Dear Mom and Dad,
Some time ago, I wrote you of the LIBRARY BEING CHANGED INTO MY PLAYROOM. Well, it seems I have outgrown that space. Not that I am not keeping it as my own… cause…. I am!
Today I noticed, not only is the LIBRARY MINE. By the way, boy do I love books. I love story time, and some books (my favorites) Nana will read over and over for me! I have not mastered books with soft pages yet, I want to be a little rough… and tear them, but board books… WOW! Love ’em!

The FAMILY ROOM is ALSO MINE as it is AFTER ALL the main room for my days with Nana since she cannot do stairs or get about as much as she should… but now … and added bonus, THE BASEMENT IS MINE! Thank you Uncle Nick for moving back to Camp during my transitional period here…. I love my – YES MY – flat screen TVthat you have so graciously donated and shared with me ( and I use the term ‘shared’ loosely). It plays all my favorite shows and DVD’s. I love the soft and cuddly couch! I also am pretty fond of the TOYS THAT ABOUND SINCE MOM, DAD AND SANTA CAME TO VISIT! I have my own PRINCESS PLAYGROUND!
So this is my PRINCESS PAD these days… groovy huh? Here is my photo shoot.
Not that I have to tell anyone this… here… but you do know who is the boss down here… right?
Well, a full day today. Nana packed up some things for Great Papa, and we gave them to him earlier today. I have to say… going to see Great Papa was fun. I love the elephant toy and clowns at their house. BUT I MISSED GG-MA! It is very wierd to be there without her there too. Miss you and you two will be back together soon! Boy oh boy does Papa miss GG-ma, you can see it on his face! Ahhhh…. ‘young’ love! Well Mom and Dad, it sure is lucky that you and daddy are together there in the land of sand… to be without me, and eachother would be even harder. This way you have each other to make you smile… and photos of me of course! Until tomorrow… please know I am as always, YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE… YOUR SWEET BABY GIRL, your daughter,
Hello Baby,
You look beautiful like always. We love the smile. It brings us a smile on our face. We love you and miss you very much.
Love always,
mommy and daddy