Update on my Red Wing Day Letter….
Hey there Mom and Dad,
Here in Michigan, it is RED WING DAY, they are in the Stanley Cup playoffs, and MUST win tonight in order to advance…..It is also SPRING…
I actually like watching hockey, bright colors, fast moving, and it entertains me, but I must also admit, Poppy has it so I love watching baseball, crazy huh…? But you saw my photos before, where we were both in our Tiger clothes, and both watching… I won’t tell anyone if you don’t, I really don’t care much for any sport, just like looking at the action… and it keeps me so busy that next thing you know, I am what Michiganders call a WING NUT!
I am always happy to be the passenger for a ride around the court in my stroller, and look, nana doesn’t have me bundled like an Eskimo in Alaska. We stayed at camp but it was like having a field trip because I got to go outside today and enjoy the spring….
I hope that you are both doing okay, and that you know how much you are missed.
Nana and Poppy as well as all my Aunts are helping me through our time apart, and we are just hoping that some pictures of home, some silly stories of hockey and the ho hum stuff from here, will make you smile just a bit,
I know your in such a far away place, that my silly little day, may not be the most exciting, and seem so silly when you are in “the army” doing ‘army’ stuff, but I want you to take your mind off the chaos there, and just close your eyes, and picture THIS FACE…. and know I am here waiting for you… being the best little girl and YES, still SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! Love you both, your Little Miss Adorabe, your daughter, Guillianna! P.S. I am updating my love letter to you because Nana noticed Daddy gets on line early in the afternoon here… and wanted him to see me… so tonight she put up the rest of my photos for you to enjoy… I told you I outgrew my baby bath tub, and over the weekend the whole family went to Babies R Us, and I got this…
When I was blessed, I got a gift and this is what I bought with it. It has it’s own whirlpool and shower… and to be honest I just love it…to show you we have photos!
The shower thingy is pretty fun too!
Here I am getting a shampoo!
So… let’s not try to shampoo the eyelashes Nana…
Even if they are where I have most of my hair..
But wait, you will see mom and dad, it is growing …
We took a picture of how it sticks up after my tubby….and by the way, the Red Wings, won, and hopefully cousin Noah will switch over and be a WING NUT with the rest of us! TRUST ME NOAH… IS IT EASIER TO JUST JOIN THEM…. THESE MICHIGANDERS… OR MICHIGANIAN’S – uh, well THEY are… Wing NUTS!
Love you both… hope you liked the tubby time photos… Nana was very careful to keep my Princess privacy, and just wanted you to see how much fun the new tubby is.
P.S.S. Nana got a package today… from my secret helper, who sent my most wonderful THANK YOU note to Nana for taking care of things while Mommy and Daddy are away. Secret helper, you’re awesome! Nana cried you did such a nice job! Nana, might be on to you though…. and she says she has a big hug for you…Love, GuGu!