Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is Friday, and I have a dinner date with Great Papa Alan.   So I was getting ready, and put on my party pants and party shoes… look and see how I looked before we left…

Me and my Party Shoes

My little flare pants, and black party shoes…  and if they weren’t cute enough, I was then put into my Minnie Mouse shirt and Red Hoodie Heartbreaker sweater… I was sooooo cute.   I loved this look, see for yourself.

Going out me my peeps...My Close Up...

I was ready for some good Italian food… or maybe just some formula at a nice Italian restaurant.  Me and the gang… and after all that preparation… I slept… the entire time, I slept…. not a single peep out of me… until it was time to leave… Great Papa let Nana take some photos of us together you can see them below… even sleeping… I look awesome.

Great Papa and Me... Going out Italian Style...

 He bent down cause I was a little busy catching some “zzzzz’s” and pretty much, my party shoes and I missed the party… but when it was time to go… I changed my little princess mind and decided it was time to eat… so I did just that.  

Generations...So me – and my papa’s  we hung  out for a bit, holding hands, and munching on my favorite meal.  A generational meeting of awesome guys and an even more awesome princess… (note to self, princess’ look good in red)  I’d would have held hands all night long… I could get used to this whole being adored thing really easily…. after all it is nice to have people think you’re special  – and let me tell you… do they make me feel special.   Don’t worry though, I won’t let it go to my head, and act spoiled or anything…I would not ever let myself get SPOILED … YET HAVE BEEN TOLD… what happens at Nana’s  STAYS AT NANA’S  so if they do try to spoil me…. or force me to be treated like a princess… my lips are sealed…

Mom, your grandpa – and mine were awesome, and I was lucky to spend time with two men who spent so much time with you while you were growing up.   You can tell how much they care about you, because when they look at me, it shows in their eyes.   They hope you will be happy and that you and I will be together again soon.  I COUNT THE DAYS!  Nana makes me count  – thinks it helps me learn,  and she is always singing that alphabet song… someone should really tell her, I am only TEN WEEKS old…. geez…. even a princess needs time off from her social training…  

 They also keep telling everyone how much you love me, and how much you are sacrificing this past week and in the upcoming weeks so that we can live happily ever after in the months and years to come…  DID I MENTION THAT I TRULY DO APPRECIATE YOU… and I know… as cute as I am,  it must be hard every day… BUT WITH YOUR LOVE, AND COURAGE WE CAN DO ANYTHING …. RIGHT?   We can do this, and my love letters to you are each and every one –  hugs and kisses  – being sent to you each chance I get… when you finish reading them at the end of a day, or before you go off to work you will feel like I do when you hold me.   I feel safe, like everything will be okay, and I feel like we can do anything because when someone is looking out for you, and making your world the best it can be, even if it hurts them to do it, it makes the person you do it for realize just how lucky they are.  SO I FEEL LUCKY…. AND I HAD A GREAT TIME TONIGHT and once again, I want to tell you… I love you with all my heart.

Before I go to bed I have one last photo of me … please know I miss you and love you very much, AND WILL ALWAYS BE your little princess, Guillianna.

Nite Mom



I will send you more love letters soon…. Love Little Miss Adorable, your daughter Guillianna

Tonight Great Aunt Pam Visits Me

Napping on Thursday Dear Mom & Dad,  it is almost the end of the first week at Camp.   I have been so good from Grandpa and Nana, and have loved being a princess here.   

 Tonight your Aunt Pam is coming out to see me!   She says she  has always loved you, and is one of your greatest fans.   She is proud of the work you have been doing and all of your accomplishments.  Since I am your absolutely greatest accomplishment ever… than I guess she is proud of me too…  

Tonight Aunt Pam drove so far to see me.   She came and she fed me, and bathed me, and we had so much fun, because she also has that same problem Nana has, where she just cannot stop kissing my adorable little cheeks, and holding me close!   Not really a problem at all for me, I am loving it… She also gave me my very first Valentines Day card.   One that I can keep for my memory box.   She says, it is the first of many I will recieve because it is usual for a princess to have many of these… we will see.   I will treasure hers to me as the first though.  She also came bearing gifts… in the next size up for me, which is totally awesome, because while this may shock you… a princess can never have enough pink .  Am I right?   Yep… I think I am…  

Nana says she has a rule she used to make you and all the kids of your family do…. if someone does something nice, you used to have to hand make a “thank you” note… and here is mine to Aunt Pam-

Dear Aunt Pam,

You are totally awesome, and I love that you made me feel so good.  Thank you for always being there for my Nana… she is so lucky to have your help and your love.    I think I am really lucky too.  

