Nana… where’s your head?

I am surprised .... do I look it?

Hey there Mom and Dad,

First let me say, to my daddy-O, I know you guys can’t call, I was just letting mom know that Nana misses hearing her voice is all.  I know you are sooooo busy, NOT TO MENTION FAR AWAY, and  surprisingly, I even though I am GREAT and dictating my love letters to Nana, I am not so good on the phone, when mommy called, I snoozed right through it…. sorry mom.   I just love getting notes from you both, I can save them forever, and when I can read… I will have a lot of catching up to do. 

I love this monkey he looks like Curious George, one of my favorites!

Second, not to make you nervous or anything… but… we had an INTERESTING DAY… it started normal, and I was perfect of course… and I ate a new thing that Poppy got me, that Nana says, tastes and smells like vanilla pudding, but it is a baby food, called VANILLA AND GRAINS… uh yeah, my thoughts exactly, but let me tell you  GOOD STUFF, I loved it, ate it all, and just want to say, didn’t spit any of that on Nana, cause I wanted every little bit…

Me eating my monkey!

After I ate, Nana had a brilliant idea… she had to go buy new postage stamps for Aunt Arrianna’s graduation announcements… (only a few more days woo woo Aunt Arri) so it meant… you know it  – FIELD TRIP – !

First, I went to see my friends at the U.S. Postal Service, and Miss Mary was there today as well as all the usual gang that I usually get to see. I smiled for them.   Nana got her stamps and then came the crazy part… Nana also thought she would take me to the mall by the post office, and take a photo of me at the Rainforest Cafe, since I just love watching the fish in the water tank, and the decorations everywhere.   I LOVE THAT PLACE… she loaded me up, brought the BLACK BEAST to photograph me, took my stroller, and all my PRINCESS NECESSITIES, as well as all her old lady necessisities… and we were off…now first of all, Nana is not in the best physical shape let’s just say, and lifting me and my car seat, hmmm, NOT PRETTY… but we go slow… R E A L L Y    S L O W , and I have to say, I MEAN  RRRRRREEEEEEEAAAALLLLY slow, but eventually she can get me where I need to be.  

Yes, you have seen this before, but I say if the sign fits!!!!!!!

YES, THIS DOES MEAN, SLOW GRANDPARENTS, not to slow down for them!   I am convinced!

We arrive at the Rainforest Cafe, me in my darling little princess purple dress and sun bonnet, and matching shoes, with what else, ruffle socks, and the most adorable smiles you ever wanted to see… whilst looking on at the bubbles and fish… the black beast taken out and the lens cap off…. AND THE BATTERY DEAD!    Nana, seriously, did you really bring me all the way here to look at a DEAD BLACK BEAST!   So we loaded back into the car seat stroller, and walked back to the car, and went home….. NO PHOTOS FOR MOM AND DAD OF ME AND THE FISH!    So I will repeat, not to worry you, but Nana, needs a check list before she tries to do anything without Poppy… and from now on, won’t be such a ‘SLOW THINKING’ NANA!  Good news is, chances are I get another field trip another day to take my photo with the fish, right?

We went home and spent the evening with all the family since my Aunts that go to the University are done!   NO more packed lunches and dinners for them, which makes them happy.   I personally would pack them VANILLA MULTI-GRAIN CEREAL – if I were camp director.   Well, until tomorrow, just know I love you both very much, I am being good, and I am always, your –


Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Guillianna!   LIKE THE PHOTO SAYS IF YOU CLICK ON IT, IT IS ABSOLUTELY WORTH A SECOND VIEWING, LOVE THIS PIC!  Nana always puts up new photos, but this one…. is her favorite and you can see how much I have grown, but still smiling, still loving life, and thinking of my mom and my dad!

Mommy called me today!

I am in my jammers, and hanging out with my peeps after dinner!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today I woke up and was so good for Poppy, after we spent the morning hanging around, Nana had to go to the store, and so the three of us grocery shopped, while the Aunt’s slept in and got some much needed rest after the CLEAN A THON yesterday.    When we came home, they went to visit Great Grandma Sharyn and watch the hockey game with her.  After we all hung out at the dinner table, and I was again Little Miss Adorable,

Crackin myself up@ It was so nice to hear from mommy today, I am sorry I was taking a nap, but next time you call, I am hoping I will be up and you can here one of my stories…   Love you both sooooo much,

Nana is so soft and squishy, this is a favorite place to sleep, SO COZY!

Me and Poppy sitting together, I love being at camp, and don’t ever worry about me being good.   I’ve got it covered, I am yours and daddy’s little angel, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Poppy and I...

