April Showers…
Dear Mom and Dad,
It is the end of April here in the mitten state, and like I said if April showers bring May flowers, well I am certain to be buried among about a bazillion flowers soon… because it is definately SHOWERING HERE. Nana lives in the snow belt in the winter and CLEARLY THE RAIN BELT IN THE SPRING…
Not that I am the type to complain, but geez… as if the shedding slobbering dogs, and massive amount of kitty hair was not enough we can now offiicially add the beautiful smell of wet dog and MUD everywhere forgive the grossness, to the zoo here at CAMP NANA.
I hope they are not expecting me to help clean up this stuff… I am sure I am far too young for that kind of child labor… right mom? right dad? I mean isn’t there an age minumum of FIVE years , NO 16 years… yeah, that’s it, after the age of sixteen grandchildren help with chores… I am sure there are loyal supporters out there who would agree… AREN’T THERE? I have bearly had a chance to grow my princess nails, and have yet to have a princess manicure… so …the whole chore thing… well I will take a pass on that for now…okay Nana?
Here I am with my work clothes on…there are floors to scrub… hair balls the size of Mount Rushmore to pick up… I see them blowing across the floor like tumbleweeds I kid you not… BUT I should not complain huh mom and dad, I am sure it beats, sand boogies, and desert storms… so I will quit my complaining… by the way Nana had to promise mommy – to be very careful about some of the facts in my love letters, like when they are there, or how they get there, where they stop and stuff like that, so sorry everyone if you are waiting to hear, it is PRINCESS PRIVACY FOR NOW. Gotta keep the soldiers safe and Nana has to listen to Mommy or she will get fired. But I will have Nana type what she can when she can… and I will still write mom and dad to tell them about my days and nights. As you can see today, NOT FUN…mud soup in the back yard, tracked in and everywhere by the 200 lb baby beast who thinks he is a 2 pound dog. IT IS TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY G R O S S !
But it appears, the CHORE LIST is still void of my name… AUNT ARRI HAS QUITE A FEW, AND NOW WITH ALL MY AUNTS DONE WITH COLLEGE UNTIL FALL, WELL, THEIR LISTS WILL GROW BEFORE NANA EVEN THINKS ABOUT ADDING ANOTHER NAME. Uncle Nick will be back soon too, so relatively speaking, I’m golden for quite a while, and the hands on GUILLIANNA list of pampering is the only list I will be thinking and dreaming about. Here I am holding hands… my big thing.. I know, it’s a bit needy, but hey… I am not even 5 months old yet. So I like to be swaddled, fed, and have both hands held while Nana has me in just the right position on her squishy body… but look I am still cute!
And I am dreaming of other ways for all to participate in my pamper the princess chore list… which clearly is NOT A CHORE, but I figure if Nana has wet dog foot wiping chores there must be ‘pretty princess needs pampering’ chores.
So here I am celebrating my lack of responsibility. Darn I am totally adorable even in my work gear… Which by the way mom and dad, my soldiers, are in fact total SUPERHERO’S, and I wore the shirt you gave me special for today’s love letter. I just wanted to remind you how I feel. I am and always will be, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,