Update on my Red Wing Day Letter….

I hope the Red Wings win!

Hey there Mom and Dad,

So silly... going for a walk in the stroller... loving it!

Here in Michigan, it is RED WING DAY, they are in the Stanley Cup playoffs, and MUST win tonight in order to advance…..It is also SPRING…

Blossoms on the tree in the front yard at Camp!  Spring is here!

I actually like watching hockey, bright colors, fast moving, and it entertains me, but I must also admit, Poppy has it so I love watching baseball, crazy huh…?   But you saw my photos before, where we were both in our Tiger clothes, and both watching… I won’t tell anyone if you don’t, I really don’t care much for any sport, just like looking at the action… and it keeps me so busy that next thing you know, I am what Michiganders call a WING NUT!

I am in the shade, but the sun is shining the sky is blue and I am soooo happy!

I am always happy to be the passenger for a ride around the court in my stroller, and look, nana doesn’t have me bundled like an Eskimo in Alaska.   We stayed at camp but it was like having a field trip because I got to go outside today and enjoy the spring….

Tell me, am I happy or what?

I hope that you are both doing okay, and that you know how much you are missed.


Nana and Poppy as well as all my Aunts are helping me through our time apart, and we are just hoping that some pictures of home, some silly stories of hockey and the ho hum stuff from here, will make you smile just a bit,

I know your in such a far away place, that my silly little day, may not be the most exciting, and seem so silly when you are in “the army” doing ‘army’ stuff, but I want you to take your mind off the chaos there, and just close your eyes, and picture THIS FACE…. and know I am here waiting for you… being the best little girl and YES, still SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!   Love you both, your Little Miss Adorabe, your daughter, Guillianna!  P.S.   I am updating my love letter to you because Nana noticed Daddy gets on line early in the afternoon here… and wanted him to see me… so tonight she put up the rest of my photos for you to enjoy… I told you I outgrew my baby bath tub, and over the weekend the whole family went to Babies R Us, and I got this…


When I was blessed, I got a gift and this is what I bought with it.   It has it’s own whirlpool and shower… and to be honest I just love it…to show you we have photos!


The shower thingy is pretty fun too!

I like watching the water come out of the spout!

Here I am getting a shampoo!

Shampoo for my long locks!  I think I have more eyelashes than hair!So… let’s not try to shampoo the eyelashes Nana…

Even if they are where I have most of my hair..

But wait, you will see mom and dad, it is growing …


We took a picture of how it sticks up after my tubby….and by the way, the Red Wings, won, and hopefully cousin Noah will switch over and be a WING NUT with the rest of us!  TRUST ME NOAH… IS IT EASIER TO  JUST JOIN THEM….  THESE MICHIGANDERS… OR MICHIGANIAN’S –  uh, well THEY are… Wing NUTS!

Look at this hair!   Awesome huh?   After my tubby time, it sticks straight up!

Love you both… hope you liked the tubby time photos… Nana was very careful to keep my Princess privacy, and just wanted you to see how much fun the new tubby is.  

P.S.S.   Nana got a package today… from my secret helper, who sent my most wonderful THANK YOU note to Nana for taking care of things while Mommy and Daddy are away.  Secret helper, you’re awesome!   Nana cried you did such a nice job!    Nana, might be on to you though…. and she says she has a big hug for you…Love, GuGu!

Nap Time?

Me on my tummy in my crib, nap?  Nah!  I would rather play!

Hey Mom and Dad,

It’s me your little princess, just saying, I am not a fan of napping…?

Waiting for my diaper to be changed.

I like quick short ones, and only a couple  each day.   Nana says I am too busy, trying not to miss a thing here at camp.   I love being awake, and playing…sleeping is just not my favorite thing in the day, but the big news is….SHHHHHHHH Nana say’s not to say it too loud, cause it might break the string of good luck, but I HAVE BEEN SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT.   If I eat at about 9pm, I don’t eat again until about 6am.  I toss and turn a bit, but really, I sleep at night … arms still spread out, like when I was a “baby” LOL, ha, still a baby but getting to be a big girl baby… when it comes to not needing a bottle in the night anymore.   We have had several nights like this, and I can change at anytime and start waking up again, but it is looking like I may be a SLEEPIN’ THROUGH THE NIGHT BABY!   Now if we could just get Nana to stop checking on me fifty times, maybe she would sleep through the night too.   I sleep like five feet from her, you’d think she would rest easy, but NO… she spies on me in the night, just to make sure I am not too hot, too cold, and stuff like that. 