Love Your Great (as in awesome) Niece, Guillianna

 Tah Dah… my first thank you note!   Do you remember having to make notes like this mom?   Hard for me to believe Nana could ever be a “nag” or anything like that… but it seems that everyone here in this house remembers the “handmade thank you note thing”. 

I have made you a music video of my first week at camp…. I hope you like it … what am I saying, ITS ALL ABOUT ME, what’s not to like!  Just click on the link below… and you will be ready to go.


All of my love, Little Miss Adorable,


Resting at Camp Nana’s!

Camp Nana's February 18th, 2009Dear Mom and Dad,

Today I get to laze around after my VACCINATION day… I am feeling great.   I do not have a fever, or any side effects from the medicines, but I am very happy just hangin out here at Camp Nana’s.   Hey, make sure you tell cousin Cody I miss him, Hi Aunt Sam, and to my Mimi & Grandpa Richard, as well as all the California gang, I hope they will visit my site, while we are so far apart, and I hope it helps everyone who misses me, PRINCESS, get through these next weeks.  

Hey mom, I have  one thing to say about MICHIGANIANS, or MICHIGANDERS,  Do you know why this state is shaped like a mitten?  It’s not so you can point on your hand to show someone where you are from, its to remind you that  if you are going to visit here in winter, you better have a pair of darn mittens.  My little fingers can get cold so easy.    Ha!   The house is nice and warm, however the outdoors leaves something to be desired.   No wonder Great Grandma and Great Papa spend this time in the south…. 

Rumor has it, I will be having a date with Great Papa Alan this week.   I am excitied to see him.   Today Great Grandma Sally called me too.   I feel lucky.   Lots of love here to be sure, but I dream about you and dad.   I took a great nap this afternoon.   So Nana put up these new pictures, we won’t know for a few days how I will do on the new formula.  Nana said you wanted to know the name of it, and it is Enfamil, Nutramigen Lipil a Hypoallergenic Infant Formula.  It tastes good and I don’t seem to notice any diffence when I get a feeding.   The doc says at least three days to a week before we know.   Hope your day was great, and that my letters help you remember how much I love you, and how great it will be when we are back together again.

Love and kisses,

Little Miss Adorable, your daughter

See my happy face!With a happy face…




I can’t wait until bath time later tonight.   I love taking a bath!

My Mom and I both visit the doctor…I was so brave.

At my first pediatrician visit!Dear Mom and Dad,  Well this was a big day.   My Michigan pediatrician and I met for the first time.  He was very nice, and very gentle.   Nana says he has been taking care of little princess’ for 30 years and it shows cause he was sooooo good.   He has all kinds of helpers, and I once again was waited on hand and foot.  I also got weighed today.   I am 10lbs. 12oz. and he says to tell you what a good job you have done with me these past ten weeks.  I am growing and doing so good.   He says my heart sounds good and I will see the pediatric cardiologist at Children’s Hospital in the next weeks to confirm all the same things we already know… which is I am awesome! 

I think getting weighed was the best part of the day since I GOT TO BE NAKED, no diaper even…so I was smiling.   The sad part is, that fun did in fact come to an end, as I had to get five immunizations. (FIVE, YIKES!).   Thankfully one was oral, and I was able to drink it.   The nurse says that many babies cannot do this easily they have trouble swallowing, but not me… I WAS A ROCK STAR… and Aunt Arri took a picture to prove it with Nana’s cell phone.  You can’t really see it, but I took special care to wear my tee shirt that says mommy love me, and I think Nana was willing to try and put me into two of them just to have one that said Daddy loves me, but wisely decided to forgo that idea since she once again had me bundled up like an Eskimo baby… and two tee shirts may have made me melt.

 I will not lie, I don’t like shots… and yes, there were a few tears, but they were brief.   Nana says that I am brave as mom and dad.  The doc also says it is time to try a new formula so I can do something about the little “tummy” issues I’ve been having.  Nana got the new stuff on the way home and I have eaten it twice… it is even better than my other formula.. and I hope it does the trick.   It will be a few days before we know. 

Me at the Pediatrician

You and I both had appointments mom, and I hope yours went good.  I need you to take really good care of yourself so Nana doesn’t worry about you and we can be together again soon.    I love you both very much, and you two would be sooooo proud of your princess… I ‘AM’ ARMY strong….

Love always,
