Monday at Camp Nana!

Dear Mom and Dad…

I am having another stupendous day.   I played with Nana, who still sings, but now that I am a singer too, it is better.   I have a few favorite songs, like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and I am fond of just about any song that starts a show on SPROUT.   Barney and Friends, Bob the Builder… I don’t like watching Bob so much, but love is theme song.   I am still a major fan of THE WIGGLES, AND LOVE ANYTHING THEY DO and anything they sing.   They are totally my FAVORITE of all things to watch or listen to.   Other than books….they are a close second.  

We spent the morning reading books, and that is another thing I really enjoy.   In the afternoon, Aunt Mikayla came to play, and we had groceries to get.   It’s not real exciting as you know, but it is a routine that I really enjoy. 

There is plenty of snow out east, and tonight and tomorrow, Michigan is going to get a little of it.  Only a few inches, nothing bad but Nana wanted the pantry stocked with baby food and formula, in case the weather people miscalculate, and we get a blizzard.   I think she prepares for stores to be closed for months…. because she bought me enough to feed me until spring….. (not, I am just kidding… enough for a week  or so though that is for sure.    I am all set!   I found a new ball today, and I love it… wanna see?

Aunt Nori, Cuz’s Rachel, Noah and Missy sent me a book!   It is called ‘The Scrambled States of America’.   The say it is a personal favorite, and I will love it… Nana and I will read it tomorrow, and I am sure for many many years to come I too will enjoy the favorite story of theirs.   

Aunt Arrianna and Aunt Allyssa will be going to visit Great Grandma Sally on their break from college.   Aunt Alyx and Aunt Mikayla went there on a break once many years ago, and ever since Aunt Arri and Aunt Allyssa have been waiting for a turn.   They have never been there.   Uncle Nick hasn’t  either… so I feel lucky to have had a chance.    I was there in September…. and they have been waiting soooooo long.    Sad news for me is that I will miss them while they are gone… but it is good they are getting a chance to finally go the place she lives is sooooo pretty.   There are bald eagles flying about, and the ocean is so cool.    There are mountains and hills and trees beyond belief.   If Daddy gets stationed at a base in Washington State, I bet it would be so cool there – because it is a very pretty state.  No matter where we go, will be awesome since we will be together.    I am only a year old, and I have been in Texas for seven weeks,   I have “camped”  in Michigan,  I have been to Illinois ( twice) , Georgia (once, just for a itty bitty lay over) ,  and to Washington State!   I am a traveler!   I really am.    HOWEVER, IT IS EASY WITH NANA AND POPPY SINCE WHERE EVER I GO THEY BRING JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING A PRINCESS COULD NEED SO I FEEL LIKE I AM AT CAMP.   From my bedding, to my music box and all things familiar… it makes for easier travel when you don’t feel you’re missing a thing.   Nana has a bunch of things packed for you and Daddy to ship when ready so that I will have all my familiar things.    All the campers want to make the upcoming transition as cozy as possible for me, since –  clearly… they love when the GUGE IS HAPPY!   Well  – I have had fun today, and I hope you and Daddy are doing well too.   I know that spring will be here soon, and I look forward to spending Mother’s Day together, and Father’s Day together for sure in our new home.  Until tomorrow, please remember that I love you both, and as always I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,



Yes the very same daughter who is proud and very happy that you and daddy will come home soon…. having finished a job, and are both promotable.   Seeing you and dad make your dreams reality and my dreams all come true… makes me a very lucky girl.

Chicago for a Day? No – for a date with the Great Grandparents!

Dear Mom and Dad,
Yes it is true the windy city is close to Camp Nana and the Mitten State and Great Grandma who has been too far south to see was in the windy city for a day. Do you know what that means to Nana? FIELD TRIP!

Yep. Me and my fellow campers went to ‘CHItown’ and while it was a fast trip and they all made the most of seeing a bit of the city I hung with my Poppy and Nana! I am saying ‘hi’ now which came in handy! Hi to everyone everywhere I go. Not just a princess wave now, nope, but a vocal and very audible “hi” that is almost as cute as I am! Momma knows because she heard me say it when she called today! HI!

A very big storm hit the states to the east and I hope my great grandmonster and her family are all good, I just want them to know they are being thought of!  Yikes another on it’s way too!

