Oh, My! Nana-what a day!

Dear Mom and Dad…

It is JANUARY 24th …. it is GREAT GRUMPY’S 84th birthday!   Happy Birthday to you… Happy Birthday to the Grump.  Happy Birthday Dear Grumpy… HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!   Now let’s eat cake… I can show you how to do this Grumpy!  Here I have a little present for you… it’s a photo of you and I…

So do you never looked so good as you did in this photo… with my by your side.. it was the best photo you’d ever taken I am sure…

And let me say Great Grandma Sally, well she and I are doing our part to make you look GORGEOUS!

Happy 84th dear Grumpy!  

All our love from Camp Nana, from Mom and Dad in the land of sand, to all of us Michiganders in this MITTEN STATE!    Washington State is lucky to have such a handsome and intelligent guy living there!   We all miss you both, and hope the year is full of things that make a GREAT GRUMPY …. SMILE!   You have seen much, and accomplished much in 84 years… but I have been told that te 85th year is where it really all begins!   So fasten your safety belt, and let’s go Grumpy!

Let’s start your 85th year MAGICALLY with the best part of anyone’s day… ME!  I started the day with getting some formula and diapers and bringing some bagels back for all the camper today, and while out MOMMY CALLED!   The campers loved the morning snack, and I of course was a hero!

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY ITTY BITTY LIFE, I have to say, I have an itty bitty butt rash… yep, and Nana, is always changing me… but it seems that it may be due to teething!   Yep they say it can happen, between eating so many new foods, and teething too, but let’s just say this is a first for me.   We will get it checked if it is not gone tomorrow.

I played and played  – once our errands were done.  I had reading time..

then there was all kinds of “spring” cleaning I felt like doing…

 and after cleaning… there is FRENCH LESSONS WITH AUNT ARRI  …

Aside from a little butt rash, I had another stupendous day… and I have to say… the rash thing… well you know Nana, she is freakin… she takes great pride in pampering the Princess Bottom, and well I may now be getting even MORE DIAPER CHANGES AND MORE PASTE!   Great…  is there a record for quickest change after princess presents are packaged?  Cause, I think I already get a bazillion diaper changes a day… (so what is a bazillion and one?)    I thank you for calling me today, and I know it makes all the campers happy to hear your voice, and know you are both doing well.   Until tomorrow, please know I am as always, YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your sweet daughter,




Dear Mom and Dad,

Some time ago, I wrote you of the LIBRARY BEING CHANGED INTO MY PLAYROOM.   Well, it seems I have outgrown that space.  Not that I am not keeping it as my own…  cause…. I am!

Today I noticed, not only is the LIBRARY MINE.   By the way, boy do I love books.  I love story time, and some books  (my favorites) Nana will read over and over for me!    I have not mastered books with soft pages yet, I want to be a little rough… and tear them, but board books… WOW!  Love ’em!  


The FAMILY ROOM  is ALSO  MINE  as it is AFTER ALL  the main room for my days with Nana since she cannot do stairs or get about as much as she should… but now … and added bonus,  THE BASEMENT IS MINE!  Thank you Uncle Nick for moving back to Camp during my transitional period here…. I love my  – YES MY – flat screen TVthat  you have so graciously donated and shared with me ( and I use the term ‘shared’ loosely).  It plays all my favorite shows and DVD’s.  I love the soft and cuddly couch!  I also am pretty fond of the TOYS THAT ABOUND SINCE MOM, DAD AND SANTA CAME TO VISIT!   I have my own PRINCESS PLAYGROUND!

So this is my PRINCESS PAD these days… groovy huh?  Here is my photo shoot.

Not that I have to tell anyone this… here… but you do know who is the boss down here… right?

Well, a full day today.  Nana packed up some things for Great Papa, and we gave them to him earlier today.  I have to say… going to see Great Papa was fun.  I love the elephant toy and clowns at their house.   BUT I MISSED GG-MA!  It is very wierd to be there without her there too.   Miss you and you two will be back together soon!  Boy oh boy does Papa miss GG-ma, you can see it on his face!  Ahhhh…. ‘young’ love!   Well Mom and Dad, it sure is lucky that you and daddy are together there in the land of sand… to be without me, and eachother would be even harder.  This way you have each other to make you smile… and photos of me of course!   Until tomorrow… please know I am as always, YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE… YOUR SWEET BABY GIRL, your daughter,



Dear Mom and Dad,

Here I am looking at my own reflection! Telling myself… YOU ARE ADORABLE!

