So, I am waiting on a few teeth…. still!

Teething is not fun, but I'm going to get a bunch in real soon!

Dear Mom and Dad,

No sign of my two front teeth, they appear to be in the emerging stage for some time, and I am getting a little tired of waiting on them.   I didn’t leave camp today.  Nana and I hung out with the zoo animals, all day…  I sat and read with Nana… which is a true favorite…

The Passy, helps my teething.... and the books well they are my favorite thing to look at...

Here are some of my many “faces” again, Nana says I am growing and changing… so she will show you a bunch today…

Concentrating on reading....

Reaching for a new book!

Love Pooh Bear!

Eyeballin' Mr. Pooh, and giving him KISSES AND BEAR HUGS!

I love playing, and laughing... I am getting so big! No matter how bad my teeth make  me feel…


Someone at Camp Nana is there to cheer me up.

Mr. Pooh Bear… well, he was my friend today…

and he makes me laugh and smile, and giggle…

Hey daddy, how do you like this dimple shot!

I am too cute!

It was a good day, and we are even closer aren’t we?

Here Mr.Pooh is making me laugh and whispering in my ear… tickling it.

Pooh bear just whispered in my ear... so silly...

Still working on the Princess Crawling thing.... and doing good!

I had a really fun time today… and love reading, crawling, playing with the campers…. I hope you had fun looking at my pictures… and remember, until tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

What to play ball?   I love playing with these things....


Play Date …with the campers…

Look, I am not going to show you my teeth today... maybe tomorrow Mr. Nikon, but I am not promising anything...

Dear Mom and Dad…

It is Sunday and it was a great day.   All the campers and I played.   We had Aunt Mikayla’s homemade birthday meal, (little burgers and augratin potatoes), where the birthday person picks what they want Nana to make… I have mine ready…. I hope she will make me some delish chicken and rice!  I love it.    Here are a few shots of me playing with toys at camp.

Me and my train, like I said yesterday it is a fav... for now anyway.

I love my computer that Great Aunt Ida gave me too!  I am more and more interested in toys these past few days because I am able to crawl to them  and playing is taking on a whole new thing.  I can stand at some, that before I could not… so…. it is like a party here at camp.  Same toys, new ways to play with them, ya know?

Pretty interesting stuff to play with...

Hey look at this.... I didn't know it did this? I know Nana talked to you today mom, and told you all about her “changing” things around here at camp. 

She has spent several days, GUGU PROOFING CAMP!

As if… I would ever try to get into trouble…

But you will notice the new gated stairway in the back ground.  With a Gugu proof door no less…

There is one of these at each stairway, and a gugu proof door lock thingy for the basement stairs…

All the electrical outlets have been ‘GUGU PROOFED’, and tables have soft things on all the corners… she has been dusting and cleaning everything…(due to the massive amounts of St. Bernard drool, AND LET US EMPHASIZE… NOT GUGU DROOL) There is pet hair from here (camp Nana) to the moon and back.   She barely gets it up, and Mr. Griff or MR SNOWIN’ FUR CONSTANTLY, has a layer of his personal coat…. down across the floor and everywhere else for that matter.   Any pet hair in there?  

Hello?  Any one in there?

I was looking very cute playing so here are a few of me and my princess photos for you to enjoy and get you through to another day … and a day closer to playing toys with me!

I am concentrating so hard....

I am being so very good,  below is a very cute photo of me, and I want you to know that today and everyday, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Angel Eyes!



Birthday Preparation..?

Being silly!

Dear Mom and Dad…

Today is Aunt Mikayla’s Birthday, and well let’s just say, it is good preparation for my Princess Coronation!  (lay terms, “first birthday’)  It is when I go from being a little princess to ‘Her Royal Majesty’. Yea, cool huh.   Last night Great Grandma got Aunt Mikayla a Birthday cake and we all sang (yes Nana too 🙁 ) Happy Birthday, I thought the whole singing thing was ‘all about me” so I loved it and sang too, and clapped at the end…so you see  this ‘birthday stuff’ is perfect training for me!  Today is Saturday, and we all went to dinner.  Poppy, Nana, Uncle Nick, Miss K, and Aunties Mikayla, Alyx, Allyssa and Arrianna… and ME!  It was nice to see Aunt Mikayla smile, and have fun.  The OTHER campers went out after dinner, and ” the little camper had to come back to camp! Yea, I didn’t think that sounded fair either but what can one do when one is too small and is confined to a car seat with a “No Fun Nana” in charge.    

Here is how my night played out… wow –  more play time with Nana 🙂 more sing time with Nana 🙁 and more one on one time with Nana 🙂 don’t let me excite you too much now….   It wasn’t all bad.   I am particularly fond of my little train.  It has three balls that go down inside and pop up while playing music… I LOVE THIS TOY!

Here I am talking...

