Hey, did I say you could take my picture Mr. Beast? Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you?   I had another great day at camp, but Poppy had to work late, visiting some patients who cannot leave home, but need his help.   We did not meet Great Grandma and Great Papa as we usually do.  Uncle Nick too had a tough day, and well just was not up to do much of anything, and all the campers are pretty exhausted.   It was a weird day.  The past few nights, after I FINALLY GO TO SLEEP, Poppy and Nana have been working on a important stuff till the wee hours of the morning…

Speaking about going to bed… well, Mom and Dad, this is an issue… Nana calls my latest tricks…something from WRESTLE MANIA, you see I spin around crawl around bury my face over and over again and just won’t lay in my crib,it is more like a wrestling ring.   I have a wrestling match with myself  (and win) and I want Nana to stay and watch.  I don’t want to be rocked, I don’t want to be up, I just want her to stand by the crib and pat my butt…. while I roll and spin around… FIGHTING SLEEP, AND eventually giving in, but only afterI have exhausted myself.   It is the craziest thing… Nana bends over the crib and pats me for at least 45 minutes… and sometimes longer.   I don’t know if you have checked the Nana cam lately, but IT IS QUITE A SHOW…. I smile while doing it too, as if it too is a spectator sport, and Nana is my audience.   It is fun.. and like I told you yesterday… I like having fun with “no fun Nana”… she caught me grinning tonight… so she is on to my game.   I don’t care, I will most likely try it again tomorrow.   

Did I mention I AM TEETHING…. aaarrrgggghhh!

Yea, it's drool.... yuk!

Here I am today… playing and feeding my self… it looks like I am just eating my hand, but I am not… I am actually feeding myself.  

This is my toy box.... Great Papa and Poppy made it for me!

Me kneeling by the toy box.... and guess what I can do?


Once I have selected which toy I want… I do what any TEETHING BABY WOULD DO….

I eat it!

Here I am eating puffs at breakfast!  And a whole bunch of me just being adorable…. being the “self feeding” princess at camp.   I know it doesn’t really look like a big deal, but mastering this feeding myself thing is hard to capture with the beast… I am really doing good though.   I pick them up, and even when they stick to my fingers, I am able to use my excellent motor skills to manipulate them into the little princess mouth.  It is exciting stuff here at camp, used to be I put everything but food in my mouth.   Now I can do it!  I am such a big girl.

Look at this, I CAN FEED MYSELF!
Look at this, I CAN FEED MYSELF!

I am so cute!

I am talking and eating, I am a multi-tasker!

You proud of me?   I am so proud of me!

Well, I have a quiet Saturday planned, hopefully I will get to see my Great Grandma and Papa tomorrow, or Sunday instead of today.   I hope Great Aunt Ida had fun watching her youngest grandchild skate at Joe Louis Arena, and I am sorry Poppy had to work. I bet it was awesome.   Love to everyone.   Until tomorrow, I am as always my mom and dad’s Little Miss Adorable, and sweet daughter,

Me talking.... and talking and talking.... (so cute!)
Me talking.... and talking and talking.... (so cute!)


To Show My Teeth, or Not Show My Teeth…

I can hide em from you all day if I want.... No PEEKIN AT THE TEETH TODAY!  I am tight lipped!

Dear Mom and Dad..

This is the question….Nana has been trying for a few days to capture my Princess Vampira smile for you to see my two top teeth.   My two “fangs”, with no luck. I am kind of sensitive about it but Mr. Nikon and her… well they are snapping at me all day…. waiting for their chance….

No...No....No!  Not showing my choppers today!
No...No....No! Not showing my choppers today!

 I had fun playing with Nana today, avoiding the beast… and making her crawl over the place trying to capture my new tooth for you to see.   It was funny. 


