Dear Mom and Dad,
Yep I know I am a Lone Star State girl now, but they say DETROIT IS PRETTY MUCH A SPORTS TOWN. I have rooted for LOSING LIONS, and winning Red Wings… I have watched Pistons and well just about every sport Detroit has to offer, but today’s love letter features my TIGER SPIRIT. I am wearing a Tiger Tee that Mr. B and Ms. Sydney gave me one day just for coming to have breakfast with them. Yep, I got a present for having breakfast at someones house! GO TIGERS… (they just happen to be a Poppy fav!)
So again Nana had NANA STUFF, and we met Great Grandma Sharyn – while I was waiting for Nana, Great Grandma and I had so much fun with other folks who were also waiting… I met a few kids who I absolutely LOVED AND LET ME JUST SAY…. I do love other kids… can’t wait to play with Cuz Cody, IT WILL BE A BLAST… I hope he will share with me, cause, I am a good little sharer and mostly just like LITTLE PEOPLE
It is true, I hate it when people are not sharing with me, but even love it more when everyone around is laughing and happy.
I get the biggest smile, and love being happy! Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, I am definitely a ray of sunshine and I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,