With Great Grandma in Florida, we don’t meet with all the campers  and myself for FRIDAY FUN NITE, and it is just not the same.   Nana misses it, so does Poppy and … let’s just say… we need to some how find a way to connect FLORIDA TO MICHIGAN AND CALIFORNIA !   While at it, lets connect Tennessee Texas and Pennsylvania and Washington state too.   Hmmm..  that would look pretty crazy!  California, Michigan,  Washington, and Florida, with Tennessee, Texas and Pennsylvania…  weird huh?  But it sure would make things easier!   SPECIAL NOTE TO CUZ MISSY… HERE’S MY PLAN!  I want everyone to know  I am not alienating all of the other states out there, just know …. I am only showing the few that I need IMMEDIATE  access to!    AND MY WEB PAGE ISNT BIG ENOUGH FOR ME TO COMPLETELY  RE ARRANGE ALL OF THE OTHERS…. BUT YOU GET THE IDEA!    MAYBE if at Fort Hood Texas should be in the middle… but what about all those GREAT LAKES…oh Nana, I know how you love the lakes?


I had an awesome day…. look how much fun I had getting all my ducks in a row…(wonder who taught me that?)

Nana says… I am lookin’ for trouble here… I say… I am just being cute and adorable.  Nana agrees… she just can’t get enough of this face!  This laugh, and these cheeks…WHICH I FEAR SHE WILL KISS OFF SOON!  Send instruction for her to stop please!

Well, Mom and Dad, as you can see, things here are pretty much the same….I smile and all of camp smiles with me… and to prove it… here is one more shot of me today…  tell me does it make you smile?

Maybe Nana, Poppy and the campers lean towards being non objective in this… after all they get to hang with all this cuteness every day.. but  they seem to think I have the magic touch… and dare anyone to spend just a few moments each day pondering the photos on my page… only to leave feeling better, happier, and just a bit blessed for seeing pure and innocent happiness.   I pass my pure innocent happiness to you and all the soldiers serving… hoping it gets you through one more day, or one more night, until I, write you again, and say, as always,  I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, YOUR Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow, awaiting your return…your sweet daughter,    




TO ALL THE CAMPERS… Nana is sorry she has been so tired.  I think I will let her sleep a bit more tonight…and we have a weekend of fun ahead.  I am sure of it.   Great job at school, and keep ‘your head in the box’…. everything will work out… Nana knows mom and dad have so much to think about and she has not forgot that you are all working hard too.   She knows we are all keeping camp going and making it so fun…and that we are all cheering Mom and Dad on,  she  says…THANK YOU to all of her camper helpers.

Is there a Shark at Camp Nana?

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is THURSDAY, and Great Aunt Pam, came all the way to Camp to see me…. good thing too, cause after yesterday and my excursions, Nana was so exhausted.   I think she is happy to have a rest at camp day.   Great Aunt Pam came out after work and she played and played with me until Poppy came home from work.  NANA loved her company and help! 

Earlier today I got a bath… and was fresh and smelled so sweet from the lotion you sent to me!

Don’t I look awesome!

I am feeling awesome, and doing even better.  Everyone here at Camp Nana is in agreement with Aunt Nori… we will LET Nana call this place “Camp Nana” but we all know who really calls the shots here… at my army brat central here in the Mitten State…  for me it’s CAMP LE GUGE!  What I want, when I want, and all in good moderation… no over indulgence here.. just lots of love and people everywhere wishing me the best… IT IS…. AS THEY SAY… ALL GOOD!


The best part about camp I think is that all the bigger campers, as well as Poppy and Nana, are well aware of time… they know it is passing fast, and that our days and nights of  FOLLOW THE GUGE, OR Guillianna Says! are few.  They are making the most of it.   They are all relishing in every single moment, and we are all happy.   No one really knows the exact day I will move home with you and daddy…but they will be happy then too, knowing that I am finally with you.. and that “my true life” with you and daddy will BEGIN!    It’s all  going to be good… and we will all be in a Win/Win situation!  So you ask… how was the day?   Well let’s see..

Here I am with Great Aunt Pam, and maybe you can see how much fun we have.

She loves me to pieces… and well, RIGHT BACK ATTCHA AUNT PAM… RIGHT BACK ATTCHA!

After a long day at work, she comes over and has smiles and energy for me… that I just love…. Thank you … xoxoxox!  She even got on the ground and played Guillianna Says! with me and the campers!  So fun!

Oh, I see…

Eating it works…

Especially when it seems I am getting more teeth….

on the bottom, Nana says I am a little Shark…

and yes… I nibble a bit..

no real drama though… just a little Nibbler every once in a while… between being  A  Horse, A  Sheep, A Dog, A Cow, I am now also A SHARK!

A very cute and adorable little array of animals…

I love you both very much, and hope that until I write again tomorrow, I am as always, your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your sweet and happy little baby girl…
