A Day To Play!

I have so many fun things to play with!

Dear Mom and Dad
I am spending the day at camp enjoying myself completely!

Off to play!

You comin’?

Hey, follow me!

Me shaking hands with children from around the world... a gift from Mommy's citizenship party!

Playing hard!

Sweet Baby Guge!

I am doing great…playing hard, and loving the attention of my fellow campers…. hope all is well in the land of sand, and until tomorrow, remember that I am as always, your Little Miss Adoarable, your sweet daughter,


The sweetest baby EVER,


So Maybe the Rash Wasn’t from MMR Vaccine?

What do you mean I can't have GRAPES!

Dear Mom and Dad,

My little rash was back today, after it had cleared up completely…and ironically, it seeemingly started up after I had some peeled and quartered seedless grapes at lunch. GRAPES! Hmmmmm, maybe I can’t eat grapes like daddy. Nana gave me benedryl and the rash is almost gone. It was only on my cheeks, not my body, and it was little bumps on my face. It could be a coincidence, but it looks like it could be the grapes. So sad, I love them.

I love you Mom and Dad!

Nana e-mail/texted Mimi today to find out about how she learned Daddy was allergic to grapes, and what type or how sudden the reaction was, not that it is necessarily hereditary, but this was so odd…. in minutes after eating it my whole face had a red blotches and within 20 minutes of taking Benedryl they were gone. So… to the pediatrician we will go to find out more, and until then, Mimi was a help. Thank you !

Me, just talking away!

I am good to go now… and all afternoon no problems at all. I went to bed a bit earlier than usual, but that is probably the Benedryl… and it probably means, I WILL BE UP EARLY! So until tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable… your daughter,

Little Miss SO ADORABLE!




Dear Mom and Dad:

Did Santa visit in the land of sand?  Because when I woke up this morning, Santa had made it all the way to Camp Nana, and left packages  for the campers, and YES a few for me again too!   TWO VISITS FROM THE JOLLY OLE’ GUY…

Look Dad, Santa brought me my OWN GYM - BOREE OF SORTS... So I can work out too!

Climbing and crawling and SLIDING AROUND, I have my own IN CAMP latex free GYM BOREE!   So cool.   Thank you Santa and all the campers!

Christmas Day 2009.... I am ready... LETS PLAY!

I must have been soooooo good this past ten months at camp because between his visit here with you two, and this visit to see the other campers… well let’s just say, I have everything to play with a little princess could ever need.  Being (dare I say it, the “s” word), spoiled… with gifts of love, and and adoration… well, is pretty awesome.   Everyone I know, and who knows of us, wishes it were you and daddy, returned safely to us,  under the Christmas tree… but alas, that is not possible, and until it is… I have toys and love from the campers to keep me pretty busy!  

I think busy is an understatement take a look at this.. I have a swing, a slide and a pool of balls… so I can swim at camp too.   Who knows maby my mini friends will come by and play too!

Me in my indoor pool of balls!

Here I am with the campers, learning how to drive… Uncle Nick is sharing the moment with Miss K who was in the land of Cheese for the holiday… but through technology could be at camp with me!   We all missed her so much, but just like you and dad, everyone is able to stay connected with a little help from the internet, and a whole lot of love in their hearts. A NEW CAR!   Do I have a driver's permit?

Look at me drive!   Which way to the land of sand!

I never imagined so many fun things!

I love this slide thing!    Up and Down and Up and Down... so cool!

Weeeeeeee.... a swing!

 You know how being busy helps time fly by faster… well, I figure with all the things I have to do, I will be keepin’ so busy that it will make these next few months pass QUICKLY, and it will make the time feel less here at camp before we will be together again!   Great Grandma Sally sent packages for the campers and for me… and Great Grandma Sharyn made food for us to celebrate!   We then traveled to Northville, to see Great Grandpa Ray!   Look at me, a little Santa Baby…. on my way to celebrate the day!

In the car and on my way to Christmas dinner with Grandpa Ray!

In what has been a holiday tradition here at camp, we all got ready and drove out to to see Grandpa Ray, and you will never guess what happened….

Yep … More PACKAGES…Great Aunt and Uncles, and cousins everywhere… hugs and kisses galore.

Great Grandpa Ray even had a present for you and daddy…

Which Nana put away for you.  He had one special for me too!   And don’t you worry Mom and Dad, I said…  Thank you everyone for all the wonderful things!

I have so much to be thankful for… and so many people loving me while you and daddy are away.   They all are trying to make things easier on you and dad, and hoping you will see how that my time here is full of everything you would want it to be in your absence.   Nana says, if Santa could have brought you both home to me, he would have… and in a short time… that will happen… until then, I will wait and play, I will always be your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter, 

Me in a sea.... of love and play time.... HAPPY BABY, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Guillianna!   Sorry I didn’t look at the “beast” for many photos today, but hey, would you?  

WE HOPE THAT ALL WHO SHARE IN MY LOVE LETTERS WITH YOU AND DAD HAD A WONDERFUL DAY, THAT THEY KNOW HOW MUCH NANA AND POPPY APPRECIATE ALL THE LOYAL FRIENDSHIP AND SUPPORT THEY HAVE BEEN GIVEN, and on this –  and every day… all of us, in the USA are thinking of so many active duty service men and women who could not be home for the holiday, with their parents, or children – or siblings and spouses.  May they all know… we have gratitude beyond measure, and wish for peace , for good health & safety,  and happiness that fills their souls in the new year!   ALL OUR LOVE, FROM CAMP NANA!

So, What Is Going On This Christmas Eve?

 Hey there Mom and Dad, I am waiting for the guy in the red suit.... think he will like my red suit!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I spent Christmas Eve with the campers  – minus one.  Miss K went to visit her  Grandma and Aunt, so we missed seeing her.  We had made Christmas cookies on Tuesday night and then Wednesday was shopping and prepparing for today, Christmas Eve…  Nana wanted to have everything ready for since some family and friends often stop in on this date.   I played and played as usual, and am recovering from my MMR vaccinations.  They can cause a little rash and sure enough I got one, but it is better.

Me throwing a block.... I should be a pitcher...

It was fun and I can see the magic of the holiday season unfolding before my eyes.   I fought it, but figure I have to go sleep since the Jolly Old Red guy is coming soon, and even though we have already seen him, he may be coming by again to see the other campers here at Camp Nana.

Christmas Eve 2009 at Camp Nana!

I am as always your Litte Miss Adorable, waiting to see if the big guy thinks I have been naughty or nice…

Nana says…I am  ALWAYS NICE,

so we will see?!

There are still five other campers here besides me… so I am hopeful one of them has been nice too, it increases my odds of having the Jolly Ole’ guy come around!

I am so excited…. and love having people come around and wish us a Happy Holiday.   Camp smells like home made food, and I am getting so much attention, that I can now see what all the hustle and bustle of “THE HOLIDAY’S” is about.   It is clearly about friends and family.   So mom and Dad on this Christmas Eve, I am wishing you both a very Merry Christmas, and a quick and safe return.   I am wishing that Santa stops his sleigh in the land of sand and brings you and all the service persons holiday cheer and love from all of us in the USA!  And as I said above, as always I am YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your sweet daughter,

I love playing, and I love my blocks!

Ready for bed on Christmas Eve, awaiting the Jolly guy in a red suit!
