Guillianna THE EXPLORER!

Dear Mom and Dad,

It was nice that Mom got to call me today.. she heard how I am with Nana, and how I explore, and talk about all the things I like to get into… like if we leave the bathroom door open I can open a toilet seat and send my toys floating!

So… they make locks for the seat but Nana shuts the door cause I also like playing with toilet paper, and anything I can get my hands on in there!

I am on the move constantly, and it is truly amazing how quickly I am learning.

I love going from the pantry where there are so many items to explore to the dog food bowls, and water bowls.   Then to the cabinets where I have figured out the childproof locks.  I can also tell you that stairs are a favorite to try and climb up, but not a big fan of coming down. 

Yes…. I could have been named Dora the Explorer, and it would fit.

Nana says, it is all good though, my curiousity is amazing and learning about all kinds of things as I go is a good thing.  So long as she can keep up!

Nana told Mom yesterday about the beautiful hand made present Great Grandma made for my new room in Texas. 

She made it just for me.  

It is ballerina’s and Mom will know it is just like the pillow Mom made with special stitches, and gems, and fluff for tutu’s, it is just fantastic!  

Nana is wrapping it up to send to Texas for my new room!  I can hardly wait, thank you Great Grandma Sharyn!  Things here are winding down … and Nana and all the campers are trying so hard to make the most of our time together.   We miss you mom and dad, and until tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your explorer daughter,


M & M Babies

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was a day for play!  I have been walking around and running around camp all day.   Me with my M&M babies I should say.   If you look at each photo today you will see, the babies I am playing with are different colors and where ever I go…. and M&M baby goes with me…


 So as I said, where ever I go… a baby goes too.. and I was on the go go go all day!

Mr. Griff keeps a close eye on me at all times.  

You will find him where ever I am… watching over me.

St. Bernards are known to be great with kids, and Mr. Griff is proving that every day… he is truly a gentle giant, who looks over me as if I were his baby!

So i think I will try something here…

Maybe Mr. Griff wants to play M&M babies with me… ?

You know… where you carry them you hug them you wrap them up in a blanket…

It’s fun…

at least I think so…

Let’s just see if I can get Mr. Griff into the whole playin’ babies thing….

Well, he really isn’t much for playin’ babies, but he is my gaurdian watch dog… always keeping an eye out for me!

Here I am in other photos of the day for you to see… hope you and Daddy are well, and know that I miss and love you.


Your LITTLE MISS ADORABE , your daughter,


P.S. I just want Great Aunt Pam, and all the other campers to know… you were so much fun to play with.  Thanks for everything you do to make my days at Camp Nana…. extra special and full of love!  Today was so much fun!

Happy (actual) Birthday Great Grandma!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Well we celebrated it yesterday but today is the day of Great Grandma’s birth… a few years ago.

Today I went to Flint to see her sister, and Cuz Nanc… and guess what…. I GOT THE PRESENT, fancy that… I go to Flint and on my Great Grandma’s birthday, I got A VACCUUM!   Yep, now I can keep the dust bunnies from growing into dust monsters at camp!

I am not sure why I get the present and not Great Grandma, but lets just say, Great GREAT Aunt Ida had cookies, and fruit, she let me play with the remote, and well, I think I had the fun on GG-ma’s birthday. 

I ate breakfast at Bob Evans, and then hung out with Cuz Nanc and yes… GREAT GREAT Aunt Ida… and I think her home will not be the same… since I have learned to walk….I am pretty much unstoppable.   Anything I can get my hands on…. I do….. and well it is fun to see everyone scramble to catch me!  Great Aunt Ida however let me play with what ever I wanted…. and was a good sport.    I came back to camp Nana and I worked so hard.   Once done I said…. okay now I do not want to hear any excuses you can talk to the hand, because I am not putting up with any shedding from those zoo co-campers…

I am in charge of vaccumming, I am in charge of dust bunnies… so no more!

Do you think they will listen?  Nana says… No… they are shedding no matter who tries swiffering or vaccuuming after them.

You sure…

I am telling you Nana…

The Guge Special… can get just about anyone to do anything!


But, Nana says, the pets are gonna shed, no matter who tries bossing them…

I say… let me handle it for a day and Iwill get the hair to stay on the animal even if I have to use glue!

NO SUCH LUCK, something about being kind to the pet co-campers… so I will.

No whipping them into shape!

Here I am playing today, hope you and Dad are well, and if you need any sand vaccuuumed up, you know who to call…. Miss Guillianna… Queen of Clean!

I am having fun, and as I said before, playing hard… enjoying camp and my travels to Flint.   I have so much to do these days… can’t wait to show you.   Until tomorrow, please know, things at Camp Nana will stay clean now that I have the Guillianna Dyson to keep the dust bunnies from taking over… and that as always, I am your, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


The Family Celebrates GG-ma’s Birthday!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Camp is good, but I am pondering another thought.   Tonight some of the family gathered for dinner in honor of GG-ma’s birthday tomorrow.   I was so excited turning one, and feel like I just wanted the world to know I AM ONE!.   Now rumor has it that we girly girls don’t always share how old we are…. especially once we pass our twenties.   So …. I have time to shout my age t whenever it strikes my fancy.   And I won’t say GG-ma’s birthday on account of I want to have good manners and all… but I will tell you this… I hope when I am her age I am doing good like she is, and looking so GG-ma-er- iffic!  

So Aunt Arrianna made GG-ma a card for her birthday.  It is adorned front and back with photos of her family!

So awesome!  And I didn’t tell any secrets…. I just showed you this awesome photo!   Mom, you have photos on the card, from when you were small to when you graduated and even one in the army!   It’s the coolest thing ever!  

I still don’t get the whole don’t tell your age thing, or don’t ask…. but am told with time I may.   I know my GG-ma won’t mind… she’ll forgive me… cause… I am after all  A D O R A B L E!

Here are a few more photos of my day today.   Hoping you and dad are well.   Me admiring more photography..

Great Grandma may have needed to do some fingerprint removal once I left!

Or maybe more than just fingerprints…

Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, I send you all my love, and hope you have sweet dreams about me, Your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