The one and the only




GUILLIANNA!           Oh, by the way, I am sending you both  huge hugs and a bazillion kisses!   I will write you tomorrow with news of the day, and hopefully a great photo shoot for you to enjoy!

Missing You Face!

Missing you... I love you both very much!

Dear Mom and Dad,

This is my serious look… Nana takes this spring cleaning thing a little too serious huh mom…   you probably are glad you are not at camp Nana, if she worked you as hard as all of my Aunt’s, the army must be a piece of cake!

Yes, today is spring cleaning.   All of the Aunts are ‘tickled pink’….NOT!  It is a day for cleaning all of camp.   Nana is on a mission I think she is on a mission to drive her kids crazy.   Really I think all the pet hair has just gotten to Nana.   So… everyone is busy busy and let’s just say you know Nana is serious when she sends Aunt Mikayla to the store for extra bottles of cleaning supplies! 

Amidst all of the hullabaloo… they did take time to show me off to you, and let you know I had a good day.   Nana actually let them play with me… in shifts…. I got walked in my stroller, I ate food and sprayed some on Nana, and I laughed, and tried to teach them how to speak my language all day.   I love when I talk in that high pitched squeal, and then I laugh… heres how I do it…

Me and my best squeal of the day!


I talk a little, then I just let loose the biggest loudest little squeal, and it makes me laugh out loud! 

Everyone else too, so, if you really want to know the truth, I made spring cleaning FUN.

I told you here at camp I have to be a little TROOPER, AND BE INTO THE WHOLE MICHIGAN THING.   Well they have me wearing cherries mom, CHERRIES, I guess I am glad that Michigan is not known for growing eggplant, or corn…. They would probably look like Barney or they woudl deck me out in corn attire… I say give me some of those ACU things you guys wear!   I would make a great drill Sarg!   I keep everyone here in line pretty darn good.

Look at me... I have cherries on my butt!It’s okay, I can make cherries… look totally cool. 

Most anything I wear ends up looking cute as pie..

Ugggh… bad pun, cherry pie…

Here are more of me..

and hopefully you two will love seeing how big I am and how cute I can be….

Nana says you guys will get her an address soon, and I can send you a care package, and don’t worry daddy, I will get a pink blanky in there for you to snuggle with… Mom too!   Nana wants you guys to send her picture of you … so she can show them to me…. she knows how busy you have been, but if you can get some, we sure would like to have them, MAYBE IF WE LOOK AT PICTURES OF YOU GUYS, there will be LESS singing time for Nana!

Laughing out loud!

I was so co operative today, and took lots of pictures for you to look at over and over, and know that I love you very much, and as always,

I am telling a very important story here.... pay attention now...Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Little Miss!


Meeting GG-ma & Great Aunt Pam today!

Look at me sitting up in my big girl chair... I am so strong!

Hey Mom and Dad,

Nana is putting up PART 1 or of my short letter because it seems that daddy gets to the computer earlier than when she usually puts my love letters up, and she doesn’t want him to miss a chance at seeing a photo of me… so she will put up one from this afternoon, and after dinner tonight she will put up more… We are meeting Great Grandma and Great Aunt Pam…. how lucky can one princess get…  I love toys...


So this evening, we met Great Aunt Pam, GG-ma and Papa, for burgers, at FUDRUCKERS, and we had a nice time.  I was MY USUAL ADORABLE SELF.. as you can see…

Here I am dancing on tables... what is Nana thinking... I am with GAPPY… as I affectionately call Great Aunt Pam…

She won’t let Nana get a good photo with her in it…

but this was as close as she has ever come to getting her in a shot!


I am thinking here…

what do you think I am thinking about…. feel free to comment on it!


So I played and played at dinner, and had a blast.  I am so good when they take me on field trips, you would be so proud.   Here I am entertaining myself and the rest of the family…

Nana packs the whole darn house in that diaper bag....

and here is GG-ma  – and I am not quite sure, but there is a good chance she is not loving the black beast right now… as a matter of fact, she may be thinking …. something not so nice about Nana and her beast of a camera… but Nana knows she will understand it is for my love letter, and for my mommy and daddy to see what’s happenin’ where I am hangin’.


Also starring in tonights love letter, is Papa Alan

Papa - Taken on Mother's day!

We all had fun, and I played so hard that I tired myself out…. look I fell asleep during burger time! 

TUCKERED OUT!Notice in the background, I still have my hand holding thingy goin’ on!

Holding Poppy's Hand!




Close up it looks like this!





By the time we were ready to leave, I was full of laughs and smiles again, just needed to recharge my baby batteries…. Please know how much I love you and how many people are trying to make my camp experience happy.    They all send their love, and want you to know YES, I AM LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Love you Mom and Dad!








