Dear Mom and Dad,
This is it in HOCKEYTOWN, a big game day, my spirit stick duties are upon me, and I am rooting for a Red Wing victory for all my co campers and the family here that has been so awesome to me these past months…..
So I had to get in shape … condition, be ready for anything… here I am at my PRE GAME WORK OUT, practicing all my moves… building up my strength..

This excercise is the ZAMBONI, and I have it down no problem, this is what I do when the Red Wings have to keep the puck from going in the net… what is really funny is when I get all the campers to do the Zamboni…
I played most of the day, so I am a little tired, but not too tired to prepare for Game 7.
Being a spirit stick also lets me take my mind off DAY COUNTING….
We are a week away from being together again. It is going to be so nice for us to start our lives, and so hard for my fellow campers – that it’s better to not think too much about it….
So…. I am working on this spirit stick thing as a distraction…. and it works!
Go Wings!
Look I am even making sure to have all my veggies…NOT, I really don’t drink this stuff, but Nana says Mommy used to, so… I thought I would take a photo for you..

I have my moves to practice for during the game, here is the OH NO!

and this is the YAY!

All in all, I have had a great day, playing and working out for my spirit stick duty, truth is, the game is very late, and I will be sound asleep…. but I have so much fun preparing… that it’s kind of like I get to see it. If my Red Wings do the job, it will mean that Cuz Noah’s Sharks will be our next team to defeat…. and that is going to be tough. I know Cuz Noah wants his team to win, and all the campers will be Wing Nuts… and so I will be torn between…. I am an equal opportunity spirit stick though and I say…. one thing for sure…. I will be having fun… cause you and daddy will be here, and I will be showing off all the great things I can do…. we will be so busy playing and rooting together… that who wins won’t really matter…. just that we are all part of the same big family! Until tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
