Dear Mom and Dad,
Today is April 17th, 2009, and on this date 80 years ago, my Great Grandma Sally was born.

She was born the year the US Stock exchange crashed…. the first ten years of her life were to survive what history books call THE GREAT DEPRESSION. I tell you this because we all have stories and we all have things that we have to endure to enjoy the nicer things of life…. We have to endure being separated for a short while… and when we are togetehr again, it will be HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN…After the depression, and so many things in her life, Great Grandma Sally has done far more than survive… she adopted Nana, who adopted you, and now… THERE IS A GUILLIANNA…. for everyone to love and adopt into their hearts.

In Grandma Sally’s 80 years so much has happened. The world is a different place. Herbert Hoover was president in 1929 and he was the very first president to have a telephone on his desk…. prior to this it was in a booth outside the president’s office. Communication in the past eighty years has really changed. Now I am able to communicate with you on the World Wide Web, and send you love letters to keep us close even while you work hard in Iraq. In 1963, the president put the first hot line between the US and Russia in his office (following the missile crisis), now I have a hot line to you… and I am not even a president. And cameras…. well take a good look at the photos Nana keeps taking… Grandma Sally saw the first hand held cameras in 1948… and now Nana can’t seem to get one out of her hand. YOU WOULD THINK THAT TODAY WHEN I WAS LOOKING QUITE ADORABLE, AT GG-ma Sharyns house Nana would have had her camera… but no … she didn’t get even on picture… what is up with that…
Grandma Sally has seen the development of many things that make my world possible… x-rays… well they help Poppy help people and make it so he can give me CAMP NANA. In 1953 television, which I love to watch baby Einstein on… and while hairspray in 1955 is not something I currently need, it seems something a princess will eventually use… and nylons, and radio, and transistor radios, microwaves, LP records in 1948, to music CD’s downloaded from iTunes… and cell phones, text messaging and a bazillion other things. Since the 1920’s we now have bandaids, and insulin…( THANK GOODNESS since Nana uses her fair share of the stuff) We have seen all kinds of new transportation and invented helicoptors in 1939 gone from propeller planes to jets… a most important toy the SLINKY came in 1945… AND E-MAIL in 1972… right after pocket calculators and the micro processor of 1971… well… enough history I guess, I was just making the point that there are so many wonderful things Great Grandma Sally has seen, but THE MOST WONDERFUL OF ALL WILL SURELY BE THE DAY YOU COME HOME FROM IRAQ AND HOLD ME IN YOUR ARMS, AND NANA SNAPS A PICTURE WITH HER ‘HAND HELD CAMERA’ AND PUTS IT UP ON THE ‘WORLD WIDE WEB’.

Happy 80th Birthday Great Grandma Sally, I cannot wait to meet you and until I do please remember… the greatest day ever was the day you adopted my Nana… because of that, she found my mom and I now I have born to a country they serve and protect for my future. I don’t know what I will do when I grow up, or how many children I may have, but I do know that the labor of your love, made my life possible. HAPPY HEALTHY BIRTHDAY… LOVE YOUR LITTLE GUGU BUG!
Today was spent visiting Great Grandma Sharyn, or my GG-ma as I like to call her. I got all dressed and ready to go… made the trip there, and not a single photo… not a single one… when we got home Nana tried to slip in a few pics, but it’s clear, I am tired, it is late, and not the best photo op… who did she think she was kidding… I say… write … protest and let her know you won’t put up with such silliness… I mean if she expects me to put on a smile and act like it is – all the middle of the dayand stuff.., as if… not…. or that it is my happy time, and for me to ACT like the princess that I am, well then she better not try to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes and slip in some late night photo THAT CLEARLY SHOWS I AM EXHAUSTED FROM MY DAY OF PRINCESS VISITING …. shame on Nana…. you are busted! I told my mom on you, and I will not hesitate to tattle on you in the future…

I think I set her straight though now mom… until tomorrow, I love you , and and I miss you, and I hope you can still have sweet dreams of me, even if Nana didn’t get my smiles and cuteness on the web from earlier today…. I am always your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,