April Showers…

People my size don't do chores... do we..?

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is the end of April here in the mitten state, and like I said if April showers bring May flowers, well I am certain to be buried among about a bazillion flowers soon… because it is definately SHOWERING HERE.  Nana lives in the snow belt in the winter and CLEARLY THE RAIN BELT IN THE SPRING…

Princess' don't do chores? Wipe off Mr. Griffs feet, and Justice & Libby too, that is a lot of feet!

Not that I am the type to complain, but geez… as if the shedding slobbering dogs, and massive amount of kitty hair was not enough we can now offiicially add the beautiful smell of wet dog and MUD  everywhere forgive the grossness,  to the  zoo here at CAMP NANA.

I hope they are not expecting me to help clean up this stuff… I am sure I am far too young for that kind of child labor… right mom? right dad?   I mean isn’t there an age minumum of   FIVE years , NO 16 years… yeah, that’s it, after the age of sixteen grandchildren help with chores… I am sure there are loyal supporters out there who would agree… AREN’T THERE?  I have bearly had a chance to grow my princess nails, and have yet to have a princess manicure… so …the whole chore thing… well I will take a pass on that for now…okay Nana?

Have you ever been around a 200lb wet dog... it's shall we say, memorable!

Here I am with my work clothes on…there are  floors to scrub… hair balls the size of Mount Rushmore to pick up… I see them blowing across the floor like tumbleweeds I kid you not…  BUT I should not complain huh mom and dad,  I am sure it beats, sand boogies, and desert storms… so I will quit my complaining…  by the way Nana had to promise mommy  – to be very careful about some of the facts in my love letters, like when they are there, or how they get there, where they stop and stuff like that, so sorry everyone if you are waiting to hear, it is PRINCESS PRIVACY FOR NOW.   Gotta keep the soldiers safe  and Nana has to listen to Mommy or she will get fired.   But I will have Nana type what she can when she can… and I will still write mom and dad to tell them about my days and nights.   As you can see today, NOT FUN…mud soup in the back yard, tracked in and everywhere by the 200 lb baby beast who thinks he is a 2 pound dog.  IT IS TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY   G R O S S !

Who me... do what, wipe whose feet?   Are you looking at me?

But it appears, the CHORE LIST is still void of my name… AUNT ARRI HAS QUITE A FEW, AND NOW WITH ALL MY AUNTS DONE WITH COLLEGE UNTIL FALL, WELL, THEIR LISTS WILL GROW BEFORE NANA EVEN THINKS ABOUT ADDING ANOTHER NAME.   Uncle Nick will be back soon too, so relatively speaking, I’m golden for quite a while, and the hands on GUILLIANNA  list of pampering is the only list I will be thinking and dreaming about.   Here I am holding hands… my big thing.. I know, it’s a bit needy, but hey… I am not even 5 months old yet.   So I like to be swaddled, fed, and have both hands held while Nana has me in just the right position on her squishy body… but look I am still cute!

Holding on to fingers and hanging with Nana...

And I am dreaming of other ways for all to participate in my pamper the princess chore list… which clearly is NOT A CHORE, but I figure if Nana has wet dog foot wiping chores there must be ‘pretty princess needs pampering’ chores.

So here I am celebrating my lack of responsibility.  Darn I am totally adorable even in my work gear… Which by the way mom and dad, my soldiers, are in fact total SUPERHERO’S,  and I wore the shirt you gave me special for today’s love letter.  I just wanted to remind you how I feel.   I am  and always will be, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Hello everyone.... look how big I am getting!


Deployment Day for Mommy..

My Army bear in it's ACU's.... will stay with me till you're home!

Dear Mom and Dad,

This was a big day, probably one of the longest for mommy in a while.   I am doing great mommy, and I am one day closer to being back at home with you.   Now that your (hopefully) last tour of duty has officially begun we begin the journey home.


He is about four feet tall, (just like my mom)…. lol… just teasing you mom… you’re the perfect size…


I bet I will be just like you in the size department… and I will love it!

Here I am… I am cracking up... laughing out loud .... the bunny made me do it...

Here it is Monday in Michigan.  It is nearly 80 degrees again, the sun is shining, the trees are all budding and flowers are beginning to blossom for SPRING.   Nana is hopeful the snows of winter are behind us for a while, and we are getting ready for nicer warmer weather for me to go outside and enjoy.   Today I even wore short sleeves… and have on the top you got for me when you were here.   Don’t I look adorable.