So since Aunt Mikayla could not watch the Superbowl and. Her favorite player ever is PAYTON MANNING, so we captured a photo with him in the background… here I am with the campers posing with Aunt Mikayla’s Payton Manning, kind of…. you may have to look hard.  He is right behind Aunt Alyxandra…. Oh Nana, you make us do the silliest stuff!  Oh…. who cares… we are having fun!

I know that it seems crazy seeing my GG-ma and Great Papa in Chicago – but we all really miss getting together on Fun Fridays. All the big campers and me just hanging out and laughing – so you know Nana. he’s a silly one and she will do just about anything to send an important message. Did you catch it GG-ma and Great Papa?

See by the time they are back in the Mitten State – well I will be fixin to be a Texan it seems. So everyone I’m the north is aimin to make the most of my days left at camp! I hope to see some family here and there before I pack my camp bags!

I was an awesome camper but have to say I had a special thing happen. You know my goldfish mini classes? Well my my have they paid off. I had a chance to go swimming with my aunties today and it was awesome!

I hope everone at camp had as much fun as me and that my Aunts Alyxandra and Aunt Allyssa had great birthday’s. I Sind not mind a bit sharing cake and Birthday singing with them! I was happy to do it. Really! :-). Hey, isn’t it GUILLIANNA?

Well, even if it doesn’t say G U I L L I A N N A, I know these guys, and they will share it!

Happy Birthday Aunt Alyx and Aunt Allyssa I loved our FIELD TRIP!

We did great stuff… here we are swimming! I taught the campers how it is done. And yes even after Silly Nana was a NAG and reminded all the campers to bring BATHING SUITS, GUESS WHO’S SHE FORGOT…. MINE! But nothing stops the Guge, I had a special ONSIE BATHING SUIT I WORE!

Me entering the room, like the princess I am…

So we all got ready to find GG-ma and surprise her! I am not sure, but I think she was very surprised! You know, anytime you can see THE GUGE, IT IS A GOOD TIME! And Great Grandma isn’t going to get a whole bunch of “GUGE” time since I am preparing to go back to TEXAS! So… here you go GG-Ma,

and we did it…. we found her!

And it was great… we got to have some dinner together, and she got to see the campers!

SUCCESS! In a place so big and so full of so many people… I the princess in pink found Great Grandma!

How cool is this?

So Mom and Dad, you can see I am making all kinds of happiness everywhere I go… with a little help from my camper assistants!  I had hoped to see my Great Grandma Sally and Grumpy once more but Washington is not touching Michigan as of yet, so most likely I will not… but I hope they know how lucky I am to have been to Washington to see them before I go back to base!   Who knows maybe Daddy and you will get transferred to Washington State?   Great Grandma has sent me so many wonderful things… and she makes me laugh!   Hope you are feeling better Nana sends hugs and kisses to you too!  But the ones I send… are extra sweet and extra special…because honestly.. I am extra sweet and extra special.   Nana and Poppy may have a few more local excursions for me to visit family before I go from camp… but none that are more than a day… Poppy has work, and lots of it.   The campers have school AND LOTS OF IT.   So… we will wait and see… and I know one for sure is Cuz Nanc, and Great Aunt Ida… you are ON MY LIST, or Nana’s Visit List… so look out… THE SPIRIT STICK MAY BE PAYING YOU A VISIT…. Flint… yea… fieldtrip….to flint is next… YIPPEE!  Granted it’s just a car ride a bit to the north, but at the end… hugs and kisses from family who have made my year extra special…. I will see you soon guys!  I will bring books to read to you, and toys for you to play with!

Before I go today… I just want to say….

I love you mom and dad hope you know how much happiness I bring to everyone and that I think GG-ma will remember her little spirit sticks bringing her a smile in the windy city – from Uncle Nick, Miss K, Aunt Kiki, Aunt Alyx, Aunt Allyssa, Aunt Arri and the Popster- for quite some time! ALSO, I MUST SAY, TO GREAT AUNT PAM, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STAYING THE NIGHT, AND TAKING CARE OF MR. GRIFF, LADY LIBERTY AND JUSTICE, AS WELL AS KOZY CAT, MR. B, LAYLA AND MS. GRIZ. Once again, with out your help none of this would be possible. So GG-ma and Great Papa say thanks so much for making a memory that will last a lifetime. Please tell Great Uncle Rick, who we just learned is back in the hospital to GET WELL SOON.

