Baby in Red !

Dear Mom and Dad,

Monday is always a big day, return to work and school for big campers and for me it’s a day that begins the week. This Monday is different as it is my last Monday as a little camper. By the time I see another Monday – my mom and dad will be here! And I will no longer be camping, I will be General Guge!

Yep – when Mommy was at Fort Jackson there was a wooden tower she had to climb. Here at camp I am in the final days of my basic training too- so to speak, and I am conditioning myself and scaling my equipment to get ready for the big moment.

I can tell you this – take a good look at this face. You will see I am saying nothing is going to get between me , mom and dad …. I have got this covered.

Me and my spices are cooking up a storm these days! Can’t wait to make you two mac and cheese!

Until tommorrow please know that I am as always – the little baby in red, your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE , your daughter,


Oh no, where dld TIME go?

Dear Mom and Dad,

I have been thinking about so many things … I have been exploring and spending time with my fellow campers!
Today was red wing hockey and fans were sure they would advance. Sadly they did not and have to play one more time before we will know if they are going to be eliminated or push ahead. Despite the loss it was a great day!

Seems I can smile doing just about anything. Today was kind of of a rest day for everyone. They are all exhausted from finals or an extra work load. Great Aunt Pam will surely be glad when she too can get some rest since she has been pulling double duty fitting in as much Guge Time as possible. After all the final count down to your pot of gold is here and I am so ready!

I think I will keep my site for a while after I move back to Fort Hood if mommy has time to help with my photo shoots. We will see but there is some hope for updates on ” All About Guillianna!”. After all It is All About Me and you know me. Chatterbox that I have been, I have so much to say! I can’t wait to talk. And I know Nana will be happy to write more letters of love all about me! As for now I am in the mood to find Aunt Alyx and Aunt Arrianna, Aunt Allyssa, Aunt Mikayla and Uncle Nick and play play play!

As always your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Are You Ready For Some GUGE time!

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is another Saturday night and I am here to say I do have somebody – LOTS AND LOTS OF SOME BODIES ! Unlike the Sam Cooke version of the song…. I have had one heck of a day! Nana told me you called today. The final countdown to our reunion has begun. Every one that visits the website has been counting down all along but finally –it is right here– May 4th the pot of gold will be at the end of your rainbow our lives together staring us all right in the face and you know what that means- the ‘Guge’ gets excited! My EXCITED FACE!

So in other big news. I am NOT part Saint Bernard! Well, for a while I have been giving Mr. Griffin the 200lb ‘baby’ of the house a run for his money in the drooling department. I am happy to announce I have a new tooth. Yep one of those muncher crunchers has popped thru my lower right jaw! Talk about crazy! I really think the whole business of getting new teeth is over rated but is something I hear helps to eat more big people food! I am always up for that.

Until tomorrow I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


PS. Go Wings. Big game tomorrow – but congratulations Shark fans and Pittsburgh fans as they advance. Tennessee however lost but still has a chance Monday night. The wing nuts will be watching intensely Sunday afternoon! Nana hasn’t a clue how it all plays out cause she is Hockey Challenged but the Wings vs the Sharks! Yikes. I better get Red Wing spirit wear shipped to cuz Noah just in case he is in need !

A Girl A Spitty and Daisies

Deatr Mom and Dad,
My face says it all. Give me one two or three spitty rags and I am a happy baby!”

And if that isn’t fun enough. A duckie makes me laugh!

Funny thing is I can make just about anything fun! Don’t be too shocked at the speed with which I switch between things. There are just so many things to do and so little time!

Daisy anyone? Later I’ll be donning my spirit wear and root for the Wings but for now I’m checking things out and sprouting daisies to brighten your day!

Until tomorrow please know I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