All my Aunts are finishing up with school, the ones in college, well this is the last week until fall.   When they go back Aunt Mikayla will be a senior, Aunt Alyx a Junior, Aunt Allyssa a sophmore and believe it or not Aunt Arri a freshman in college.   Uncle Nick will be home from the Marshall Islands too and may be  if they accept his paperwork late he could be starting Law School (since he doesnt return until after the deadline) …. but until August… IT IS ALL ABOUT ME… and I will have so many helpers around that… yes… I hoping to be SPOILED SPOILED SPOILED…  hey who is the wise guy giving me bunny ears…

Not funny.....  cute but not funny... princess' don't have bunny ears..

I am beginning to want to sit a bit, and I really like this position, but need a lot of help still.   I love watching Barney and friends and yes I still like Sid the Science Kid. 


So we played around and everyone tried to make me look silly with the bunny ears, but little did they know…. it is hard to make me look silly…

This is my serious face…

which usually leads to me getting what ever I want..



 Do I look like I am serious… or what… ha ha, enough with the bunny ears…

That's better.... me and a bunny friend...

 I must admit…when I am serious… I am still… A TOTAL PRINCESS!

Much love to you and to daddy…remember,  I am always LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,


See you soon mommy…

Happy Girl.... I love you mommy!

Dear Mom and Dad,

This is Sunday, April is almost over, and I am writing tonights love letter as my mommy is about to embark on her second tour of duty in Iraq.  

I am so adorable, I can hardly stand it...

I will not say good bye to mom, because, I prefer to be HALF FULL like my poppy taught my mom to always be….. always look at everything with a full heart and a positive twist.   So I say… see ya soon mommy… I will be right here waiting for you at camp, and I will fill your days and nights with my letters and photos, and dreams of what it will be when we are all together again.  I promise to write every day… and I love you forever.

Ready for spring!

Let me tell you about today… not only was it “all hands on” Sunday with all my Aunts at home…but we were spontaneous… and we made a quick lunch plan…that worked out for everyone…

Today, Nana and Poppy drove me to Flint, where we met Great Aunt Ida and Cuz Nanc for lunch…. Papa and GG-ma joined us, and we all sat and visited while I looked my usual adorable self.   We kept thinking, how nice it would have been to have you there, but  you know what IF YOU AND DADDY WERE THERE we wouldn’t have been at that place eating… DADDY WOULD HAVE CHOSEN TO EAT AT SONICS,  instead…right daddy?  But seriously you were both  in our hearts and minds.    Hey where is Nanc… where is Aunt Alyx…  where is Papa and GG-ma.  You’d think with all the practice Nana gets with the darn camera she could have gotten one photo with everyone, but no… her head would be lost if not attached to her body these days…

Here we are... visiting with Aunt Ida, and Nanc...hey where is Nanc...

So since my nana was not thinking and didn’t get Aunt Alyx in the picture as she is hiding behing Aunt Allyssa…. below is Aunt Alyx, unbenounced to her… Nana is a sneak…

The unsuspecting Auntie Alyx....

Nana certainly will not make herself too popular with that big black camera of hers, but she says, it is okay, because everyone here wants you to know how much they love me, and they want you to have real pictures, of what my days are like… REAL PEOPLE, REAL PHOTOS, REAL CAMP FUN… so here are all the pics from our lunch… personally, I love them, because they will all be in my scrapbook for years to come. 

Here is Aunt Nanc with her mom… one day, this will be you and me mom, and daddy already got me a pair of sunglasses just like they have… I had a VERY fun time in Flint.

Aunt Ida and Nanc can't believe how cute I am....

Here is GG-ma and Papa… with LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, me!

GG-ma and Papa

You are going to work for a bit, but now that deployment is here, and we have made it through the waiting, and moving that had to happen first, we  are really closer to building our future together… even if  we are apart.  I am doing my share… learning exactly how little princess’ eat, and sleep, and coo and play, just for you two.  You will be so impressed I am sure.   When you come back to the United States, you will have earned a living that will make for a great start in our new home together.   Maybe Nana will teach me how to pick up crayons, I could be very good at painting  and designing the walls in a new home… or maybe Nana will teach me some of mommy’s old tricks, and all the other Aunts, I can learn about all the little tricks you guys played on Nana and Poppy when you were little.   She says, that will keep me busy the whole time you are deployed.   ARE YOU READY FOR THAT MOM..?   Aunt Allyssa says she has the drawing of stars down pat, on just about any surface…LOL, I will bet I can master that art… what do you think?    Probably not by December, but Nana assures me I will have a lifetime to show off all the little things a princess can do to ENRICH the days and nights of  a mom and a dad.  

