M & M Babies
Dear Mom and Dad,
Today was a day for play! I have been walking around and running around camp all day. Me with my M&M babies I should say. If you look at each photo today you will see, the babies I am playing with are different colors and where ever I go…. and M&M baby goes with me…
So as I said, where ever I go… a baby goes too.. and I was on the go go go all day!
Mr. Griff keeps a close eye on me at all times.
You will find him where ever I am… watching over me.
St. Bernards are known to be great with kids, and Mr. Griff is proving that every day… he is truly a gentle giant, who looks over me as if I were his baby!
So i think I will try something here…
Maybe Mr. Griff wants to play M&M babies with me… ?
You know… where you carry them you hug them you wrap them up in a blanket…
It’s fun…
at least I think so…
Let’s just see if I can get Mr. Griff into the whole playin’ babies thing….
Well, he really isn’t much for playin’ babies, but he is my gaurdian watch dog… always keeping an eye out for me!
Here I am in other photos of the day for you to see… hope you and Daddy are well, and know that I miss and love you.
Your LITTLE MISS ADORABE , your daughter,
P.S. I just want Great Aunt Pam, and all the other campers to know… you were so much fun to play with. Thanks for everything you do to make my days at Camp Nana…. extra special and full of love! Today was so much fun!