Dear Mom and Dad,
So this is the thing… I have been a busy little chef … cooking and stirring and tasting… so much fun! So if there is a guy named “Chef Boy Ardee”! Then I am to be Chef Girl Adore – a – BEE ! I am so cute!
I love singing this song about one finger and one thumb… it makes me laugh every time someone sings it to me, and I hold up one finger!
Here I am honing my culinary skills some more today….
I was truly a wonderful baby today as I am every day. I hear that Poppy Nana and the campers have a surprise for me in the morning… I wonder what it could be? I am going to wait patiently though, and see it when I awake. Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, please know I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,