She is a riot to watch trying to get every single angle of me for you to see.   She is not fast, nor is she very agile… so inside, I am cracking up… but I don’t let on… I just enjoy making her work for the photos!  A princess has to get her laughs somehow…

Yea  - take that Mr Nikon, how'd ya like this shot of my teeth!

Trust me, I give Nana far more happiness than anything else… so poking fun at her… well its the price she pays for so much cuteness adorning her camp!

Yes, this is my "it's all about the drama" pose!
Yes, this is my "it's all about the drama" pose!

My Aunts and Uncle Nick, yea they are “cute” campers too, but in my opinion, BABY vs. THE TWENTY SOMTHINS AND THE TEEN … well it is not contest… baby takes the cake!   I am never late getting back to camp, I don’t yet drive so that’s a plus, I can’t talk yet, so I can’t “back talk”, not that any of the campers ever would.   I can’t slack off on school work, cause I don’t go to school.   Most important,  I don’t roll my eyes, when Nana says, NO DRUGS, NO DRINKING AND BE CAREFUL!  Which if I am understanding the campers correctly, she has said since they can remember…. (and yes she says it, TO ME….something about your never too young, whatever…) When it comes to BABY vs. Z00 Campers… IT’S “BABY” BY A MILE… you see, when it comes to me and the zoo campers, we may all have to be cleaned up after (yuk) , we may all have to be fed (so my feedings are a bit more work) , and yes – we all may drool (I AM NOT AS BAD AS MR. GRIFF!)   But I don’t shed, I don’t shake my head and rattle my dog tags during the night… nor am I “200 lbs of chub” jumpin’ up on Nana and Poppy’s bed every night pushing them out,  so WHO WINS in the TOO CUTE department, definitely SWEET BABY GUGE!  What do you think?

Who me?

I hope you two had a great day… I know playing this little game of “cat and mouse” with Nana and the beast… well it made mine…. we kept busy all day. I miss you and am realizing that we are getting so close to your R & R !

You know, I have been thinking….. speaking of how BABIES are cute and stuff… well… I can prove,  BABIES will win when it comes to cute EVERY TIME…

I have been thinking...again...

Here is why…  imagine a cute little baby… laying on the changing table, and reaching to play with “her” toes…

See.... cute....right?
See.... cute....right?

Now close your eyes, and picture Nana or Poppy doing this… NOT SO CUTE!


And at the end of the day, when you see my toothless smile you say… awe… how cute is that baby….immediately followed by the image of Nana or Poppy toothless…. OH MY!  

Look at that, two teeth in, and more about to pop!
Look at that, two teeth in, and more about to pop!

 I had fun giving Nana the challenge… but in the end… the beast got me!

One thing for sure about Nana, she doesn’t give up

andshe can tickle me…

so… she caught my teeth for you to see…

Cute, and useful… little things…

Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your sweet baby daughter…

Ouch .... those things are sharp!
Ouch .... those things are sharp!


GoldFish Mini Day, falls on Veteran’s Day!

Do you think I like this GoldFish Mini Thing?

Dear Mom and Dad:

So today is a day to honor veterans…Nana promised not to get all sappy, so we comprimised… photos of me, my trip to Goldfish mini… and a story…since I couldnt keep her from acknowledging the service of so many men and women for so many years, and so many lost lives.  Her dad, was a soldier, a medic, who was able to be a help during the liberation of concentration camps.  He saw things, and did things, her generation cannot imagine.  She knows from his photos, what his service meant, and obviously from what history has taught us, of it’s value.   She has learned one thing for certain in her life, and that is how little she really knows.   When she was young, she thought she knew, or understood so much more than she does today… she is not to the left, she is not to the right, truthfully she is clueless on most subjects,  she only knows one thing… SHE IS FREE, and she knows that freedom came from people willing to serve.    Yep… it’s the flag!

