of errands, and tubby time, I went to sleep.  Here are photos for you to see and enjoy.  

Nana is so silly sometimes she just CRACKS ME UP!



Here I am

cracking up

at silly Nana and loving

the attention!






After that…

I am figuring what I can do next... I never stop thinking...I decided to blow bubbles…. a new thing I love to do…


and make sounds while blowing them, which also makes me crack up…


I am so cute!



More of me!

Do my cheeks look fat?   I think they are just perfect don't you?

My cheeks are so kissable… this is where Nana plants a bazillion a day, and says, they are  all from you…. I am so on to her… but it’s fun… so I say have at them Nana…

Do you know what I am thinking...?

I see a bottle coming with my name on it… YUMMO!


And, if these aren’t cute enough, there are more….here I am, and I am in the middle of telling them a long story, some thing, I love to do more and more of these days…. and I love when I squeal so loud… it makes me smile and I do it over and over and over again….

I have a million expressions and Nana is trying to capture them all for you!

There were so many cute things I did today, that Nana and the Black Beast… also known as “Mr. Nikon”,  had a field day….

I still love the lady bugs on the wall...I think it so cool these little lady bugs and butterflies …


They are so entertaining to me,  and now I try to reach for them. 

Nice of Poppy to let his room be a nursery huh… he doesn’t mind a bit hanging out with EVERYTHING PINK and EVERYTHING PRINCESS.   I have officially converted the master suite into the Guillianna dorm.   But my absolute favorite are the Lady Bugs.  Good choice mom… I love them.   Nana got them because you said you picked them for me… so thank you… THEY ARE THE BEST!

Hoping you are both doing okay, and that you know you are loved...

As you can see, I am still Little Miss Adorable, and very happy, and serious when the situation calls for it.   Like right now… I am serious when I tell you, I feel good, am doing great, and every second of every day, I am loving both of you for being so brave and taking care of things.  I WILL BE RIGHT HERE…. ready for your hugs and kisses, and until tomorrow when I write again, I send my love and kisses to Iraq. Love you bunches, your daughter,

Me and a drip of formula....still the cutest thing ever...
