S U N D A Y @ Camp Nana and A BROKEN BEAST!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Oh no!   Nana is feeling like there might be a cloud over her head these days…  certainly her list of challenges are growing!  THE BEAST IS NOT WORKING !   It will not take my photo!  WHAT… ?   A BROKEN BEAST?

We are working on a solution….be patient… Nana says sorry and is tempted to put Mr. Nikon in time out!

Yesterday Libby was sick, then Grizzy got sick EVERYWHERE AND NOW THE BEAST IS SICK! 

Thankfully I am good, and so are the other campers!

Nana apologizes for the photos… but is trying to keep the promise that you would see me each day.  For now these will have to do… and THE BEAST IS GOING TO THE HIS OWN VET TOMORROW.   Not so sure what will be for tomorrows photos… but here  are today’s!

There are only a few, that were even salvagable… sorry!

They are all discolored, and yes it is true not even really in focus but it is me, and I am doing good.  I played all day, and as a special treat I ate breakfast with my GG-ma and Great Grandpa as well as all of the campers.  Until tomorrow remember I am as always your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE (EVEN IF NOT IN FOCUS, AND POORLY LIGHTED) your daughter,







I hope Nana can get the beast fixed for you and dad by tomorrow.

Nana will find a way to get some really good photos for you tomorrow, and is very sorry….


I am still adorable even if my photos are dark and blurry!

By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

One thought on “S U N D A Y @ Camp Nana and A BROKEN BEAST!”
  1. Hello Princess,

    WOW I cant believe that the Beast Broke. But the pictures are still great. We love you and miss you very much princess.

    Love always,
    mommy and daddy

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