Veteran's Day.. 2009

The holidays, are coming fast… around these parts there are radio stations whose format has changed over from the usual music to a Christmas genre.  Some people are loving this switch, others hate it and say it is far too early.  Nana says, that freedom to choose, is what makes us a free people in a free society.   Growing up, Nana always has loved the holidays, and for her, with five campers still here at camp, and me, well, she says she needs every single possilbe moment she can to get the holiday’s all squared away, and that the music, just helps the process for her.  Being a kid she says is always fun at the first snow… the smell of holiday cooking, the laughter, the family… for her, these things apply to everyone, Christian, Jews any faith really,  the faces of the children who are able to live thier lives with memories of any of the above, good food, good friends, laughter, joy, family gatherings… and sharing kindness or gifts of friendship and kindness, wishes for good health, and happy healthy new year wishes, what a great time!   There is one song in particular that is one of her favorites… YES I SAID SONG, AND YES SHE DOES 🙁 SING IT… RELENTLESSLY 🙁   It is something about a grown up ‘Christmas List’,  it’s really just a wishlist… Christmas or any day really, and it asks for

No more lives torn apart, 🙂

That Wars would never start, 🙂

That time would heal all hearts, 🙂

That everyone would have a friend, 🙂

That ‘right’ would always win, 🙂


Yea, I agree she is a big sap… and cheezer..  but I love her anyway. 

Learning to kick, and feel comfy laying in the pool.... FREE IS COOL...

Me and my instructor, about to take the plunge!

Me about to go under water for the very first time with my instructor!  And yes, Nana missed getting the shot of my face coming back up, but here was the best she could get!

Not really sure about that... not a favorite just yet!

Wasn’t my favorite part of class today, but here is something that was!

Down the slide...


So all in all, Mom and Dad, I have had a truly great week, and an awesome day with my Goldfish Mini Partner.   I am a sweet little American baby, who will probably one day have the same grown up wish list as Nana, but for now… TOYS  and a good ‘bob’ are the ticket… and some swimming and more  toys….  Throw in a few hugs and kisses too… so long as they don’t interfere with the first few things…. (I am baby afterall… what do you expect?)   And personally my favorite song… well…today, it is the deep and soulful, “The Ants Go Marching” song… yea… I know… you want Nana to post the lyrics to that too….

The ants go marching one by one, hoorah, hoorah!                                                

The ants go marching one by one hoorah, hoorah! 

The ants go marching one by one the little one stops to suck his thumb,

and they all go marching down INTO THE GROUND

to get out of the rain…


And it goes to 10…. cool cool cool…huh?

I have it on a CD which Nana plays in the car, REPEATEDLY AND ALL THE CAMPERS LOVE!   Try to learn this if you don’t already know it, by the time you come to see me… okay?

Hey Madds… and Mr. Connor… you were both missed at Mini Class tonight… catch you next week I hope.

Until tomorrow Mom and Dad… thanks again, I love being “free”, and having so many opportunities… I love you both… and until tomorrow, please remember I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Ready for bed, and TUCKERED OUT... LOVE YOU BOTH!


Fort Hood…

CBS News Photo... P. Martinez Monsivais/AP Photo

Dear Mom and Dad…

For all the Mom’s and Dad’s, who will not see thier child-

 all the children who will not see their parent-  

I am sending you these photos of me…. and thinking of all the lives affected by the events at Fort Hood.   Grateful, I was not there, grateful that you were not there… and hoping to see you very soon –  knowing  that you will hug and hold me, for all the mom’s and dad’s who cannot!

Hello...?  It is me, Guge... and my friend.  GI BEAR....

A kiss for GI Bear.

Me and Bear, saying a little prayer! 


Me and my bear buddy…

GI Bear… saying a little prayer…

“Watch over all those who need it, and bring Mom and Dad home safe…”

I had a great day Mom and Dad, don’t worry about a thing, just know I am good, and I am safe.   Until tomorrow, Mom and Dad, please know you are in all our prayers, and we hope all the soldiers come home soon.  Love, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter….

High fivin' the bear...
