Hello Mom and Dad,
Dare I talk about ‘butt paste’ in my love letter? I dont know… maybe it is not cool or very princess-like to discuss this topic, but ya know sometimes you just feel like expressing yourself…. and let me tell you… I have so much to say on the subject. I have NEVER had a diaper rash, (KNOCK ON PAMPERS) and I have to say.. I am very glad about that – as it truly doesn’t look like it is fun and well, let’s just say… while I like trying new things.. that is one I don’t look forward to trying any time soon. Nana has so used some different stuff on my “butt”, however, the one that works best … is so hard to find. We had one tube of it, (which had been in a set of travel sized baby supplies Nana bought) and believe me when I tell you Nana has squeezed out every last bit of it…. all along she has kept looking and looking to find more of it, without success, she has checked at every store you can imagine. NO – KEEP THE PRINCESS PERFECT PASTE – ANY WHERE… ! Can you believe it… No where in any store…

One day last week, when I was let out of quarantine to visit Great Grandma and Papa, Nana mentioned to Great Grandma to look around for it if she could at stores by her… Not really thinking she would find any, but thought it worth a try. Next thing you know… Great Papa went surfing… NOT ON THE OCEAN, but on the net… LOOKING FOR BUTT PASTE… he even jotted down ingredients to find something comparable if he couldn’t find my MAGIC PRINCESS PASTE. Today Poppy came home with a present from Great Papa…(next time I see him, I am telling him I am having a hard time finding a car (okay a tricycle), home here in Michigan for Mom,Dad and I, and few other much needed items I am sure to think of, cause look what he found!)

Yep, this is the stuff, down to the last incredient, GOOD JOB PAPA… my tushy will be soooooo happy. He found it and ordered enough to keep my tiny tushy coated in it for some time…

So now I have a supply of the best ‘butt paste’ ever, at least on me, I cannot tell you enouh about how good this stuff works!

Now while I do have a lot of it, and I am so into SHARING, I will not share with Mr. Griffin… Here I am explaining for the milliionth time… NO, NO, NO – MR. GRIFF I will say it again, BUTT PASTE is for Babies, not Puppies…. then after a firm talking to, he explains to me,that he is just watching over me… that he is my little gaurdian angel.

So I just wanted you to know Mom and Dad, Great Papa is the coolest, but you already knew that I guess. He lives by example – what Nana always hopes she will learn one day and the one thing Nana always is preaching to all the campers about… he actually does it, he makes the world a nicer place… he has always done that for his kids, he continues to do it, and has included the children of his children, and now….. his kids’, kids’, kid! (ME) So NICE, thank you Great Papa! My butt and I thank you! And as if that present wasn’t enough… guess what Mom and Dad, now my PERFECT PRINCESS PASTED BUTT HAS A NEW CAR SEAT, THANK YOU BOTH FOR SENDING IT TO ME. Here I am checking it out…

I have gotten so big that my old car seat has been a point of contention lately… I hate getting in it… and arch my back so hard, that it is nearly impossible to hook my staps… but this one… well not only does it totally look cool, it is bigger and far more comfy! I am 17.7 in the weight area, and I need to be 22 lbs to face forward, but this seat works for rear facing too so I am VERY HAPPY my ‘Princess Pasted Tushy’ has a Princess Protected Place!
I cannot wait to try it out… I think I will really like it… it is so much bigger!
By the way did you notice me on my knees…
Pretty cool huh…
I think this crawling thing is getting closer and closer… maybe?
We will have to wait and see, right now I am exploring my seat….
Hey, great idea…
how about we just put the butt paste in the seat and then I sit on it… saving a step…
and save on diapers…
eh, or maybe not…
I better re-think this one…
Besides….no fun Nana would veto that one for sure…

To bad Nana AND the Beast are here to capture me …. I better be good…
but I still think this thing is for CLIMBING not sitting.
So as you can see, I am doing good, my butt is protected in every way… from Great Papa sending Magic Butt Protection, and from you and daddy sending me AIR BUTT PROTECTION…. with my side impact air protectors, and believe it or not, this car seat has it’s own bottle/cup holder. THANK YOU MOM AND DAD…
Tomorrow is my follow up appointment at the pediatrician, so Nana will keep you posted as soon as we finish. I love you both very much, and hope that you had a good day, and better evening after visiting with me. Sleep well, dream of your little pot of gold, and keep your eye on the prize, me, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
