The Campers Return!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is Sunday… And what a fun day Sunday was!

I started the day early… As usual woke up asking for a ‘bob’! Yep. Maybe I was just parched but I drank a bit at six am,  and decided I wanted to go back to sleep.  Weird I know.  So I did.  We had plans for breakfast with Dr. Randy – they had Poppy stuff! We then came back to camp when the phone rang and I really got to say Hi to mommy! My sweet little HI.  Later,  I worked on playing  – a very important job.   Someone around here needs to PLAY.   Otherwise they would all just work.   So I show them how it is done!   I am a good teacher .


Here I am greeting my Aunts as they return to camp!

Yeah, so I am tickled pink to see them return.  Nana shows me video of your and Daddy in the hope that I will be able to remember you.  I know your voice when you call, I know your face.   I think I will remember, because I DO NOT FORGET ANYTHING!   If I drop food in myhigh chair, I remember I did it and keep searching until I find it!

I love you both very much, and as always I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Great Aunt Pam Came… so Did Dr. John & then A POPPY ON TOP!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today Nana and I were at camp in the morning and it was lonely… then, it seemed everyone was visiting.

Great Aunt Pam, who is always helping Nana out, Dr. John a friend, all the way from Florida… came to visit his Grand baby who was just born, and even made time to drive two hours to see Nana and I.   Then Ms. K was here with Uncle Nick, and Aunt Mikayla and Aunt Alyx came back to camp.   One thing for certain about Camp Nana it is always a fun, and full of friendly faces coming to see the GUGE!    Poppy worked hard as usual and into the evening like he does every Saturday, but thankfully it is THE WEEKEND, and hopefully after he finishes with all his patients who are unable to leave home or bed, he too will get a bit of rest, and we will do it all over again starting Monday!    Tomorrow however, is rest day.  I think Poppy needs one.  He came back after a hard day, and PLAYED WITH ME, AND WE HAD A BLAST!   He is trying to take care of so many things right now.   Nana being the biggest PITB, (my little ancronym for PAIN IN THE BUTT).   She is having to do all kinds of ‘Nana Stuff’ and it means she is ….. or has been little on the side of lazy ….  but will be back to herself in the next few days.   Bossing all the campers around and being NO FUN NANA!

I really see little of Poppy… you have to know he is just working all the time, and well, when he is here… he still works… but he loves me and ALL THE CAMPERS so much that he just keeps trying to make everything good for everyone!   Thanks Poppy…. Nana says thanks too and hopes, he knows she is sorry for being trouble all the time!  When I am TWO, THEY WILL SAY I am in the terrible two’s, what is Nana’s excuse?  She is supposed to be in the FABULOUS FORTIES… Oh my  – is there some other word that goes with forties better suited to Nana?   I just don’t know… I bet Poppy and the other campers could find a word… foolish forties?   Hmmmm?    No Fun Nana, simply put is not much fun, and needs to step it up if she is going to keep her post as camp director.   No more slackin, Nana…  I know I keep you busy, but the other campers need some home cookin’  and for you to be on top of your game!    Go Nana – Go Nana!   I can’t help myself it is the little spirit stick inside comin’ out and cheerin’ on Nanster.   She’s been making some left overs and having Poppy bring in some food,  I am not a fan!   I prefer when she makes me food herself.   Tomorrow morning I am hoping for bacon and eggs.   Some toast, and maybe some fruit.   We will see…

For some good news, Aunt Arrianna and Aunt Allyssa are traveling back to camp tomorrow.  I will see if they want to take photos with me for you tomorrow.    I bet I will be a smiling and saying ” hi” to them.   It is so fun, I wave, and then in the cutest little voice, I say…. ‘hi’.   Anyway… it will be good to see them.

Nana and I have a busy Monday planned.   It too will be fun, as I love  – and as you know – field trips of any kind.    All my fellow campers are back in school starting Monday…    🙁    that is very sad for me… but don’t you worry…. I am not a one to go to sleep early… I will certainly find a way to play with my campers, and personally find the whole ‘sleep thing’ over rated.   It is little cat naps for me… that is what I like and all I really need to recharge my GUGU BATTERY, then I am good to play –  laugh – dance and just have fun.   Girls just want to have fun, right?

