A Visit From Sunny California!
Dear Mom and Dad,
As you know today Great Aunt Nori and her kids all came to Michigan’s Winter Wonderland. I have never met my cousins Missy, Rachel and Noah so it is a special treat. Great Grandma and Great Papa get to see their daughter too! Good stuff all the way around.
Miss K, the campers and I are thinking of you and your mom today, and also Cuz Nanc whose mom has also surely been worried about her. Luckily we hear all is well, and recovery begins for the days events. Now for you mom and dad, your recovery from the Michigan cold begins. I hear you had a flat tire on the way to Camp Nana from Great Grandma’s tonight. Now – I have head Nana sing about over a river and through some woods, but never anything about changing a tire in the night cold on the freeway’s of Detroit! Thankfully Daddy and Mom are ARMY strong.. and you made it back to camp safe. If I had been in Daddy’s car I could have helped him change the tire. I am sorry you got cold. I am glad you both got back to Camp Nana safe. And really if I am being honest… I am glad I stayed warm. Poppy made you hot cocoa to warm you up, and hopefully we can get your tire fixed tomorrow. It could have been worse, or an accident so – really, we are all lucky… and all in all, we saw so many good things happen today. Safe flights, a nice dinner with the family, and Great Grandma – well she made me another cheesecake! Yum!
Now for my important question…HOW LONG DOES A BIRTHDAY LAST? See I know last Friday, was December 4, and I know we celebrated my birthday with cheesecake then… there was a whole bunch of Christmas joy with mom and dad, and now a week later… a birthday again… with Aunt Nori and Cousins Missy, Rachel and Noah! Nana says…. when she was small Great Grandma Sally said PRETTY MUCH ALL OF JULY WAS BIRTHDAY MONTH!
Nice to see that tradition is being carried on… if I do say so myself. I am not sure if Nana can handle one more animal at the zoo we so kindly refer to as “Camp Nana”, but tonight I got my first bear from Aunt Nori and gang… and it is spectacular! Aunt Nori’s kids had a bear just like it when they were small, and these guys come with clothes… and shoes… and best news… THEY DON’T SHED NANA! They don’t slobber, drool, or leave slime like Mr. Griff. Welcome to Camp Nana, home of snow… slime, dust bunnies that would scare the pants off anyone, and hairballs… big huge FURRY PILES! You little bud, who I will call “Miss Ranoah”, will love it here at camp until we go to our new post!
I loved celebrating …. and look you have your own Army I.D. like me! Cool beans! They will let you on base now for sure…..no problem! My army brat bear… “Miss Ranoah”! (uh, incase you didn’t catch this… it is Miss for Missy, and Ra for Rachel, and then… yep you guessed it Noah… ) and yes, Nana is that weird, but not to worry, you will get used to her…maybe!
I had a blast tonight, and was so tired from all this PARTY PARTY PARTY stuff. I hope everyone is having the best visit, like I am with my mom and dad. It may not be very relaxing and restful for mom and dad… but I am just sayin’ IT IS SMILE ON THE GREAT GRANDPARENTS FACES … that made us all feel so good today. Until tomorrow… I am as always, your BIRTHDAY CELEBRATING BABY, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,