Traveling Back to Camp Nana!
Dear Mom and Dad,
I am back at Camp Nana, and let me tell you…. I am really very happy to be here. The zoo animals missed me something terrible. I am in my crib waiting for you to check in on me. We unpacked all my princess necessities, and have settled in. On the way back to camp we surprised Great Aunt Ida and Cuz Nanc with a visit, it was so nice, but the ‘beast’ aka Mr. Nikon, stayed in the car so no photos… darn! Thank you so much for having all the campers and I in to your home on short notice. Today, I was ready to go to ‘the hop’, in my dancing shoes and skirt today. Yes, I said THE HOP, cause well, thats the way it looked. See what you think….
The only thing missing from my outfit below, is a Poodle on my skirt, (for my readers who remember, since mom and dad most certainly cannot!) but no matter what Nana puts me in… I make it look good….
I didn’t sleep much today, not even in the car… just 20 minutes in the morning before we went home,and 20 minutes in the car. I know you will be shocked at this little tidbit, but Nana did bring enough for me to do for the entire trip, toys, toys and more toys, and yes there is always the singing… lots and lots of singing…, (4 hours worth, aaarrrggghhh) I was an angel, except for the last ten minutes, when I wanted a bob, and it was a bit too cold… so… yes I shed a tear or two… but once at camp with Mr. Griff, Justice and Libby, as well as all the kitties… I was fine. Hope you enjoyed my new “peek a guge” game( that’s what I like to to call it… ) on video… I played it quite a bit in the car with Nana… and am just soaking up stuff like a sponge. Every day it seems I am more and more into the toys you and daddy sent me. Learning how to work them all. It is so much fun for me to figure out how to get them to make sounds. And when I tire of toys there are always the other campers willing to play a game. This game is very cool and I have an advantage… we call it BIG CHEEKS!
Uncle Nick, Aunt Mikayla and I playing the new game…. we see WHO HAS THE BIGGEST CHEEKS… I am trying to squish thiers in so I can win. DIDN’T NANA TELL THEM THE BABY PRINCESS SHOULD ALWAYS WIN! I won though you can be sure… I got them both with my ‘sneak attack’.
We have had a very busy few days, and a special visit with GG-ma and Great Papa. In a few weeks I will be going to visit Great Grandma Sally and Grumpy for a special visit. And then pretty soon after that, I am told you two will be here for some R&R, which no longer means REST AND RELAXATION but instead is…. “READY? RUUUUUUNNNNNNN! ” Here I am waiting for a dance partner…. I will hold a special dance card, (again mom and dad are WAY too young to remember those)…. but I have dances reserved with both daddy and you when you come.
Well, I hope you are both well and doing as well as can be expected …under the circumstances. Nana has much work to do on my website, she crashed it down when we were away for a few hours, but all was not lost, and we were able to get help bringing it back up.
I hope you and mommy can still see YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, and that everything is restored there in the land of sand. If you or anyone is having difficulty you will have to let her know….But all should be well… I hope. I have such important stuff to get out in my love letters that I will insist she fix it asapp. (As soon as Princess Possible) Until tomorrow, I am – as always – your little princess, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,