I am so strong... and just plain happy!   I miss mom and dad and when they come home, I will beat daddy at the baby PT test!

Today we stayed in at camp, and Nana tried to get some other stuff done for camp enrollees, (all my aunts),Aunt Arri finishes high school in ten days…. so there are graduation announcments to send, and decisions on what she wants to do for her graduation celebration.  Then there is Aunt Allyssa  who is thinking about making changes and not going back to the University in fall,  she wants to make a change….so they are trying to help her get information on Cosmetology schools, which is what she would rather do.   I am just hanging around, working diligently on being a princess. 

Me in my swing!

The pet zoo…. is still a zoo, and I love watching the Griffmonster… he entertains me, as do the kitties.   Bubba just barks all the time…that we could all do without, but … we are all just rolling with it… Everything here is just the same as when you visited me last.   I am so glad you can see me on the internet regurlarly now.  Have Nana give you a special password when you talk to her next so you can read Chapters about me! 

Until tomorrow mom and dad, I love you, and hope you like today’s pictures.  Love, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Mitten State Cookies = FIELDTRIP

Fingers, thumb who cares...I just like sucking the little things....

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today I was having such a good day, I got love letters back from both Mom and Dad.  My day was good, I helped Nana… the people here in Michigan, are “crazy” about thier little Mitten State… did you know you can bake cookies the shape of the State?  Well, you can…. Nana had gotten a cookie cutter the shape of Michigan so she could send Uncle Nick some cookies, hoping it would help remind him to come home soon.  When she was talking with Aunt Kris the other day, she said she would love make Michigan cookies to because she has family out of town!   And because of that, Nana went to the store that sells everything about Michigan.  THAT MEANS FIELDTRIP FOR ME…. woo woo…

I am so happy especially when going for rides in my stroller!

Yes indeed, I love riding in the car… Nana took the stroller and we went on our errand!   On our way to the little shop in the mall that has EVERYTHING MICHIGAN, I strolled through Rainforest Cafe…. and loved looking at the Rainforest decor.  Fish were swimming in HUGE tanks and I just loved to watch them.  Maybe Nana should put like that over my crib…. nah… I would stay up all night watching fish swim…

I have my next doctor appointment scheduled.  It is in June, and I will get more shots then , and a cardiology follow up exam in June too… Nana will let you know – but it is all routine baby stuff… ‘CAUSE I AM  FABULOUS AND GROWING AND JUST PLAIN DOING GOOD.   These pictures were taken with Nana’s camera in her cell phone, because she never charged her battery for what I call the BLACK BEAST!   Usually the photo shoots are done with THE BEAST, and it’s big beast flash.   She even thinks about pulling out the Black  Beast, I start posing…. so tomorrow, there will be better photos, until then, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter



Sitting on the counter watching Nana make dinner....

Hi Mom and Dad,

I had a great day today.  I got to sit in my new swing and love it, and I sat in my little red chair, that helps my back be strong so I will be able to sit up on my own, both were incredibly fun.   Today the zoo chaos continued.  Mr. B, well he got sick on Nana’s bed… so she had to take all the bedding, including the down comforter to the cleaners… and if that wasn’t fun enough two of the three dogs, well lets just say they had VERY NERVOUS STOMACH’S and it left them wanting to go outside over and over and over agian…  Here I am focused on what Nana is making for dinner when suddenly I spotted what I wanted, and would not stop looking at it until I could touch it…

So they let me… I was really wanting to see that colorful thing down on the counter….


Sometimes you just gotta have a taco you know?

I just want to nibble nibble nibble... awe Nana, you're no fun,  I WANT TACO'S I WANT TACO'S....

I was an angel.  I did all my princess chores … like smiling, and cooing and I also helped make dinner with Nana… I just so felt like a Taco tonight… but the only thing I got was this box! 


Personally I think Taco Bell could use a new spokesperson… I am cuter that that little TacoBell Dog….


So, I was stuck with my usual ‘formula’, and will have to wait on the Taco thing till I am a bit older.

I am a cute as can be, and missing mom and dad... Until tomorrow, I will leave you with this thought,

orginal… no not really, but all of my love letters tell you…that today as always, I am your Little Miss Adorable,

Your daughter,