I took some photos of my adorable little cheeks for you and dad to plant one on… they are kissable, and giving kisses is a favorite thing I love to do these days.    BIG NEWS of the day… I GOT A NEW TOOTH… YEP, but no teasing me, because it is not one of my two front teeth, it is the other ….. little fang!  No VAMPIRE JOKES… no Transylvania jokes… the others are coming too…  I know they are, I can feel the pain… you wait and see I wont have just my two fangs for very long…. Nana say’s any time now the others should “sprout” through… (“sprout” sounds nice and gentle, I think I would say RIP THROUGH… but my sugar coating it Nana opts for the gentle sounding “sprout” verb.) So Nana tried to get me to smile and show you, but …. NOPE… NO SUCH LUCK, maybe tomorrow.

Nope, only the bottom two teeth... sorry black beast... not showing you!

 I am thinking a few more teeth on top are going to come in very soon too…

I am putting everything in my mouth again, drooling and ..

yes… a bit on the ‘fussy’ side…

Not that I really have one of those being a Princess and all… but yes… a tad bit of a fuss bucket. 

Nana thinks I just like her, but the truth is… I just want her to hold me and sing to me to distract me from the tooth pain!  That is desperate!

Me... looking adorable...


The one thing about a ton of Nana Time… it means a ton of photos….

Is that you Mom and Dad... in the phone?   Kiss Kiss!

I love talking on the phone…

Or maybe, just eating phones.... either way... a favorite of mine!

All in all, Mom and Dad, I had a great “Aunt Mikayla’s “Day…. and I am sure she doesn’t mind that I share in her day….in preparation for my big day.  

Me watching Baby Einstein .... pretty exciting Saturday night ....

Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, please look at my pictures and know that in a few weeks… we will hopefully be HANGING OUT ON A SATURDAY NIGHT together… ANTICIPATION!   I love you both, and I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Guillianna!   P.S.   I know I am always teasing about singing, but … here I am singing my little heart out… I love music!   I love singing, and yes I admit.. even being sung to…   xoxoxoxo


Another few weeks, is no big deal, we will make it, all of us!  Me, you and Daddy… together soon!

It's getting closer and closer... I can't believe it....

Dear Mom and Dad,

38 weeks have passed since I came to Camp Nana… and only a few more, and I will be back in your arms…OR you may find that I am in the arms  NOT SO MUCH since I am a CRAWLING MACHINE!  You will be so happy, that seeing me and holding me, will get you through the last portion of your deployment.  

I know you must be excitied.   I  can’t wait to celebrate the holidays with you.(No matter what day you actually come)   WE WILL DO IT ALL ON YOUR “R&R”, my first birthday – a Thanksgiving feast… it will be like a fairytale, and IT WILL BE… All About Me!   (my favorite part 🙂 )

I am going through a phase....

Tonight we met Uncle David, Aunt Kris, Cuz Bryan Cuz Steven, with Papa and GG-ma, and celebrated Aunt Mikayla’s 23rd birthday together.   It was so much fun.  I was – adorable!   I love going visiting and I was a charmer.   I am good so long as I can still see the campers or Nana and Poppy, and when I do, I smile for everyone.   I hope you will not be sad if I am a little shy when you come, it is a phase, that I hope passes soon, and with me,  you never know.   I only mention it, so you don’t think I am silly when you come.    I do after all, spend a lot of time with ‘the singing 🙁  Nana” and so …. it is sometimes hard when I am tired or not familiar to just hang with someone who doesn’t sing like Nana, or isn’t fat and squishy….  I mean, you know how you grown ups tell me that sometimes people cry when they are happy… and it is a lot for me to understand… well, us babies, we like soft and squishy, and being rocked to by Nana’s and chubsters like Nana… it’s not till we get older that we realize they are just plain “fat”. Look what a big girl I am.... so cute, so sweet! 

 So either Nana needs to shed a few to get me acclimated to you… or you need to put on a hundred or so pounds so it feels like Nana (NOT)!   Anyway, I only mention it to prepare you a bit…. just in case my ‘phase’ is not completely gone by the time we see each other… ONE THING FOR SURE, this phase, well, IT WILL PASS,  and before you know it, my Skinny Minnie Mom’s arms will be the most comfortable place in the world for me to be!   You will need to just love me, and hold me as much as humanly possible!   Trust me, I learn so FAST, and I bet the minute I feel you playing with my little hands, like you did before, well Mom, I bet that will help bunches….

I had an awesome day Mom and Dad,  my Great Great Aunt had surgery today, which me and the rest of camp hope went well.  We wait to hear, but since Nana has the bad latex allergy, Poppy will go see her tomorrow or Sunday depending how she feels.   We are thinking of her though.   I ate carrots and turkey with sweet potato for lunch, and at the restaurant with the campers I had chicken with rice with peas with bits of  bread and bits of cucumber!   I still love my ‘bob’ which is the main part of my meals, but I love trying things, and am such a good girl.   Until tomorrow, I hope you remember, how much I love you, and look forward to our upcoming visit, also know, I am YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, YOUR SWEET DAUGHTER,

Little Miss 'Camp Nana'!

Guillianna !