GG-ma, and I....We love you Mommy.... see you soon!

Not that I would really know a lot about this stuff…. but they say in most cases it takes nine months for a baby to be born, some of us  – in a bit of a hurry – well, we come sooner, but not to offend any of the Michiganders who read this, I must be the bearer of bad news…. in just nine months it will be December… and there will be plenty of snow for daddy to build snowmen in, and most certainly the perfect weather for a princess’ first birthday party.   In just nine months!   I hear your R&R is scheduled for the end of November into the first part of December, and hopefully you will be here just in time to have a Thanksgiving feast, no matter what day you get here… WE WILL ALL BE THANKFUL,  and an amazingly awesome birthday cake, and you can count on about a bazillion hugs and kisses.  If we take small steps, and just get to the end of each month, before you know it, we will be in a Michigan Winterwonderland, and we will be celebrating my first birthday together.  So just think, in about the same time it took for me to arrive here… we will see each other again, and it will be PARTY…MY CRIB…. TWO AM… !  

I am so strong and curious about everything...

I have shared my photo op time with everyone today, and yes this is a long letter, but I don’t know when you will get on line to see me and wanted you to have GREAT PICTURES TO PUT INTO YOUR HEAD FOR THE LONG TRIP…. they can spin around inside your head, and will be your secret energy boost.  

I am so strong, and cooing up a storm...don't you worry I will give you an opinion..

Here I am trying to reach for a bunny that poppy was holding, and I am verbally telling him… I want it NOW… in the most polite princess way! That and … I am done with tummy time!

My profile... I am so cute!  Do I have a bad side?

I have put more pictures into this love letter than any in the past, as I said, wanting you to have your fill of photos in your head for the trip…

I am thinking here, and I am learning, but mostly mommy I am loving being your daughter, and will make you so proud just like you make your mom and your dad…

I will say good nite for now, and I will see you soon mommy, just remember that I will always be your Little Miss Adorable, and your daughter,

I love you mommy.... HUGS AND KISSES UNTIL I SEE YOU AGAIN!and always your princess…










Daddy is in Kuwait!

Daddy is working hard,and I am just sitting around at Camp...

Dear Mom and Dad,

I heard that Daddy is in Kuwait… and is safe.   Very good news. 

I heard mommy is getting ready to go too, and tomorrow will be the last love letter she gets for a while….  so I will have till then to put up an even more adorable picture  for her… just to tide her over on her journey …

I was so good today, my terrible cold is gone.. my four month vaccinations are a thing of the past, and I am eating very good with the medicine they gave me, it really has done the job.   I am just hanging out in my rocking chair, well okay the teddy bears rocking chair… but being a princess is hard work too… so even though daddy is probably pretty exhausted after 30 hours of travel… well I am doing my fair share of exhausting things here……

I am Laughing out loud more and more… and playing with not only one toy in my hands, but often I want two…one in each…. and that takes skill and drains a princess….  and I share the rocker with the bear… so think how much work it is to share when you’re a princess…

Sundays at camp are still a fav… all those hands and faces making me feel like a princess… well it just is a party… and who doesn’t love a party…

Nana just pulled a muscle, no big deal, however she is not really good with pain obviously….. but nothing wrong with her hip… so that is a good thing.  Now we can go on those six am walks around the house I love so much… I still pretend I am in PT like you and daddy, and I make Nana go to “formation” .  So fun… being the drill sarg. here…. I keep them all on their toes…

Tomorrow is Mommys last full day at the HOOD.   I hope she has a good breakfast, lunch and dinner with Aunt Sam and cuz Cody… make sure dsc_1789you give Auntie Sam the number here at Camp… if she ever has any news about you and daddy she can let us know how it is going for you…and let all of us know how my cuz is doing…. okay?

Okay... I did it... see... no complaints...not very big ones...

I decided I don’t mind letting the bear in on my photo op…







and after this I got to go look at myself in the mirror with poppy..   look how cute I am…


Poppy and I... admiring Guillianna and GuillliannaBear in the mirror...

I know it will be very hard to travel so many hours and going so far away, but getting  there means you are a step closer to coming home… WOO WOO…. I love you both very much, and am always your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