Until tomorrow I am as always your Little Miss Adorable, Your little Spirit Stick, your daughter,


Aunt Alyx’s Birthday and MY FUN DAY!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I have having a great day, full of fun and celebrating Aunt Alyxandra’s birthday… WHICH WE HAVE CLEARLY ESTABLISHED I HAVE TAKEN OVER….AND CLAIM ALL RIGHTS TO ALL BIRTHDAY’S THAT OCCUR AT CAMP!

I am hopeful you and daddy are well, I know I could use a nap today,  but don’t want to miss out on a minute of play time… NO FUN NANA SAYS I WILL GET A GOOD ONE IN DESPITE MY DESIRE TO STAY UP!   Remember how I told you Great Aunt Pam gave me the cutest outfit, well this is me in it…

I will write you tomorrow with more events of the Aunt Alyx’s birthday, and all about Sunday!   I put up my photo shoot early for you to see didn’t I NANA IS GETTING A LITTLE FASTER ON THE NEW COMPUTER PROGRAM ISN’T SHE!  Until tomorrow, please know I am as always your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


‘it’s the week-end!’ and I am so glad!

Dear Mom and Dad,

The weekend is upon us, we have made it through another week and are a week closer to being together for good. I am also very excited because, weekend’s mean, less NANA SONGS, 🙂 AND MORE CO CAMPER TIME 🙂

Today was a very good day. I got my first pair of real walking shoes… actually two of them, in EXTRA WIDE, if you can believe it, my little princess feet are extra wide! Hmmmmm…. who knew?

Tomorrow is Aunt Alyxandra’s birthday… I don’t know thatvshevis really that into birthday’s seems between hr physics , anatomy and physiology and then biochemistry she has no time for anything other than labs! But birthdays still come so you know what that means… HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GUGE AND CAKE FOR ME! So exciting. I can’t wait! It’s been hours since I last had some of Aunt Allyssa’s cake.. and well MY BIRTHDAY song… so I am just happy to be doing it again tomorrow.

I was very good on my trip to buy shoes. I have two new pair of walking shoes in two sizes… so when my tootsies grow, I can have a spare pair. I am so close just taking off, that Nana wants to make sure I do it with the kind of shoe Poppy recommends for a little princess. When I wear them, I don’t walk on my toes. It is good!

Great Grandma Sally is still recovering from her surgery. Nana is worried about her… but she is doing a bit better. Great Grumpy is taking care of her and that is good. Great Papa is now back with Great Grandma Sharyn, and I think Nana and Poppy will try to catch up with Great Grandpa Ray in the next week or so…

Uncle Nick is on a fast track to finishing his culinary arts degree…. somewhere between October and December, and made the deans list. So he will be going to get a job somewhere, and that could be just about anywhere… from a cruise ship to a hotel, to a diner where ever an apprenticeship takes him.

Aunt Mikayla started student tutoring at Rochester High, and and observation class at Holly High, as part of her secondary education training…. turns out … she has a student WHO IS MARRIED TO A FRIEND OF YOURS! The student knows both you and Daddy, but is married to one of daddy’s friends! Small world.

Aunt Allyssa is doing well too, she is doing both her journalism program and her cosmetology programs but is pretty tired.

Aunt Arrianna, is not loving her first year of college, but is doing good and HATES THE FRENCH CLASS, but we knew she would since she has always hated French.

Mr. Griffy, still drools, and sheds, and Justice is still a barker, and Liberty well she is still quiet and sweet, but tends to chew my toys if they get left out.. not all toys, only my litle duckies, and my little “spitties” if they have been folded and left on the table…. weird, and I don’t know why since she never used to chew stuff.

The kitties here, are all good, Grizzy still on Prozac but is happy, and Layla, Kozy Kat and Mr. B are all fine and dandy.

Poppy… he is doing good, and taking care of all of the above. We all send our best, and are awaiting your safe return from the land of sand. Everyone here is really making the most of our days together. They are growing shorter and shorter. Nana has some things all set for you to set up at our home, things that are familiar to me, things that I love, and am happy to see. Some things will depend on the amount of space we have at our new home, and can be shipped to me later. If there is no room, then she will hold them here for my visits back to camp with you.

Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, I hope you know I love you, and that as always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