Mom and dad, I love you both, and hope you see this smiling face in your dreams.   I am anxious to make you laugh and smile in person, and before too long we will be together… and you will be sitting like Poppy was watching me RUN!   As always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


The PIT is the place to be… today anyway!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Day to day, I find different things that suit my fancy!

Today, it’s the “pit”, I love these little balls… I have so much fun with them.

I also have fun sliding them down the slide, and watching Nana chase them.

She is quite funny. 

It’s not just that she doesn’t want to leave the side of the pit, or that she is on the chubby side… it’s not that she waddles when she chases them, it is just that she is just fun to watch.   I LAUGH so hard when I drop one down, and she tries getting it before it gets too far.   It is such a fun game… (for at least one of us… I am not so sure she gets as much enjoyment from it, cause I don’t hear her laughing with me)  

I take this ball throwing activitiy very seriously… can you see it in my face?

So I am hoping you had a great day.  Here are some photos from today at Camp Nana… we had so much fun, and I am wearing a shirt nana got me, see if you can read what it says.   It is a one of a kind!  

I have no doubt Nana found it special because you really don’t find shirts that have the letter ‘g’ and your name on them often.  This one however does…

‘guillianna’ I figure the this is one Aunt Allyssa won’t be able to steal.

but it is cute, and I look most adorable in it… don’t I?

I don’t hold still long enought these days to get a photo…the beast, and Nana… well we can just say that they are not as quick as the Guge!

Here is one more attempt at it, me standing in the pit, for a milli – second…  thinking I will let the beast capture my personalized shirt…

I don’t know… with a face like mine… I don’t think I needed a shirt with my name, everyone already knows it is LITTLE MISS ADORABLE…

Me in the pit… just before I start sending balls down the slide.. go Nana go…. let’s see you catch some of them… hee hee…

So Nana and the Beast got up close and personal today, to show you more of the many faces I have… I am so very sweet… and we must not leave out so ADORABLE, AND TODAY AS ALWAYS I AM YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,



And yes, while I am missing Mom and Dad, I must say… I AM SO MISSING AUNT ARRI AND AUNT ALLYSSA TOO.  They are a big part of my time at camp!   It is good practice for me … since soon I will be leaving them all .    I look forward to them coming back to camp for a while though and doing more dancing!    I love wearing  outfits that Aunt Allyssa wants to wear!   She is sooooooo going to try to steal my clothes before I leave camp I just know it!

Mom and Dad, good night, I love you and am fixin’ on being with you both soon! 

Until tomorrow here is a kiss…





So it doesn’t get lost in the sand!

Love you,  xoxoxoxoxo from the LAND OF SNOW AND ICE!


Dear Mom and Dad,

Today I was quite the little multi-tasker… yep, I helped Nana.   I took the already washed and folded clothes she had finished, and re-folded them with a GUGE SPECIAL.    And I did it while watching my favorite show on Sprout.   Here are the photos… can you see the attention I pay to detail…

First you take the already folded clean clothes... and pull them out of the pile.
Good focus... I have this down...
Oh my, I think I hear the WIGGLES...

Oh me oh my, I LOVE THIS SHOW!

Yea, ahhhh, hmmmm, I love the WIGGLES!

 It was fun, and Nana didn’t mind, she put it all to be washed again, and next time, I will help her all over again!

 I have so much fun playing with Nana.

I am going to have her running after me in NO TIME… YOU JUST WAIT AND SEE!

Here are more photos Nana and the beast captured while I was folding clothes for Nana…

I had fun, and took my job seriously …. for a while anyway..

I say, have fun while you work… it makes the time pass quickly….


Nana look at me, soon I will be running and you will be chasing me… and I PLAN ON LAUGHING A WHOLE BUNCH AT THAT!

I think everyone who knows Nana… will place all bets on THE GUGEMEISTER…. BEING FASTER THAN NANA!

Until tomorrow, Mom and Dad, please know I love you… and I am the best little helper ever at Camp Nana!  As always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter… the multi-tasker…
