Dear Mom and Dad,
This week has passed by, and things are good. Tonight I had dinner with Uncle David, Aunt Kris, Brian and Steven. Uncle Nick is still away, and me and all the Aunties had dinner with Poppy, Nana and his brother and wife which was nice.

The stuff that my pediatrician gave me for my remains of exzema, worked like a charm and I am doing good. I only have to see him once more before you come home, and then… it is back to Texas … to a nice four bedroom home for me, wow, so cool. That is good news. Nana is beginning to pack up some things- but only the things that she can, and she will have to wait on the stuff I still use. Then you and daddy can load it in daddy’s car and take it all to our home. It is exciting stuff. Nana says you will be reading me stories soon, and teaching me all kinds of new stuff. She says you and I will have so many fun things to do. Do you know what time it almost is? IT’S almost ‘BABYTIME‘! AND I AM EXCITED! We will take stroller rides together, play with Winnie the Pooh, you and dad can play GUILLIANNA SAYS WITH ME! It will be grand! We can watch The Wiggles, and the Sprout Channel, I love Chicka and the Sprouts Wiggly Waffle Show… We can eat breakfast lunch and dinner together, and we can dance and sing… and do all kinds of play – VERY SOON!
Last night, it was a NO SLEEP NIGHT. We can call it a NSN, like they do with things in the Army. I don’t know why I had so much trouble sleeping, but maybe I am just all a twitter with things I am learning, or teething, or … maybe I am fighting a cold.. even though there are no signs of one really, but I didn’t really fall asleep until five this morning! I laid in Nana’s arms, I was strolled, and was walked, and talked to… and no matter what, I fought sleeping. Ten or so minutes and then up… but after five, I slept til about nine so … I really do not know what was up. I am not running a fever, it does seem as though… I am getting more teeth… that is true, but for some reason I just wanted to be up last night. We will see if it was just last night or a new sort of teething/insomnia thing. I definately have no interest in the passy…. and want to bite on something… Nana thinks it is a one night deal, but she will keep you up to date on any new teeth. It is odd, because I am happy and comfortable if she rocks me, but I am tossing and turning if in the crib and then I wake up wanting to BE UP, sitting up in the crib calling out to both she and Poppy! Maybe I just miss Nana’s singing 🙂 So that Poppy can sleep a few hours she took me out and we strolled, ‘rock a bye the baby’ and just about did anything possible to get me back to sleep… which occured at 0500 hours! Crazy… good thing Nana is a no sleep Nana… and doesn’t care… she keeps telling herself there are only a few more days to hold the Guge, so she is cool with it. Just wants me to be comfortable and happy as can be, and is hoping the teething thing gets easier!
Aunt Arri and Aunt Allyssa leave on Monday for a few days, so I plan on giving them a true ALL ABOUT GUILLIANNA work out this weekend on PLAYTIME! They are going to a theatre thingy while Nana and I hang at camp on Sunday so I am working on making plans for tomorrow that are ALL ABOUT THE GUGE! Some ball pit time, some walkin about shoppin time… some dancin’ time… by the time I get done with them, they will need Great Great Grandma Sally’s for Rest and Relaxation! Aunt Mikayla and Aunt Alyx are also off school but are staying at camp with me and Nana…(bet they are happy about that) and Uncle Nick…well – he has school until his break later…
So things here are pretty much the same, all the animals at zoo Nana are keeping her busy… but doing well. I am a walk in the park compared to them… trust me!
Please remember as always, Mom and Dad, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your sweet baby girl..
