Dear Mom and Dad…
I am so certain there are more important things on your plate there in the land of sand… and sometimes, I just write about stuff to take your mind off things there, and make it seem like you are right here in the USA…. so if you were here right now … you would be smack dab ( dab spank) into the beginnings of FOOTBALL. So silly as it may be, and maybe even BOOOORING to mom.. I am a just trying to get your mind off your worries and let you worry about how poorly these Detroit Lions are doing. Maybe they need new drill sargeants, or to do basic training at Fort Jackson or something. Hope your sitting down… cause here is the news… THEY LOST, AGAIN.
Nana is still waiting for some help with this football game thing… and yes even in the land of sand, without any knowledge of football you would most likely do better than Nana does at this. She had picked the Lions to win, (because she is loyal). HA! They laugh in the face of loyalty… then she picked the Packers, who said no… since they lost too. She also picked the Patriots, who lost and she chose Kansas City, who also lost … after that she stopped paying attention… but being that fall was here bring football season – she was just trying to be ONE with the campers… instead she has “crashed and burned” embarrassing even herself. Daddy’s Chargers who did not let her down last Monday night, even LOST today.

Nana… I am so sorry to say, that I fear that ESPN will not be calling on you or offering any kind of contract… that is for sure. I however -love watching the bright yellow pants on the Steelers … I sat and rather enjoyed my “bob” and picnicing whilst watching them play. Nana thinks it is because of the bright colors. The rest of us girl campers went along with her… but Aunt Allyssa, was telling us how a few of them belonged in GQ or modeling in some magazine, not playin’ football.

Today was Poppy’s day off work, but it was still TOENAILS on the agenda. Justice, Liberty and Mr. Griff all needed PUPPY PAW PEDICURES. So it was nail trimming day. They are happy to have them cut. Poppy also took care of Nana’s feet today… ( and let me tell you she has some nasty nasty feet, between being a bit old, to having a rash from latex in her socks… well it is not pretty) So no rest for Poppy, but he never seems to mind.
I am doing better, and hope to swim this week. We haven’t any other big plans, but since we are approaching Halloween, I am looking forward to being (it’s a secret) the (thing) Mommy said to Nana. I hope it will be a good surprise for you mom and dad…. Nana will take some pictures with the beast for you and maybe get a video of me doing my FIRST TRICK OR TREAT thing. I think Aunt Alyx is excited – more so than I am… she seems to just be a kid in a 21 year old body! It was a good day here at camp, and I am hoping you and daddy are both okay. I bet you get a package from me this week… with a little surprise in it … to be sure.

I was as adorable as ever for the beast today.. and I asked Nana to put a few into my love letter so you can see my snuffy nose is better, and a lot less runny and crusty… (gross, I know) but I just wanted you to know I am better.
Can you tell, my favorite little cartoon character just came on the screen.
She is a little Chinese girl… on a show called Ni Hao Kai Lan, which is a children’s cartoon that is in both Chinese and English and teaches things.. I LOVE IT!

I should send you one of my little “spitty” things, they are even better than the little woobie I sent you guys… they go where I go.. because I love the way they feel. The little edge around the sides, that you can see above it my favorite, I hold them when I am sleeping you can probably see them when you peek at me sleeping.

All of us here at camp are trying to let you see how big I am getting, and how adorable I can be… the best way is with photos… so here are a few more before I say good night..

Hey those players with the bright yellow pants are Pittsburgh Steelers… bet my Great Grandma is a fan… and I know Grumpy loves the Seahawks… I bet I have family all over rooting for different teams… and they are all probably grateful they are not Lion’s fans! Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, remember, everything is going to be okay, you will soon leave the land of sand, and rescue me from Lion’s football and we will all live happily ever after… and as always, I am, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
